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I have been looking through the replies to this script, and I didn't come across anything about an Exile server.


My question is - When I followed the directions to installing this script when my server loads the script doesn't work, and my ammo count as well as range on any weapon is inaccurate and does not appear to be working at all. 


Am I missing something, I even went as far as disabling battle-eye, unless it is Infistar messing with the script?


Any suggestions?

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What a great find!,...I think.

In the mission that we play, (Pilgrimage) we will find our dead brother. My questions is, Can you pick up a dead person?

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Hi Psycho, I have a suggestion:


In an older version of the AIS I loved the possibility to activate reviving for only certain units (unit names). Now, in the latest version, we can only choose players, blufor, opfor, etc. 


Is there a way to just put unit names in the setup script and the script works for these only?




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No, its not possible at the moment. This will need some changes in a lot of scripts. (to implement it well)


If you want to change it by your own for your mission: (quick and dirty)

open the file AIS/System/fn_allowRevive.sqf and add there an exclusion.




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Hello again,


now with the release of the LOW DLC, I want to ask again if there is some code within the current build of AIS that I could access to check how many wounded persons a unit has healed during a mission.  Do yo have an idea how to check for this and give me a variable I could check in tasks or endgame conditions?


Kind Regards



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Set up your own variable. Enter the fn_revive.sqf (same path as above) and put in a counter (or something similar) somewhere between the lines 56 till 89. This code will only be fired if a successfull revive was finished. There are many ways how you can store the revive actions.


(i recomment some thing like this)

_revives = _healer getVariable ["myPrivateReviveCounter", 0];
_healer setVariable ["myPrivateReviveCounter", _revives + 1, false];




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Hey @Psychobastard


I seem to be having an issue with latest Arma 3 update ( stable ). A couple of missions that this used to work on before last update, now after being healed by AI still brings up the BIS respawn / injured icon then kills me after a few seconds?


Cheers Rockapes


Update - I apologise its working perfectly just somehow revive got reactivated in MP attributes which is really weird cause I never go into those options

Edited by Rockapes

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i can't run this script for altis life 5.0. is there anywhere to make it?

or can someone tell me how to setup it to altislife.

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I'm trying out this out for my mission. I added a tent object to be the place you have to revive the injured. Gave tent a name and in the AIS_Setup i put AIS_MEDEVAC_STATIONS        =    [MedTent, 15];


When i approach the wounded man, i get an error for fn_medevacArea.sqf error isnull: type number, expected object..on line 20...? this only appeared when i added a station. In the examples given there were two different stations and im only using one so im guessing my syntax is correct for 1 station only??


Also i notice sometimes when you pickup a wounded soldier and when he is on your shoulders and you go to walk your character restarts the whole pickup wounded soldier animation sequence all over again, whilst the wounded guy is still suspended in the air where you were a second ago, and your character crouches down and does the animation all over again..why does this happen? i was testing this in MP (Lan) environment.

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Uh... This doesn't look right:

[MedTent, 15];


[[MedTent, 15]];

I am not sure as I haven't looked at the code / files, I don't use this revive system either.

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Thanks HazJ for your suggestion, i got it working with [ [ObjName, 15],[ ] ];


Just having an issue with the carry wounded as mentioned now, where the script seems to do the wounded guys animation first, then once that has finished, as soon as you go to move your character who is suppose to carry him, he then does his animation bit. No doubt they both are suppose to be doing their animations at the same time? 


Also when putting the wounded guy down, the wounded guy seems to drop to the ground and your character half turns away and then does the 'putting down' animation.


Hopefully the script author can advise on whether or not this is normal or not normal at all..is it fixable?


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Yeah, this is annoying. If you press forward while the wounded animation is played, your character will play the pick-up animation, which at least saves some time. But it should go automatically of course. 


Let's hope, Psycho can fix it soon.


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It should work for anything. Altis Life might need some adapting though I assume. Why do you need it for that though? Altis Life has a revive system of its own?

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Hello its a great script, i got a question about the medevac station, i would like to use it for spawned object like a tent or a medevac truck, but i don't know how can i do it.

I don't know how to add this line

[obj,10] call AIS_System_fnc_addMedevacObj;   (obj=objectclassname or variable name ?)


I need to create a medevac.sqf and call it in the init.sqf or add this line in the objectspawner.sqf ?



