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Hey LJ, did you notice that you hear the 155mm Scorcher arty shell flyover sound after the shells have hit the ground, instead of before?

Kinda weird, or am I the only one noticing this?



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Well that's true but basically we talk about a jet... And you don't switch gears with a turbine... You either speed up rpm or decrease.

I understand the problem he has and it's sadly a thing I cannot change. The sounds will be triggered when a certain level of thrust and speed is given. Then the controller regulate the volume. But they do not look for either a starting or a landing plane. It is just checking rpm and thrust levels... And speed of the plane.

With these controller I'm able to make a really nice start to fly sound that sounds great... But it does not work in all conditions very well.

I think it's a part we have to live with actually.


Actually-disregard what I said about the chopper sound. It is really really good-I especially like the Blackfoot.  Oh-and the assault boat/rubber boat thing-it sounds fantastic! I used to really hate the sound of that thing vanilla , but it is far quieter and more stealthy now. Much better for covert shore landings at night :D

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Hey LJ, did you notice that you hear the 155mm Scorcher arty shell flyover sound after the shells have hit the ground, instead of before?

Kinda weird, or am I the only one noticing this?




I guess the sleeping time infront of the samples are too long then. I have to give it a check...



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Vehicles seem really quiet in comparison to the guns/explosions. They sound great, but they can be hard to hear even when nothing else is going on. It feels like an MBT driving 20M past me should be louder than about 33% as loud as my handgun. Also had incidents where BTR-Ks were able to get 50M behind us without us hearing them. At least in comparison to prior versions of JSRS they seem quiet, but if this is more close to reality than so be it.


The same applies to jets, I'll have an A-164 firing his main cannon directly behind me at enemies just 100M in front of me. It sounds like he's around 2-1KM out in both gun and engine noise and suddenly he's doing a 70M flyby over my head and I can still hear myself think.

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Vehicles seem really quiet in comparison to the guns/explosions. They sound great, but they can be hard to hear even when nothing else is going on. It feels like an MBT driving 20M past me should be louder than about 33% as loud as my handgun. Also had incidents where BTR-Ks were able to get 50M behind us without us hearing them. At least in comparison to prior versions of JSRS they seem quiet, but if this is more close to reality than so be it.


The same applies to jets, I'll have an A-164 firing his main cannon directly behind me at enemies just 100M in front of me. It sounds like he's around 2-1KM out in both gun and engine noise and suddenly he's doing a 70M flyby over my head and I can still hear myself think.

That sounds odd, could be the setup that your currently running? what do you have sound wise?

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That sounds odd, could be the setup that your currently running? what do you have sound wise?

That is odd. I'm just using Sennheiser headphones with no dedicated sound cards.I can hear tracked vehicles from at least 400mtrs away and choppers from about 1Km

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That is odd. I'm just using Sennheiser headphones with no dedicated sound cards.I can hear tracked vehicles from at least 400mtrs away and choppers from about 1Km

Yeah the sound cards can really destroy some effects. I suggest on board Realtek driver and it works well for me...


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That sounds odd, could be the setup that your currently running? what do you have sound wise?


audio-technica ATH-A900X on a Xonar DGX and then some cheap speakers w/ sub woofer on my mobo (Z170-x Gaming-3) with Realtek drivers. Both have the same volume for vehicles. I can hear vehicles at distance of over a 500M for heavy tanks, several KM for jets/Helis, but when they get up close they don't seem to get loud enough, at least in comparison to prior versions of JSRS. The vehicle sounds themselves are amazing, I love them, it just feels too quiet when up close.

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That is odd. I'm just using Sennheiser headphones with no dedicated sound cards.I can hear tracked vehicles from at least 400mtrs away and choppers from about 1Km

This is realistic. Off course it depends of few factors, but choppers should be audiable of (in game) distance 1 - 1.5KM. Tracked vehicles are loud enought to be hearable from even 500M.

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This is realistic. Off course it depends of few factors, but choppers should be audiable of (in game) distance 1 - 1.5KM. Tracked vehicles are loud enought to be hearable from even 500M.

I know it's realistic-I was saying it is all working perfectly for me. the previous poster said he could not hear vehicles from 50 mtrs sometimes and I was confirming that it seems to be an issue on his end.


Everything is perfect with JSRS for me-I can hear everything from large distances just as it should be. I think i was a bit unclear in my last post :D

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LJ now DragonFyre looks very good. just some thoughts...

In recent versions were improved to the sounds of destruction of buildings.

Now it looks great. Also, It would be great if you improved the sound of breaking glass. In vanilla game this sound is almost not noticeable if distance > 7-10 m. Unfortunately on the background of your powerful sounds, sound of glass destruction doesn't look good.

