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Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

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Having the same issue here, even when running the Arma3GU executable. I'd prefer a fix to this over running dev branch through steam and main through updater as I'm not in a position to redownload main branch if something messes up.

The way i resolved this was to have Arma3 in my main steam client set to Dev branch. And the Arma3GU set as the stable branch, otherwise Tanoa would now work as i think the Arma3GU will not work due steam license or steam issue.

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With regards to the "glowing" ghillies, if you think about it, and why they are it makes sense, but not in a good way.

They are using the default rvmats from the original game, which was by all account open and well lit terrains in Altis and Stratis, where there was for the most, normal ambient light and therefore the rvmats worked well as they were balanced.

Head deep into the jungle and dense woodland and the first thing that should happen is it should become a lot more darker as there's less ambient light even in real life, walk into a heavily wooded area where the trees block out the majority of sunlight, it gets dark, but it doesn't work that way on Tanoa, the light sources remains pretty constant and the ambient light appears to be far greater than it would be in real life.

During dark hours it should be almost pitch black in the jungle, and NVG's are shit as there not enough ambient light for them to work properly, whilst Tanoa looks awesome, the jungle need to be darker compared to the open areas by a good bit, the rvmats need to be changed or how they work on default vehicles and characters need to toned down to reduce that shiny look, and look more natural. I'm away from my laptop just now, to compare my own uniform rvmats to default.

But I can see it's going to be an issue as what looks fine on one map, is going to look out of place on another if they cannot swap out rvmats on the fly, perhaps default characters will need 2 sets of rvmats, one for the Agean region, and one for the more dense and jungle regions?

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But I can see it's going to be an issue as what looks fine on one map, is going to look out of place on another if they cannot swap out rvmats on the fly, perhaps default characters will need 2 sets of rvmats, one for the Agean region, and one for the more dense and jungle regions?

They did mention in the latest Tanoa Dev Video that all default Arma3 units, weapons and vehicles will get new camo sets so that they will work with new environment. This would certainly address your concerns. 

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ghillies use DXT5 maps with alpha reportedly... And those map types do not receive shadows due to a bug that's been around for a long time

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More of a curiousity question, but what are the official names for the main 5 islands? I know about half of the smaller ones have specific names on the map, but the big 5 don't. It'd be helpful to have those included for planning phases.

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many many new objects dont have roadway lods, that makes it impossible to climb/jump them and trying so will result in capturing you inside the same old invisible floating vortex.

question to the devs: will you forever keep arma so that  you make it impossible for climbing/jumping mods to be functionally consistent and enjoyable eventhough you could avoid the most clipping issues by simply adding roadway lods to things like garbage containers?
please dont carry these kind of legacy design flaws into future installments. make it a new design guideline instead to make stuff solid and consistent so that you can jump/climb on them if you could do so in real live, its long overdue.

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Anyone knows what effect is used in the new intro scenes? The one that darkens the screen borders?

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Are females confirmed?


It looks like some sort of dress to me......

Damn it as I said we have transsexuals. Arma 3 is the most gender neutral game ever!

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Nothing to do with AMD CPUs


I sport a core i5 2500K oced to 4.9 Ghz (this shit is fast) and the same problem occurs when aiming with a scope in the jungle, heavy performance hit. "It is a bug"


Don't think so ;) .

Core i7 2600K @4.7 and AMD 7950@1175. Same issue as you have. Did some tests and eventually ended up with conclusion that AA ant ATOC are killers for jungle. At least for AMD 7950's.


Smooth 50-60FPS jungle with no zoom. When zoom it goes 40-55 and while in Marshall's scope as low as 15-20 with following:



ATOC: Trees and grass

PPAA: SMAA Standard

Other: Ultra @100%

AO: Disabled


Now, with these there is 60FPS no matterr what I do and zoom


AA: Disabled

ATOC: Disabled

PPAA: SMAA Standard

Other: Ultra @100%

AO: Disabled


I do agree when AA and ATOC have been disabled game looks like crap, and like beyond 2000. Jungle foliage is made differently than houses and regular woods, that's why there is 60fps on Altis even in multiplayer. 

