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I see the special config for CAF Aggressors. Is ASR AI only meant for vanilla units, or will it work on anything spawned - like through MCC's MW?

No biggie if it doesn't, I kinda prefer CSAT over all anyway. They're well equipped and are currently (thanks to ASR AI) putting up a great fight.

It's catching all units, even the ones spawned. Wouldn't have been of much use it if didn't :)

The mod changes AI in different ways technically: by using scripts executed from event handlers or from a modified danger.fsm and by using reworked configs for vanilla units and weapons.

Configs for modded units and weapons may be written in various ways. Some will inherit the changes I did for vanilla in my configs, others will have their own or go really far with changes. Others will be really weird where inheriting will create unexpected results. Like having a militia unit inherit from vanilla recon units would put that militia unit into sof skill level. So ideally a specially tweaked config should be made for all third party stuff (I always do this privately for anything I install and play and for the group I play with).

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Hello, do i have to installed the mod on all client or only on the dedicated server ? And do i have to disable AGM AI ? Thank :)

Best to have it installed everywhere and yes, having the AGM AI install will create unexpected results so I would not use it but it's up to you if you want to try it.

---------- Post added at 22:10 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

I find it difficult but really playable. It's somewhere between "normal AI" and PVP which is fine for me.

Lately the AI also caught myself in situations where I thought they were on mentats, I was too tired or I had them or super duper high skills somehow. Dunno what happened but think I'll tweak the userconfig defaults a little again.

---------- Post added at 22:12 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

Hey robalo, are you able to recommend a mod or a method (script or function) that works alongside asr to get ai to garrison (or at least move into) houses/building. And not just altis building but arma 2 ones also...

I know the ai in asr seek cover in buildings but would like them to enter before they go into combat.

Great work btw. Thanks.

Can't recommend anything right now but whatever you will use it will work better with this mod after next update ;)

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:12 ----------

any chance of releasing ASR as a script for portable mission making? or is that technically unfeasible? really great mod btw

It would be a waste of my time, to create something I'll never use instead of working on the mod version, so no.

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I've been asking around, and I'm sure you're well aware of this - but it must be difficult to make enemy AI react to even an Offroad. As long as there isn't a grenadier or AT, the player can just roadkill opfor until there's no one left. Have BI hardcoded silly non-reactions for AI to vehicles? I host a small group coop session, mostly spec-ops type stuff + CQB, so it's not really a big deal. We'd rather fight vehicles than fight in them anyway.

Also I see you're going to further improve AI's use of buildings. I'm anxious to try this, because I've already had AI hunt me when I tried to camp a bit. Wouldn't mind at all if CQB got even more ridiculous.

Another thing I never knew (sorry, new to pc gaming ha): so it's better to have not only myself (non-dedicated host), but everyone in my group run ASR AI? I have to say I was about to try this anyway. Will all of our configs need to be identical?

I also like the compatibility built-in for GAIA. The scripted reactions you feature - if I understand them correctly - only occur when the AI has no waypoints or 'orders'? The question I have then is: what happens when GAIA controls most or all units in an area? Do any of the units then have any ASR AI features active on them?

I only ask because MCC's info suggests that users running specific AI mods need not worry - that GAIA is more of a group / faction level AI mod and should not interfere with other AI mods.

I've been trying to get time to test this stuff, but I thought I'd ask for your input first. Again, just wanted to say thanks for all the work you've put in to making this game a fantastic cooperative experience.

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This is hands-down my favorite AI mod for ArmA! But I'm concerned about enemy AA infantry engaging helicopters way too early/far out, which breaks certain missions. The Combined Operations mission for instance that has you come in on a Ghosthawk can be ended prematurely because enemy AA Infantry fire before your two helicopters have landed, killing all aboard!

Is there any way to change the detection/engagement range for AA Manpads?

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Hey Robalo

Can u remember ACE2 era?

It had a module which makes AI more "tolerant" to stealth approaches lowering significantly their ability

to see/spot in "ground clutter" height.

Can you think about this?

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What is the license on ASR_AI? I know rearming is broken in A3 but would love to hack together a standalone script. Would it be permissible to use ASR_AI 2 for inspiration?

