Crierd 24 Posted January 7, 2015 I have noticed that explosions such as artillery and the like at a distance are very muffled. They are even more quiet than for instance a Mk19 hitting the same spot. I think it's only playing the muffled sounds much like the grenade in the video previously posted as a bug report. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted January 7, 2015 someone reported before that the gunshots/ sonic cracks are very loud compared to the other sfx. this is happening with me also, is there a way to fix/reduce the volume. my brain almost exploded haha. sounded good tho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DGeorge85 10 Posted January 7, 2015 ............... WOW, so a bunch of people bitch about the slow download speed and the no mirror clause.. but im singled out about it and told to get out.. your all too funny, so I laughed out loud. i shall go no where as i have done nothing wrong. thanks for the mod though shall enjoy it thoroughly! I never said i didnt appreciate your hard work. again though, big suprise on being singled out for saying the same thing that several others have... again, lol at that ... off too play the game, thanks again! :) Further down in his post he clearly acknowledged the fact that there was a lot of bitching, and if it were me I'd have handled it no differently. The way I see it, you clearly made it more personal than the rest of the generic bitching I've seen. In doing so you came off as an ungrateful punk. He simply took the time to respond and treated you as such, and now you are surprised? As for the sound pack, the only real criticism I have thus far has to do with the lack of sonic cracks as the shooter. The silenced weapon sounds are really nice, as is the sonic crack itself if, for example, you switch to 3rd person view and swing around to the front, but shouldn't we hear more crack and it's echo/reverb from first person as well? I don't seem to be getting any of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted January 7, 2015 (edited) personal how?? dgeorge by pointing out that anyone seeding has violated the license.(before it was edited). the funny thing here is the bandwagoneers... bottom line is people were talking about seeding a mod that CLEARLY stated it couldn't be.(again, before it was edited). and then i stated the irony of the highly anticipated mod being highly restricted in its availability.. i didnt make it personal someone else clearly caught feelings.. oh well.. but luckly there are the lil fanboys to retort. again i laugh. assumptions all around hats off to you! on to the mod.. its great thanks again!! still playing! Edited January 7, 2015 by Lordprimate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ti0n3r Posted January 7, 2015 Thank you for this Jardhead & co. I love you. :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Linkage 10 Posted January 7, 2015 (edited) As for the sound pack, the only real criticism I have thus far has to do with the lack of sonic cracks as the shooter. The silenced weapon sounds are really nice, as is the sonic crack itself if, for example, you switch to 3rd person view and swing around to the front, but shouldn't we hear more crack and it's echo/reverb from first person as well? I don't seem to be getting any of that. You need to research what the sonic crack is. Then you will realise that as the shooter you will not hear the breaking of the sound barrier as a bullet passes you because you're firing it thus the sonic boom is actually travelling infront of you. Edited January 7, 2015 by Linkage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted January 7, 2015 (edited) personal how?? dgeorge by pointing out that anyone seeding has violated the license.(before it was edited). the funny thing here is the bandwagoneers... bottom line is people were talking about seeding a mod that CLEARLY stated it couldn't be.(again, before it was edited). and then i stated the irony of the highly anticipated mod being highly restricted in its availability.. i didnt make it personal someone else clearly caught feelings.. oh well.. but luckly there are the lil fanboys to retort. again i laugh. assumptions all around hats off to you!on to the mod.. its great thanks again!! still playing! Ok, are we done yet? I answered your post as it pointed out the most, its was NOT personal. I clearly stated I wasn't expecting our server to get killed like that, so I had to be cool with more mirrors at some point. All the start wasn't really planned this way. Now, again, it was not personal. I edited the license and all's good now, everyone got his cookies :) I have noticed that explosions such as artillery and the like at a distance are very muffled. They are even more quiet than for instance a Mk19 hitting the same spot. I think it's only playing the muffled sounds much like the grenade in the video previously posted as a bug report. Yeah please see this: ISSUEREPORT Due to spawned explosions there are very muffled sounds for them, as we pointed out many times before, thats what we need this voted to be successful: Add the possibility of adding eventhandlers to ammunitions defined in cfgAmmo <- This would help me to realize certain features in JSRS DragonFyre, so please vote for this! Thats the problem we've talked many many times before in the WIP thread. Its a workaround, not a final result. Better then no sound at all, right? @ALL: Thank you for the anticipation, hope you can enjoy the stuff I created. And THANKS for all the donors, you guys are AWESOME supporting me this great! I will collect the issues and problems/bugs and will update the mod during the next weeks. BUGS tho, no disliked sounds ;) LJ Edited January 7, 2015 by LordJarhead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corona2172 25 Posted January 7, 2015 My Lord Jarhead, Dude, thanks for bringing Arma 3 to life. Sound is an amazing immersion maker. Your dedication to this aspect of the arma series is unbelievable. Thanks for all the hard work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted January 7, 2015 Many thanks for this LJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sethos 2 Posted January 7, 2015 LJ, you are my hero! Those explosions ... My god. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted January 7, 2015 @LJ great job on the release :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted January 7, 2015 If this is an RC version, than I don't know what you plan ahead man. I played for several hours combined ops scenarios and I had zero problems. The rifle sounds are great, the vehicle sounds are deep and convincing (thank you thank you thank you for the turret movement sounds!!!!), distant firefights are awesome. Thanks a lot man, you've done it again and created a game changer mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted January 7, 2015 The RC means more like "This version is ready to get released but COULD contain issues and problem that we just not discovered yet" and I was sure there are way more issues I didn't think of yet. But seems to be pretty stable and smooth so far. Except the grenades and satchel problems in MP. We will check that later :) LJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avfc 10 Posted January 7, 2015 Great work, just completely changes the game for me and its a far better experience when it sounds like you're actually in a battle. Bravo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted January 7, 2015 Just downloaded, speed was fine. Lord Jarhead, your sound mods became indispensible since I first tried JSRS in CO - thank you so much for this, I can't wait to hear it so I won't be logged onto BIF for very long :) I sympathise greatly with your situation for reasons I won't bore you with. Tried the donate button intending to use plastic but when the PayPal page opened it had the message " !Die letzte Aktion konnte leider nicht abgeschlossen werden. " (The last action could unfortunately not be completed). I tried several times (opening a new window after clearing cache & cookies each time, but no joy. Maybe the site has some issue. I don't use PayPal (they are tax avoiders) myself so can't try an alternate route. Hopefully it will work later. Cheers :beeeers: Orc PS can't believe the whinging that went on about download speeds, it was obvious there would be a huge demand. I wonder how many of those people bothered to make a donation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted January 7, 2015 That's more or less the conclusion I've come to, I think it's directly tied to framerate, because when I'm testing it out on a relatively empty terrain, it doesn't do that.I think my system just doesn't have the juice because sometimes the supersonic echo doesn't lag and sometimes it does. Looks like I may have to buy a new system before I can fully appreciate what this has to offer, but it is quite good, I must say. And I do consistently notice that the phenomena takes place when I'm near buildings, it definitely sounds like sort of a dynamic echo type thing that my system just can't handle when I'm in the thick of a very active area. I also might want to note that it's particularly noticeable when I'm using ALiVE with the CQB module and there are quite a number of AI spawn points active or activating, obviously. OK that indeed sounds like there is simply too much stuff going on for your CPU to handle. Other Mods such as Alive also have scripts running that take away CPU time. I guess you won´t have any problems in firefights of small and medium size but huge firefights might sound a bit weird to you. There is sadly nothing we can do, the script is as efficient as it can be. And I can't wait for the environment sounds. The BIS thunder strike sound needs to die! I agree and I think LJ will work on it. It boggles my mind that BIS could put such a low volume, low quality, bland sound for thunder into the game. As if the guy doing it never heard a thunderstorm in his life.... [...] and I was sure there are way more issues I didn't think of yet. But seems to be pretty stable and smooth so far. When your testers don´t find problems then there aren´t any :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted January 7, 2015 OK that indeed sounds like there is simply too much stuff going on for your CPU to handle. Other Mods such as Alive also have scripts running that take away CPU time. I guess you won´t have any problems in firefights of small and medium size but huge firefights might sound a bit weird to you. There is sadly nothing we can do, the script is as efficient as it can be.I agree and I think LJ will work on it. It boggles my mind that BIS could put such a low volume, low quality, bland sound for thunder into the game. As if the guy doing it never heard a thunderstorm in his life.... It's a bit early for me to comment yet, but heres my two cents. Since this sound mod relies heavy on scripts, and performance of Arma is already CPU heavy, i think sounds should be restricted. What i mean is i think certain sounds should be left the way they are and concentrate more on sounds that matter. I can care less about the thunder sounds and some environment sounds that armas vanilla version offers. It may not be great, but its good enough. As for the distance explosion sounds and firefights, thats where it really matters. This way it doesnt use up all the CPU on sounds and take away from the game play. Let's be realistic here, on average every Arma user already averages about 25 to 35 FPS during normally/heavy firefights (SP?) this hurts a bit... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beaar 78 Posted January 7, 2015 someone reported before that the gunshots/ sonic cracks are very loud compared to the other sfx I have it too. Is this by design or is something not working for me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vojtechsonik 34 Posted January 7, 2015 Is anybody else having problems hearing things in front of them? All of the sounds are perfectly audible when I am left or right of the source, but frontal source is a bit quiet or not audible at all. Best way to experience this is to have helicopter with engine on in front of you and trying to stay in front and then side. Happens with 5.1 and headphones. Thanks a lot for reply and congratulations on release, sounds are amazing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted January 7, 2015 It's a bit early for me to comment yet, but heres my two cents. Since this sound mod relies heavy on scripts, and performance of Arma is already CPU heavy, i think sounds should be restricted. What i mean is i think certain sounds should be left the way they are and concentrate more on sounds that matter. I can care less about the thunder sounds and some environment sounds that armas vanilla version offers. It may not be great, but its good enough. As for the distance explosion sounds and firefights, thats where it really matters. This way it doesnt use up all the CPU on sounds and take away from the game play.Let's be realistic here, on average every Arma user already averages about 25 to 35 FPS during normally/heavy firefights (SP?) this hurts a bit... The point is that only sounds that matters are supported by scripts. The only thing I do with Environment and all rather unimportant sounds to most people out there, is to tell the game via CFG's to replace one .wss with another. The only thing it does is to replace one sound with another, there is ZERO chance that would cause any lags/fps loss. Weapons, Explosions, Firefights, those are the ones dropping FPS rates, but that also happens without Scripts, not as heavy, but it does. So in other words, your two cents are exactly the kinda way we do it. Tho for me ALL sounds are important, the environment sounds do have a heavy effect on the feeling to me... Is anybody else having problems hearing things in front of them? All of the sounds are perfectly audible when I am left or right of the source, but frontal source is a bit quiet or not audible at all. Best way to experience this is to have helicopter with engine on in front of you and trying to stay in front and then side. Happens with 5.1 and headphones. Thanks a lot for reply and congratulations on release, sounds are amazing! That sounds like you run ArmA3 in 5.1 but use stereo speakers/headphones. Nothing I can reproduce. You have to set up your Speaker system/5.1 system perfectly. Its not like plug and play with this mod. You need perfect centered speakers. Example: LJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted January 7, 2015 As far as I can tell performance is good for me and I see no difference between this mod and vanilla. My FPS are the same and sometimes even better than before :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flex 1 Posted January 7, 2015 awesome as always!! :love::love: love you :love::love: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
das attorney 858 Posted January 7, 2015 It's a bit early for me to comment yet, but heres my two cents. Since this sound mod relies heavy on scripts, and performance of Arma is already CPU heavy, i think sounds should be restricted. What i mean is i think certain sounds should be left the way they are and concentrate more on sounds that matter. I can care less about the thunder sounds and some environment sounds that armas vanilla version offers. It may not be great, but its good enough. As for the distance explosion sounds and firefights, thats where it really matters. This way it doesnt use up all the CPU on sounds and take away from the game play.Let's be realistic here, on average every Arma user already averages about 25 to 35 FPS during normally/heavy firefights (SP?) this hurts a bit... Like LJ explained, things like environment sounds don't have overhead, so removing them won't make one iota to what happens when you fire your gun. It's all those lovely sounds that happen when you pull the trigger that are creating CPU overhead. If your PC is struggling, then you could: Run smaller missions. Upgrade your CPU Use another mod that doesn't have all the distance sounds etc. You have to be realistic about what your priorities are. There is only so much space in the script scheduler, so do you want to fill it with scripted sounds, or something else? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LSD_Timewarp82 21 Posted January 7, 2015 Is anybody else having problems hearing things in front of them? All of the sounds are perfectly audible when I am left or right of the source, but frontal source is a bit quiet or not audible at all. Best way to experience this is to have helicopter with engine on in front of you and trying to stay in front and then side. Happens with 5.1 and headphones. Thanks a lot for reply and congratulations on release, sounds are amazing! Install Razer Surround to get such effects, its even possible with Stereo Headphones and the difference is gigantic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kbbw123 115 Posted January 7, 2015 Those sounds are just soooo......... *Passes out from excitements and hearing damage :p* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites