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guys, are these normal RHS sounds, or is this a bug on my end?


because they sound way worse than vanilla.


It's no bug, it's the normal sound.

The tails of all RHS weapons are actually more realistic than the vanilla ones.

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Yeah-I really would not call that a bug as it sounds fantastic :)  RHS sounds with BI's new shaders and trails sound basically perfect. I know Lax said he will be doing some tweaking when the game is not being updated so frequently-then I think all will be amazing.

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RHS has gotten the closest I've found to gunfire sounding correct. i remember when i first heard it at the ranges. I was about 300 - 400 meters away from the shooters to the side, and when they were firing it was like a pop then what sounded like a propeller model airplane going along kinda like a pffffffffaaawww sound (if anyone else has another way to describe it i'd be interested). I remember thinking 'damn...that's a really disappointing sound' hahahaha.

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i remember when i first heard it at the ranges. I was about 300 - 400 meters away from the shooters to the side, and when they were firing it was like a pop then what sounded like a propeller model airplane going along kinda like a pffffffffaaawww sound (if anyone else has another way to describe it i'd be interested). I remember thinking 'damn...that's a really disappointing sound' hahahaha.

That's funny, I had a similar experience, in the military academy the first day I entered (about the prehistory times), I heard the 5.56 from the building's range and I thought they were children's fireworks  :D

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That's funny, I had a similar experience, in the military academy the first day I entered (about the prehistory times), I heard the 5.56 from the building's range and I thought they were children's fireworks  :D

LOL..remind me of my first range day back on the pre-prehistory ( :P ) times when I served in the Paratroopers. We do used to shoot 7.62 NATO back then....and sure they sound like some serious MF big Ka-boooms.... :D ..HAHAHAH..same experience..opposite outcomes...

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It's no bug, it's the normal sound.

The tails of all RHS weapons are actually more realistic than the vanilla ones.


Wait, Im not really familiar with the terminology, but tails refers to things like the reverb effect in forests and indoors right? The distance based stuff is something else entirely, isnt it? I like the RHS sounds, but I'd love to see the distance based effect in the mod somewhere down the line.

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Wait, Im not really familiar with the terminology, but tails refers to things like the reverb effect in forests and indoors right? The distance based stuff is something else entirely, isnt it? I like the RHS sounds, but I'd love to see the distance based effect in the mod somewhere down the line.

AFAIR you can hear that already ;)

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Hey guys, the Salvo function on the BM-21's is amazing. Is there any way to command all BM-21's in a section or platoon to fire that way? As it stands the fire artillery command only can fire up to 4 rockets.

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AFAIR you can hear that already ;)

The tails or the distance based stuff?

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FYI your first three photobucket image links aren't working (since photobucket is a jerk), though I can see the other pictures in the album from the fourth working link or adding .html at the end. Though I'd suggest using imgur over photobucket in general — less problems with direct links vs lightbox page "direct" links like what happened here, plus imgur doesn't try to fuck you over when saving images.

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the new textures for the AK74M are outstanding! :459:

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FYI your first three photobucket image links aren't working (since photobucket is a jerk), though I can see the other pictures in the album from the fourth working link or adding .html at the end. Though I'd suggest using imgur over photobucket in general — less problems with direct links vs lightbox page "direct" links like what happened here, plus imgur doesn't try to fuck you over when saving images.

I fixed it. I'm just too stubborn to move on. lol
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It's no bug, it's the normal sound.

The tails of all RHS weapons are actually more realistic than the vanilla ones.

But they retain exactly the same sound over mid and long distances? Up close yeah they do sound more realistic but over distance they definitely sound off. Outside in areas with mountains either sides or in forests there are no reverbs at all?

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Would there be any possibly for a M24A2 or M24A3? (As well as a M40 for the USMC)?


If not, could a recommendation for one of those in a different mod (preferably of high quality and usable in ACE Adv. Ballistics)?

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Would there be any possibly for a M24A2 or M24A3? (As well as a M40 for the USMC)?


If not, could a recommendation for one of those in a different mod (preferably of high quality and usable in ACE Adv. Ballistics)?

A screenshot of the M40Asomething (I think) was posted a while back, so consider it (or similar) probably in the works.

Don't ask about ACE, that has been covered so many times...

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Would there be any possibly for a M24A2 or M24A3? (As well as a M40 for the USMC)?

It's probable, at least two of those you mentioned. :)

If not, could a recommendation for one of those in a different mod (preferably of high quality and usable in ACE Adv. Ballistics)?

I'm afraid this is the wrong thread, we are not part of the ACE dev team, nor are involved in the development of their mod, we have enough on our plate creating content for RHS :)

But I'm sure the nice people at ACE will take note of your recommendation if you forward it to them.

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After arma 3 v1.6 update,I got this message...QAQ...


If you look ONE post above your you would see the RHS devs saying this is not the thread for asking about ACE issues.Which is what your error is-you are running one of the ACE/RHS compatibility files without something it needs.

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But they retain exactly the same sound over mid and long distances? Up close yeah they do sound more realistic but over distance they definitely sound off. Outside in areas with mountains either sides or in forests there are no reverbs at all?

Is this a question about real life?

If yes, checdk this video, you can hear how the gun shots sound very different from a distance.


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It's probable, at least two of those you mentioned. :)

I'm afraid this is the wrong thread, we are not part of the ACE dev team, nor are involved in the development of their mod, we have enough on our plate creating content for RHS :)

But I'm sure the nice people at ACE will take note of your recommendation if you forward it to them.


I don't really care about the Adv. Ballistics part (Because that deals with ACE and I already know the answer to that. I am more concerned about if RHS plans to release more sniper rifles. That and where I can find other high quality ones.

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Is this a question about real life?

If yes, checdk this video, you can hear how the gun shots sound very different from a distance.


In the video you linked the .50 sounded pretty different from the distant shot, but in that zeus video that dude linked all of the weapons are making the same sound throughout the whole panning out. I don't know the specifics about which new sound features have been updated for RHS, but it seems the RHS sounds kinda just get quieter and fall off.


Like I said, I don't know the specifics so I'm not implying anything, I'm just making an observation from my experience and the videos you lads linked.

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I don't really care about the Adv. Ballistics part (Because that deals with ACE and I already know the answer to that. I am more concerned about if RHS plans to release more sniper rifles.


That and where I can find other high quality ones.

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An small update regarding the M4 Block II's and the Mk18's.

Soul Assassin has done an amazing job updating the DD (RIS) II rails with new accurate models to replace the older models used from the RHARD Mk18 pack.

They will come in the standard Black and Brown versions as well as Desert painted and something more fitting to everyone's upcoming island holiday...


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An small update regarding the M4 Block II's and the Mk18's.

Soul Assassin has done an amazing job updating the DD (RIS) II rails with new accurate models to replace the older models used from the RHARD Mk18 pack.

They will come in the standard Black and Brown versions as well as Desert painted and something more fitting to everyone's upcoming island holiday...

They're lovely! But please, don't change any classnames! :D

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