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Pretty sure obj is the name of the obj. So if u have meditruck meditruck_1 etc thats what goes in there 


How are you spawning them in?


Pretty sure you call it from init.sqf but that Im thinking would only work if you have named the object in question if thats possible when being spawned. Depends how you are handling the spawn

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Hi ! thank you for the script. It is working well and easy to install


I have a message error at the end of my mission after I die.


'...the {35} else {20};

_targets = player |#|nearEntities [''CAManBase'', _recognize_di...'

Error Type Any, expected Number

File AIS\Effects\fn_draw3D.sqf [AIS_Effects_fnc_draw3D], line 13

I just don't know what that means if someone can tell me.


Also when I set the -AIS_SHOW_UNC_3D_MARKERS- in the Setup to ''False'' it continue to give me the 3D marker within 15-20m. And I don't whant that.

Thanks in advance.

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Hey, hoping someone can help me. I'm playing Liberation and trying to get this to work. The good news is, I've got it partially working. Bad news, the AI are spawned mid-game by players.


Here's the section of code that spawns the AI: 

    if(buildtype == 1) then {
        _pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
        _grp = group player;
        if ( manned ) then {
            _grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
        _classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
        build_confirmed = 0;

I tried adding 

_this call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS 

But it doesn't seem to be making the AI revivable. Anyone able to help me out?

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I play ALiVE or RAVAGE or ALiVE+RAVAGE missions which feature AIS revivability for any soldier on my side.  All this was made possible because I have received friendly help here in the thread and ofc also by reading the ALiVE WIKI. 


Here's my setup:


In the description.ext place this code (explanations included)



Adding Custom Inits to Spawned Units

The following is one method for adding custom scripts to every spawned unit or object of that class, for example running a script that adds custom gear to a class of units. This will work for units spawned with MP/MCP, the Profiles system and any other spawning method such as Zeus.

HEALTH WARNING: you will need to know the basics of scripting to setup the gear script so it only applies to AI (and not players) or specific factions. Place the following in description.ext and create my_code.sqf with whatever code you want to add to the spawned units. Also be aware that anything added to player units will duplicate if player persistence is on, so it's better to use regular methods for players (or include isPlayer check in your script).



class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
 class Man {
  init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ais_alive_spawn.sqf')";


Beware if you do already have other entries in the class Extended_Init_EventHandlers in the description.ext - watch your brackets...     { };



Then create the sqf file (name it as you wish; mine is called ais_alive_spawn.sqf) where the script is written and write this into it:



private "_this";
_this = _this select 0;
if ((side _this == west) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
  [_this] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS


Hope the code does work in your mission; for sure it works in my missions! 

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if(buildtype == 1) then {
        _pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
        _grp = group player;
        if ( manned ) then {
            _grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
        _classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS, this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
        build_confirmed = 0;



that may work @meyar

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3 hours ago, meyar said:

Hey, hoping someone can help me. I'm playing Liberation and trying to get this to work. The good news is, I've got it partially working. Bad news, the AI are spawned mid-game by players.


Here's the section of code that spawns the AI: 

    if(buildtype == 1) then {
        _pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0];
        _grp = group player;
        if ( manned ) then {
            _grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly;
        _classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"];
        build_confirmed = 0;

I tried adding 

_this call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS 

But it doesn't seem to be making the AI revivable. Anyone able to help me out?


If you have a look in the previous pages of the KP Liberation forum you will see wyqer lists exactly what lines to adjust with required changes. I cant remember exactly what page but one of the last 5/6. Dont forget you also have to modify the description.ext


Half way down page 42 wyqer tells exact working setup

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1 hour ago, Rockapes said:


If you have a look in the previous pages of the KP Liberation forum you will see wyqer lists exactly what lines to adjust with required changes. I cant remember exactly what page but one of the last 5/6. Dont forget you also have to modify the description.ext


Half way down page 42 wyqer tells exact working setup

Yup, found it. Thanks!

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@Psychobastard: Love this revive system!

I'm currently testing a persistent map with this and have run into a few issues: when a player disconnects when bleeding out, upon reconnect they will be able to walk again even though the damage is saved. I realize this isn't a fault of your system but was hoping for advice on how to restore the bleedout upon reconnect. Which function would I need to call and how to do this?


Also, not sure if you are aware of this, but when a player is in a car that gets blown up and is thrown out of the vehicle in the process, they are able to walk *slowly* while bleeding out...



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