EricJ 765 Posted November 18, 2014 Also an alibi... a poster on SimHQ mentioned that the 25mm HE is ineffective against area targets, so I adjusted the HE to have some damage out to about two meters (I figure that would be okay) but given I was never on a BFIST as a gunner (I rode a shitload in Iraq, but I was a GIB so...). So any OIF vets with some experience down the gunsight I would appreciate any recommendations for weapon effects within the scope of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wansec_6 200 Posted November 18, 2014 What ever you choose to put in is cool with me. Winchester would have been nice, but if you can't access a model I fully understand. Just thankful you are prepared to consider ideas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 18, 2014 No problem... Right now I'm working on another A-10A skin for DCS (purely hobby) so I'll keep track of whats going on but for the next couple days I may just take a break finishing that and then hop back in as I'll have to make values for the .303 and get the Enfield in-game, etc. I figure right now I can do that and get the AA-12 in-game as well (just have to config it). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warlord554 2065 Posted November 18, 2014 well I wasn't a flyboy, but I assume you mean the A10 cannon? Its a 30mm GAU8. But heres several links straight from the source anyways if it helps 25mm Ammo GAU-8 Avenger 30mm 30mm Ammo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted November 18, 2014 AA12 model looks great, SMLE is also a good idea. Of course please set priorities on whatever You like. BTW I don t know if I ve already mentioned that something s not right with M 249 muzzle flash. Right now it looks more like a firecracker all over the place then shooting machine gun. Regards.;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jelskipro 32 Posted November 18, 2014 wow nice AA-12, Do you take requests? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 18, 2014 well I wasn't a flyboy, but I assume you mean the A10 cannon? Its a 30mm GAU8. But heres several links straight from the source anyways if it helps25mm Ammo GAU-8 Avenger 30mm 30mm Ammo Sweet thanks! Oddly enough I got Arma 3 to not fly, been doing it so long virrtually that I just didn't want to you know? And some people who I knew assumed that I couldn't, but didn't know who I was so whatever. Besides I was hoping some Marines would help too but I think when the next update comes out I'll hopefully get some feedback on the power. AA12 model looks great, SMLE is also a good idea. Of course please set priorities on whatever You like. BTW I don t know if I ve already mentioned that something s not right with M 249 muzzle flash. Right now it looks more like a firecracker all over the place then shooting machine gun.Regards.;) Okay easy fix, thought I caught it. It's a graphical error and doesn't affect weapon performance. As for requests? Just bring it up and I'll yay or nay it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 19, 2014 Okay so far for next version: - AA-12Tactical (might as well make it one, so if you don't like optics or lasers simply don't use them). - SCAR PDW - Lee Enfield, the A2 version as well, I have access to those models and everybody knows they're A2 material, etc. I hope to finish the DCS skin maybe by tomorrow, have to do the wings and the unit emblems so probably late tomorrow I'll start back into the A3 stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tsark 12 Posted November 19, 2014 Hello EricJ, big user of your SCARs here, and thank you for including a SCAR H with a standard barrel length, it always struck me as odd that everybody in the world of gaming seemed to think that the "normal" barrel length for the 7.62mm SCAR H was 12inches... Here are a two things that i noticed: -When firing the m249, sometimes the muzzle flash is where it should be, and sometimes it is way under the barrel, maybe 25 centimeters lower. The rate of fire seems too slow too. -When mounting optics on the short barreled black SCAR L, the optics are much further on the rail than with the other SCARs, including the very same scar in tan. I don' t know if it' s done on purpose of if it' s a bug. It looks great for reflex sights and some sights that are often clipping through the BUIS on many weapons such as the Eotech/magnifier combo from the FHQ attachments pack, not so much with many scopes. I believe that a sweet spot that would suit most optics would be inbeetween the way they are on the SCAR L black Short barrel right now and on the other SCARs. Hope that that was of some help to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 19, 2014 The M249 issue is simply a quick fix (matter of fact fixed it a few minutes ago) as the memory point for the model.cfg to reference simply wasn't there. Now it'll stay in place and not "dance" around. The second issue... I'll readjust the proxy for the scope so it's more in line so to speak with the other SCARs in my pack, and quite honestly didn't know that either, but will put on the Will Fix list. And as for positioning... I personally don't like it (I like it over the mag, M4 habits really) but on average people like it where it's at and also... finding that sweet spot given scope models is just in some cases "not right" for others, as honestly we all have our preferences on optics and that was to keep it as "good" for other players and so on. So I can move it a notch but in the end I can't account for BIS or even third party made scopes either. So I can only do so much in order to keep the masses happy versus clipping issues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
