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pvt. partz

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About pvt. partz

  • Rank
    First Sergeant

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  1. I want to recolor some vegetation. I have looked through the optoin in the Editor searched all through teh Discord threads but I cannot find anything that states whether this can be done or not. The BI wiki as far as I can see does not have any intructions. Asking for direction if I missed something or a tutorial showing the very basics to, for example: change a diciduous tree from green to orange/red, i.e: fall colors.
  2. pvt. partz

    I need help with creating a map.

    I don't understand some of your termanology, I have a about 5 or 6 that I started and would be willing to upload one of them so that you have a working terrain with just the heightmap and satmap in place.
  3. ...interesting...and thanks
  4. Yes, in fact, that page + the Atlas were the first two resources I started with. I'm just now guessing that the OP's data might be a bit dated, especially with a much more efficient Engine but I'm not sure. I tried starting 4 different terrians and just couldn't get the heightmaps to play nice, thus my retreat back to square one and trying to figure out how this stuff works. If I could get lucky and have at least one of my starters work (shear luck on my part) I could then reverse engineer and see what went right. ...kinda light tearing open my first transistor radio just to see how it worked. 😁 ...I can get the SatMAp quite easily but that friggin HeightMap, jeeze!
  5. So I am having a lot of trouble getting a new project started in Reforger Enfusion. I've been diving into the deep end hoping things will somehow work and I can finally start seeing something that looks like a terrain. I'm failing miserably so I decided that I would step back and try to learn how terrains are made (structured). My search for "grid, cell, square km's (final area of a terrain) and I found this, somewhat old page. My question, is the data listed above still relavant and secondly, what choice is the most efficient depending on whether I start with a really small one or in the future if I decide to go a bit larger. It seems like a great guide to go by. I would also be grateful for more direction on figuring out the process.
  6. I started making a terrain about six years ago. I still have all the data but I don't know how to reassemble everything and continue. I think I gave up because it just got to complex for me to understand. If anyone want to take over you are welcome to all the files. Once the base map is finished I wouldn't mind hand placing objects and such.
  7. pvt. partz


    ...so I've been searchig quite a bit for Ravage without zombies. Should I be looking for a separate Ravage version? update, I just made my own mission with the Ravage mod.
  8. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    So I wanted to drop the WW2 effects into default Pilgrimage but it's not working... 1) drop the folder into the root of Pilgrimage 2) add this into JRInit.sqf call compile preprocessfile "RYD_JR\JR_fnc.sqf"; call compile preprocessFile "Intro\cam_fnc.sqf"; call compile preprocessFile "RYD_JR\MainLoop.sqf"; call compile preprocessFile "WW2_background\WW2_back_fnc.sqf"; call compile preprocessFile "RYD_FFE\FFE_fnc.sqf"; Shellview = compile preprocessFile "RYD_FFE\Shellview.sqf"; ...and add this [] call RYD_WW2B_Init; 3)edit the MainLoop.sqf like so... if ((player distance2D _ww2cPos) > 150) then { _ww2cPos = position player; [] call RYD_WW2B_AnimalsLoop }; [] call RYD_WW2B_Sfx; [] call RYD_WW2B_Flyby; [] call RYD_WW2B_Smokes; }; //diag_log "------END OF MAIN LOOP------" }; ...I know I will have to edit the aircraft to fit this but I wanted to get it functional first. I also wanted to see if I could get cows and horses to populate....restrict them to "meadows" Edit: so I guess I wasn't actually posting the reason for the post, DOH! Can you help me out?
  9. ... nice touch tpw. ...the random flock of birds, as subtle as it is, adds so much life to the scene. A little while back I touched on the issue that crows around dead bodies are not working after a saved game. Do you mind looking into that if you have time? ...btw, I think I noticed that when crows are circling and you fire a weapon or toss a 'nade, they disappear. If that's right, I'm glad because if there are a lot of deadies around, to many crows might be overhelming. ...and so grateful for your mod!
  10. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage, Silent---Unseen

    ...no changes can be made mid-mission, at least for Pilgrimage.
  11. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage, Silent---Unseen

    ...Look in the RYD\JRInit.sqf file for This section. You'll need to find the classnames of your mod factions and replace what you need. ...HERE is the list if you find a mod with more (better) tanks.
  12. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    ...that seems quite doable. Could you improvise that script where you can find the crossroads, and substitute with a building classname? maybe crossroads looks at x-y coordinates where buildings look for classnames which might require modifying the script, which is something I cannot do.
  13. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    ...you'll have to find the classname of the fighter plane and replace the Helicopter entries that was mentioned. ... correct You will place a church or whatever type of structure you wish on your map Then place a marker, usually a cross looking icon. Then copy the coordinates of that marker to the script as mentioned in the file above. ...there is no script perse that creates a holy place.
  14. pvt. partz

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    RYD_JR/JRInit.sqf Search for... RYD_JR_allHolyPlaces = ...enter what ever coordinates you use when placing your holy places on your map ...not sure if Rydygier did anything with the code but for starters, look in the JRInit.sqf and search for, RYD_JR_Choppers = [ "O_Heli_Attack_02_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F" ]; Change or add whatever planes you like but, as I say you will have to figure out whether to use fighter planes (with weapons) or "C" planes that drop paratroopers. If you decide to go with the latter you will have to study and reverse engineer what Rydygier did in Staszow. There is probably some use of code that intructes the AI to drop from the planes. ...I would be interested to know if fighter planes would actually shoot at you if that was the route you decide to take.