So, Arma3 Tano is AA demanding. GPU is on 100% load just running around Tanoa, while Altis in multiplayer gives cca 75% GPU load

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So, Arma3 Tano is AA demanding. GPU is on 100% load just running around Tanoa, while Altis in multiplayer gives cca 75% GPU load

Given Arma has traditionally been CPU-bound with most modern GPUs under-utilized that actually sounds like progress. Won't make the simulation run faster but at least hardware is better utilized (to good effect).

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Given Arma has traditionally been CPU-bound with most modern GPUs under-utilized that actually sounds like progress. Won't make the simulation run faster but at least hardware is better utilized (to good effect).

Having said that, CPU load is never < 60%.

This gives room for next stage of Arma3 development. Which IMO should be mid textures, particle effects, object destructions and "removal of star wars tracers" :)

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I know it's already been said not to expect more in the way of interiors but it's a really noticeable downgrade from altis. It would be great to have a few enterable floors on the skyscrapers and a staircase to the roof so they feel more part of the world than pretty props. Considering that those buildings stand out quite a bit and are very uncommon (one is unique as far as I can tell). Wouldn't need much beyond a lobby, an unused office floor and a maintenance level for it to feel real without decoration.

I know my expectations have obviously been raised massively due to altis (even though I'm still hoping for more opened large buildings) but considering how important structures are in warfare it's a bit irritating. Would probably be okay with it if there were a few ghost hotel style unique buildings

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Don't think so ;) .

Core i7 2600K @4.7 and AMD 7950@1175. Same issue as you have. Did some tests and eventually ended up with conclusion that AA ant ATOC are killers for jungle. At least for AMD 7950's.

Smooth 50-60FPS jungle with no zoom. When zoom it goes 40-55 and while in Marshall's scope as low as 15-20 with following:

This is a post from some dynamic handsome bastard in rc 1.60 before tanoa release. It's something I only noticed going from 1.58 to 1.60.

Testing rc vanilla no mods.

Mission bis official end game bis server.

Noticed a large drop in frames 60 down to 42. Everytime I went into scope view.

Could be any number of reasons for this. So if any of you are on rc and can check this be appreciated.[/www ]

This was offline in scenario and mp. Using an nvidia gtx 970.

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We like all the feedback: positive, negative, bug reports, feelings, experiences ... or no feedback, because you rather just get your first impressions in silence, or wait for the full release. There are no obligations, but we appreciate every contribution that leads to a better release and future support. Consider using Feedback Tracker for specific bugs or glitches, but mainly just keep it up ... and thanks!  :cheers:

DnA, just to confirm does this also include misplaced objects, because personnaly i dont see those as bugs... But that is up to you guys OFC.

Anyway, i love Tanoa, keep it up, cant wait for the full APEX release!!! :D :D

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Question : Can we expect a greater number of buildings , in which you can enter ?

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Question : Can we expect a greater number of buildings , in which you can enter ?

Current answer going around is no - it was mentioned in a Tweet a couple of days ago from @ArmA3Official and referenced some writing in a previous SITREP.

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I went to revisit Altis, and what struck me almost instantly is that the perception of the climate is missing on Tanoa;

Maybe... Thick clouds, lots of rain (rain on the roof sound is a nice touch btw.) and maybe a bit of ground fog is for me the mixture which Tanoa works best.

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I'm actually quite disappointed that some of the Garage's aren't openable. Like this one.




Where as a handful of other garages are openable, but are placed to where use of the garage would be less ideal. Could you perhaps make the doors on these openable as well, based on it's value for gameplay.?

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can we at least expect the buildings you can enter to be furnished at some point in the future?

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I'm actually quite disappointed that some of the Garage's aren't openable. Like this one.




Where as a handful of other garages are openable, but are placed to where use of the garage would be less ideal. Could you perhaps make the doors on these openable as well, based on it's value for gameplay.?


I'd like working doors on these objects too. They are already structures with interiors.

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can we at least expect the buildings you can enter to be furnished at some point in the future?


Only in missions, certainly not in the map straight out of the box.

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I'm actually quite disappointed that some of the Garage's aren't openable. Like this one.




Where as a handful of other garages are openable, but are placed to where use of the garage would be less ideal. Could you perhaps make the doors on these openable as well, based on it's value for gameplay.?

I agree 100%.  Garages with a door half-way down that can't be used to store a vehicle are a bummer.  We want to be able to hide vehicles in garages, preferably with functioning doors.

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