During the battle in any city, many windows are broken, please make fun for the player.

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Hi LordJarhead, I've been out of the loop for a while so apologies if this has been asked already (I did search!) but do you have any plans to update the RHS sound replacements to Eden? Really enjoying Dragonfyre a lot and would appreciate the option to use non-vanilla stuff too! 


Thanks again for all your awesome work!

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Just something to bring to your attention LJ, at current dev branch there seem to be some changes to the ambient sounds, or rather, how they're being triggered as far as I can tell.

When running with JSRS there's all weird ambient sounds being played with no specific order, slamming fences when in the middle of a forest etc. Without JSRS it sounds about right.


Maybe they changed some configs for how ambient sounds are being played, interfering with your mod.


Now with dev-branch being dev-branch hard to tell if they're about to change that but you might wanna look into this before it hits stable branch (wouldn't be the first time for odd stuff to land in stable, would it?).



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Yes, i got rain sounds in desert, some applause sound (?), wind like on storm, even on sunny weather etc.

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LJ a quick question mate, how compatible are the older sounds with the current JSRS Eden?

Reason being is I like to play ArmA quite loud but the current sonic cracks in DF Eden are just too loud, so much so I think I will start to lose my hearing lol. But I found the sonic cracks in Dragonfyre 2.5 (previous release) to be perfect volume.


If I redownload DF2.5 and copy the sonic cracks over to DF EDEN will they work as intended or are the sound configurations or however they made cause problems with DF Eden?



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The sound configuration is different then the elder releases sadly and wont work just like that.


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The sound configuration is different then the elder releases sadly and wont work just like that.


Damn that's a shame. Well while I'm here if possible can I put in a request to include an optional pbo for quieter sonic cracks for a future release. The volume of DF2.5 was perfect. It would just be good for us old guys who like to play arma at full volume.

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Damn that's a shame. Well while I'm here if possible can I put in a request to include an optional pbo for quieter sonic cracks for a future release. The volume of DF2.5 was perfect. It would just be good for us old guys who like to play arma at full volume.


I might be deaf... but I play on full volume and have no problem... actually I think they are a little to quiet in some situations :P But I get what you mean, the close ones are a little to intrusive and pushy I think. Same goes for the close explosion effects, those are from a pool that get applied to all explosions. They make sense when you have big explosions like Mortar, Rockets or Missiles or even Arty rounds hitting the ground next to you, but when you get attacked by a Kajman with his 30mm Caseless cannon and have like 20 explosions almost within a second around you, its freaking blowing my speakers :X  I didn't noticed it before until I had a play some days ago :O


This plus some minor tweaks, and the upcoming engine and sound changes by BIS on their DEV build, and then I'll make a new update and finish this masterpiece of JSRS. Which I think it is, my best work so far.


Thanks for not letting this thread and topic die people :D :)



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Thanks for not letting this thread and topic die people :D :)




Just because the people don't comment, doesn't mean the people aren't enjoying this modification immensely.......can't you feel the contentment?  

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Just because the people don't comment, doesn't mean the people aren't enjoying this modification immensely.......can't you feel the contentment?  


No posts nor feedback are the best sign I guess :P



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OK my feedback specially for LJ
- Leave explosions loud as they are, even increase their loudness in distance, for bigger caliber (arty, bombs) give some Deeper (more bass) sound
- Create additional (optional) PBO with silencer Sonic Cracks.

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OK my feedback specially for LJ

- Leave explosions loud as they are, even increase their loudness in distance, for bigger caliber (arty, bombs) give some Deeper (more bass) sound

- Create additional (optional) PBO with silencer Sonic Cracks.


What are silencer sonic cracks? You mean quieter cracks?.


I dont want to release too many optional files, people just get confused again :X



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No posts nor feedback are the best sign I guess :P



Mod threads tend to be quieter when everything works as intended. ;)


I am perfectly happy with the latest version, as far as I'm concerned. One thing I dig about JSRS is the total absence of annoying sounds : I can't stand walking more than five minutes with vanilla footsteps, but I could do so for five hours straight with Dragonfyre! :D

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What are silencer sonic cracks? You mean quieter cracks?.


I dont want to release too many optional files, people just get confused again :X



Yeah, those sonick cracks as you done with some previous versions of release.

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The only other thing LJ is the lightening strikes, they are just your normal explosion sounds. It is kind of odd seeing Zeus set off a lightening strike only for it to make the same sound as a grenade exploding. A proper lightening strike crack sound would be good.

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