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ArmA 2 C-130J and MV-22 Redux

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I was going to post some screenshots but since I had fraps going I made a video instead.


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This is amazing! So much better than screenshots :D Can the ramp close though? I know its not the purpose of the video but im curious. What features do you plan to make for this aircraft?

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I was going to post some screenshots but since I had fraps going I made a video instead.


Looks amazing! Very nice detail work. The flir, refuel arm, the pain job all look great! I see the only hit point listed is hull. Are rotor and engine hit points on the to-do list?

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Really good work Sakura - can you make the cockpit mirrors working? since we got vehicle RTT why not to use it

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I was going to post some screenshots but since I had fraps going I made a video instead.

You are good my friend, real good. :)

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Really good work Sakura - can you make the cockpit mirrors working? since we got vehicle RTT why not to use it

I imagine it has something to do with the pilot LOD not having the side of the aircraft. ;)

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Looks pretty damn good, but I have a little constructive criticism for you here:

I'm not a fan of the door opening automatically after engine shutdown personally. I would much rather have an action menu item.

What is going on the rear view mirror? Maybe talk to John_Spartan & Saul because they were able to get real rear-view mirrors working for their F/A-18.

At night time in the cockpit what is up with the blue blur on the windshield? Was that intentional and if so what was the reason.

The FLIR screen looks pretty good but it seems a little bit washed out and its pretty hard to see anything on the screen.

I would also talk to Raven and see if you can get LIFTER as a part of this.(IMO better than igi load)

And can you taxi it without putting it into auto-hover?Like you could in A2?

All in all great work and I can't wait for further updates!

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What a attractive video that is!

I can't wait to see your release.

Excellent work, soldier!

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At night time in the cockpit what is up with the blue blur on the windshield? Was that intentional and if so what was the reason.

Did you notice the 6-10 Chemlights that were surrounding the Osprey? That blur was glare from them reflecting on a glass surface (the windscreen). Here's a similar glare on an AH-9 hovering over some chem lights at night.


The FLIR screen looks pretty good but it seems a little bit washed out and its pretty hard to see anything on the screen.

Again, I don't think that's something Sakura can fix. Instrument panels on BI aircraft have always been easy to wash out, especially while flying into the sun. Compare the Osprey to the Hellcat flying at a similar time of day/location.





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Again, I don't think that's something Sakura can fix. Instrument panels on BI aircraft have always been easy to wash out, especially while flying into the sun. Compare the Osprey to the Hellcat flying at a similar time of day/location.





That's because for some unknown reason BIS is using auto contrast on Thermal/Flir which sometimes doesnt work and looks washed out

In vbs2 you can actually tweak the Ti vision for better view - same goes to NV

dunno if you can tweak Ti by using some scripts and CBA like with NV but it could be worth to try

Edited by RobertHammer

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Ok i just watched the Week Report on armaholic and look where it get me :D Just want to say great job man..this baby is amazing you did a great job.. but one questions from me :D

First one i know i am boring with this but lights on rotor blades??? are u gonna add them or that is not gonna happen?

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Hi, this looks amazing, your work seems to be near end, are you gonna release it soon?

im also not fan of the door opening automatically after engine shutdown. with action menu it could be better.

LIFT vs iggi, every has its plus, maybe implement some nice lift script/mod with some nice graphic and ropes, but the iggi can be optional so need to implement it. Server admins can instal the iggi separately so np :)


Lights on rotor blades would look awesome x) im up for it.

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how did y....,what's the ff...this is da fuc...god da.........rrrrhhhhhoooooooo:bounce12: REEAAALLEEEAAASSSEE IIIIIITTT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR I KILL AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST CHICKEN IN MY NEIGHBOUR FARM!!!!!:681:

I can say that is certainly the best mv22 in arma history!!!!triple congrats.AWESOME!!!!:dancehead:

Edited by pathaber

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Okay, to help the guy out, I want to say, no helicopters (or tiltrotors, for that matter) actually have lights on the rotor blades. That cool effect you're seeing is actually static electricity built up from particles in the air around the rotor blades. It's helped by the light from the aircraft itself being reflected onto them too.

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Outstanding quality/detail SakuraChan, looking forward to the release, finally we will get a MV22 in Arma III. This will be a must have mod for me.

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Lovely, the MV-22 is probably my favorite helicopter if not aircraft, hope you release it!

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Okay, to help the guy out, I want to say, no helicopters (or tiltrotors, for that matter) actually have lights on the rotor blades. That cool effect you're seeing is actually static electricity built up from particles in the air around the rotor blades. It's helped by the light from the aircraft itself being reflected onto them too.

That's incorrect. The Osprey has blade-tip lights. They're basically slime lights on the tip-path plane.

Sweet vid. Looking forward to the release.

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