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Hey Robalo is there a wayto exclude static weapons/vehicles from the AI automatically manning them in your reaction script? Occasionally I need to set up semi-destroyed vehicles or static mortars to be used as demolition targets etc but always find some jerks sitting on them when they're supposed to be locked

---------- Post added at 02:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------

That or check if the vehicle is locked because it seems ordergetin disregards the lock status

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As far as I can tell the AI engages lighter vehicles with small arms (just tested with a SUV and got lit up in no time). Yes they seem to only use at 7.62 and higher calibers on heavier vehicles like MRAPS, like they know what does damage and what not against those. I do not plan to mess with any of the damage stuff any time soon.

I recommend running the mod everywhere. You won't get any of the code running more than once instance anywhere. Generally I think it's best that config classes are the same for everyone to ensure maximum stability in MP.

The scripted reactions are "higher level" AI actions using waypoints which I tried to avoid having for a long time but they do enhance the experience when nothing else is available (like advanced mission design or a higher layer of AI like HETMAN, GAIA). Simple decisions like attaching an inferior enemy, defending or reinforcing a near group which is taking casualties. So I had them added and made easy to disable. They are only a minor part of this mod though and I don't think you have anything to lose when disabling them in favor of other systems.


I don't think there's anything wrong, realistically the MANPADS have effective ranges of up to 5-8 km. I haven't changed them at all actually. It is up to the mission design and pilot skill in this case.


There wasn't anything special about detection in the clutter in either ACE2 or ASRAI2 as far as I remember. Only tweaked values for how well the AI detects soldiers by sound which I also have here. There may be more room for tweaking but when you test trying to knife someone, do it as a sniper against a regular unit on very low skill and at low light.


Basically APL-SA. Let me know if you're getting any good results with rearming. I can't say I tried hard enough (did not bother to add any tracker tickets for the takemagazine/takeweapon regressions).

@Kerc Kasha

There's a condition that the AI does not get in same weapon more than 2 to 5 times so you can do something like this:

_thisvehicle setVariable ["asr_ai3_sysdanger_mountcount", 10];

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As far as I can tell the AI engages lighter vehicles with small arms (just tested with a SUV and got lit up in no time). Yes they seem to only use at 7.62 and higher calibers on heavier vehicles like MRAPS, like they know what does damage and what not against those. I do not plan to mess with any of the damage stuff any time soon.

I don't have any problem with AI engaging me when I'm in a vehicle.. the problem, and it seems to be a general problem with ArmA, is no matter what AI mod is being used the AI will literally stand still and let you drive over them. They aren't shy about using any type of weapon, but I suppose what I'm asking is - is there a way to force them to run for their lives as any person would if a vehicle just drives right up to them?

I recommend running the mod everywhere. You won't get any of the code running more than once instance anywhere. Generally I think it's best that config classes are the same for everyone to ensure maximum stability in MP.

Appreciate it! I don't mess with the individual class configs so my group's good to go.

The scripted reactions are "higher level" AI actions using waypoints which I tried to avoid having for a long time but they do enhance the experience when nothing else is available (like advanced mission design or a higher layer of AI like HETMAN, GAIA). Simple decisions like attaching an inferior enemy, defending or reinforcing a near group which is taking casualties. So I had them added and made easy to disable. They are only a minor part of this mod though and I don't think you have anything to lose when disabling them in favor of other systems.

Thanks - I'll take a look and see if it's absolutely needed.

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Regarding AGM AI probably doesn't work with ASR AI 3 - what about ALiVE (which has an AI Skill module, too)? Are they conflicting too or can I safely use ALiVE with ASR AI 3?

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This is from the AGM AI documentation

* Note: All these values can still be adjusted via
*       scripts, these arrays just change what 0 & 1
*       are for setSkill.

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Regarding AGM AI probably doesn't work with ASR AI 3 - what about ALiVE (which has an AI Skill module, too)? Are they conflicting too or can I safely use ALiVE with ASR AI 3?

It's up to you which to use. Why would you need to add Alive's AI skill module on top of this mod ?

This is from the AGM AI documentation

* Note: All these values can still be adjusted via
*       scripts, these arrays just change what 0 & 1
*       are for setSkill.

Well, it's not that simple. You can't override what was set in cfgAiskill or cfgWeapons config classes by scripts. Also, documentation from Biki and a bit of testing clearly shows that values set by setskill are interpolated with cfgAiskill values and profile difficulty settings. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills

Edited by Robalo

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It's up to you which to use. Why would you need to add Alive's AI skill module on top of this mod ?

The choice which modules they are using is entirely up to our mission creators - and I can't control every mission they build on if the AI Skill module is in there. There is quite a possibility it is being used, e.g. if the mission creator wants to set other AI skills than the server would set - and I just wanna know if they will clash or if they will work together. I don't care if the one overrides the other as long is the server is stable.

Edited by TheConen

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The choice which modules they are using is entirely up to our mission creators - and I can't control every mission they build on if the AI Skill module is in there. There is quite a possibility it is being used, e.g. if the mission creator wants to set other AI skills than the server would set - and I just wanna know if they will clash or if they will work together. I don't care if the one overrides the other as long is the server is stable.

Worst thing that can happen is Alive setting the subskills instead of ASR AI or viceversa, so nothing critical. I believe every group should have at least one person who'd be able to repack their missions to suit server and group needs. Want to be sure you use Alive's module settings for a mission ? Just add asr_ai3_sysaiskill_setskills = 0 to your init.sqf. Or replicate the entire userconfig content into description.ext and adjust settings as needed. Want ASR AI to control that ? Just remove the Alive AI module, save, reupload the mission.

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As Robalo said. ALiVE's module is a static setting, basically just does what regular difficulty settings do and none of the more advanced stuff with danger.fsm. ASR_AI will (should) work over the top no probs, but it slightly depends on the init order. To be on the safe side, don't use ALiVE's AI if you're using ASR!

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It's up to you which to use. Why would you need to add Alive's AI skill module on top of this mod ?

Well, it's not that simple. You can't override what was set in cfgAiskill or cfgWeapons config classes by scripts. Also, documentation from Biki and a bit of testing clearly shows that values set by setskill are interpolated with cfgAiskill values and profile difficulty settings. See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills

Good to know, thanks!

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Has anyone running this with TMR successfully removed tmr_ai.pbo without issues?

Nope. No one that I know of.

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Nope. No one that I know of.

Let's see, after a quick debug, found that tmr_bodyarmor breaks class CAManBase:

 	class CAManBase { // <-- class redefined without inheritance
	class HitPoints {
		class HitHead {
			armor = 1;
			passThrough = true;
			radius = 0.1;
			explosionShielding = 0.5;

		class HitBody {
			armor = 1;
			passThrough = true;
			radius = 0.15;
			explosionShielding = 6;

		class HitHands {
			armor = 1;
			passThrough = true;
			radius = 0.08;
			explosionShielding = 1;

		class HitLegs {
			armor = 1;
			passThrough = true;
			radius = 0.1;
			explosionShielding = 1;
	armor = 2;
	armorStructural = 5;

So the easy fix is to remove that pbo.

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Let's see, after a quick debug, found that tmr_bodyarmor breaks class CAManBase:


So the easy fix is to remove that pbo.

Thanks. I do like the idea of balancing the body armor, but I'd rather experience your mod how it was meant to be. I guess TMR isn't all that modular.

As far as behavior goes, regardless of class, faction, etc. if it's AI it should follow the stuff under sysdanger and sysaiskill, where any add-on factions do not require additional configuration, correct? I'm using Massi's USMC/MARSOC units for my squad as an example.

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....I believe every group should have at least one person who'd be able to repack their missions to suit server and group needs. Want to be sure you use Alive's module settings for a mission ? Just add asr_ai3_sysaiskill_setskills = 0 to your init.sqf. Or replicate the entire userconfig content into description.ext and adjust settings as needed. Want ASR AI to control that ? Just remove the Alive AI module, save, reupload the mission.
This is the way to go.

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I guess there is no problem in using this along with AImenu?

First time I try out an AI mod (operation flashpoint, ArmA 2 co and now ArmA 3), first glanse looks good! Thx

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How would one go about disabling the AI skill settings in ASR AI? I want to use ALIVE's AI module as it is easier to tweak and a bit more transparent but I love the other features of ASR AI, so I just want to disable the AI Skill settings. Can I just comment them out?

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what would be the best way to configure all RHS units, US and Russian into a certain skill preset? would prefer not to spam the settings.hpp with all the different classnames... or is that the only way until support is added?


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what would be the best way to configure all RHS units, US and Russian into a certain skill preset? would prefer not to spam the settings.hpp with all the different classnames... or is that the only way until support is added?


I have RHS config on the way, it assigns units to skill presets same way vanilla NATO, CSAT and GREEN units are. Plus other things like AI related weapon configs and more. I am waiting for RHS to update their mods first, got a feeling I will need to redo my config once they do it.

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