--mastermind-- 10 Posted November 20, 2014 m40A5 would be nice..... Or hows about one of these as it would fit the arma-verse time table well....lmao I been ghosting this thread since the begining but im gonna just now start opening my mouth cause this pack is cornerstone to gameplay kinda material..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted November 20, 2014 AA12 and SCAR PDW that is so cool ;) Anyway, yesterday I was checking something out on combatace website and BAM EricJ reviews of A-10 and Su-27 on the frontpage. Multirole air-ground multitasking. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jelskipro 32 Posted November 20, 2014 Can you maybe make a Stoner 63A commando lmg with a drum mag? i love the look of that gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 20, 2014 I think I have something of the sorts in my repository somewhere, I'll check what it looks like and see, but -mastermind- maybe.. but not soon as getting the AA-12 configged is practically all I have to do as well as check in-game to see if the model.cfg works that I PM'd HJohnson about but realized I had the A2 samples stuff and added that to the mix, so yeah. So the M40A5 may work, and the .338 Lapua I've done for the L115A1 and A3, so it can from what i can tell, keep you happy for a bit as that's a completely new build (along with another requested gun as well) so its doable (though if my mind serves me correctly that's also the XM2010 or such. Bolo861: Yeah I've been on CombatAce for about nine years now, formerly a moderator (my lack of showing up caused them to remove me as such, as well I hat other things on my mind) as well, but if you play SF2 and DCS my work is on there too but it's mainly been Strike Fighters 2 and now some DCS work related work there. I've kept the gun stuff because the OFP/VBS1/Arma series crowd has never been as strong as here and even at SHQ. But yeah I exist there and showing up more, etc. I just mainly hang out in the Strike Fighters 2 section. But Dave, one of the founders did a favor for me so I'm doing some reviews for him. I plan to get to the F-86 Sabre within the week or so to get some more out (I just recently did an Su-33 review which should be up by now). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 20, 2014 And for US residents... just got hit with a scam attempt from this phone number: 1-716-342-1108 claiming to be the IRS... so if you get a call saying you have to call them back with some weird accent then ignore it. Thankfully I got that "shit ain't right bro" feeling and did some checking as they will try and get you to send the Money via MoneyPak, which in itself is a legit business, but the Government doesn't use it so beware: And yes it's off-topic but seriously nobody likes a scammer... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted November 20, 2014 though if my mind serves me correctly that's also the XM2010 or such. Yes, besides it s official now, since august 2014 Remington MSR is new .338 Lapua Magnum MK. 21 Precision Sniper Rifle of US SOCOM. I was just reading an article in polish Special Ops magazine abaut Fuerzas Comando Championship 2014 and Greean Beret snipers from 7th SFG(A) were already using them along with MK. 20 SCARs in the competition. As usual through the Colombian spec ops team won overall event. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 20, 2014 Okay... I'll see about it then, but no promises as of yet. And honestly never kept up with the competition myself, but I'm guessing it's the Colombians who always win on average? AA-12 Work: By default A3 placed the ACO on the weapon so it actually answered a question I had if the rail was a good enough height for optics such as this. Like anything I can't account for all of the scopes, both BIS and third-party, but given the low profile of that particular optic I had to be sure. But the shots show that it's okay and yes the anim is wrong as i thought the M24 anim would work, but obviously doesn't :) ---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ---------- And fixed the issue: I had to reshape the weapon quite a bit so it would look alright and quite honestly turned out fairly well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taumargin 13 Posted November 20, 2014 Woaw that AA-12 is looking nice.:cool: had some free time so I thought I'd add some SCAR- P/PDW Eye candy to your thread :D Probably looking forward to seeing this in Arma3 a little more than Christmas at the moment. That Black version with the retractable stock and a Pmag would be my idea of Arma heaven :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted November 20, 2014 I'm guessing it's the Colombians who always win on average? Apparently Colombians from AFEAU are just that good, although Americans from 7th SFG won few major contests like static pistol, sniping baloons on unknown distances, sniping moving targets, 25 km rucksack march and basic water. they were second in overall scoring. Colombians won the event 4 times in last 14 years. AA-12 Work: AA 12 model looks beautifull, iron sights and optics position look great to. I also like the transparent magazine.;) Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 21, 2014 Woaw that AA-12 is looking nice.:cool:had some free time so I thought I'd add some SCAR- P/PDW Eye candy to your thread :D Probably looking forward to seeing this in Arma3 a little more than Christmas at the moment. That Black version with the retractable stock and a Pmag would be my idea of Arma heaven :cool: No problem, may do it in the standard "Tan" as well given that it is part of the SCAR family, but looking at the pictures going with the middle link would be laziness but given that the homepage has the retractable stock I'll have to do that one instead... Apparently Colombians from AFEAU are just that good, although Americans from 7th SFG won few major contests like static pistol, sniping baloons on unknown distances, sniping moving targets, 25 km rucksack march and basic water. they were second in overall scoring. Colombians won the event 4 times in last 14 years.AA 12 model looks beautifull, iron sights and optics position look great to. I also like the transparent magazine.;) Regards. Most of the stuff is just basically what was in Arma 2, so all the work was done by BIS, as I"m just updating it for A3 obviously, so they get the credit :) But 14 years? Would have though the Berets would have done better but hey, when it comes to the brass tacks no matter what... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 21, 2014 Some progress on the SCAR-L PDW: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kgino1045 12 Posted November 21, 2014 Nice pdw, i'd love to use them so much :) IMO, if you don't mind, could you change VFG grip animation to this? if you don't exactly know how it seems, check vanila weapon mk14 ebr mod 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 21, 2014 That's more of a consensus thing as always opposed to always a single idea... granted I'm getting a little bit more flexible in taking requests, but I'll see what I can do if I can use that vanilla hand placement on the weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wansec_6 200 Posted November 21, 2014 Eric that scar is looking good. Quick question. Would you have access to a Thompson smg model? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jelskipro 32 Posted November 21, 2014 hi eric nice to see the aa12 in game. the guy from this thread: has a custom reload anim maybe you can ask him to use it for your aa12? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites