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Script Commands are broken:

120 setOvercast 0.8; Will not work !

obj say ["sound" 10]; The Distance is complete ignored !

PlaySound3D only works in SP ! Its a global function, but complete broken on dedicated servers

doMove / moveTo sometimes the AI do noting on this functions

playMusic - Music will stop after 20 Sec ( 1.40 RC) - WORKING IN STABLE

BIS_fnc_taskCreate - Taks will create complete randomly on the clientside and not in order

BIS_fnc_arsenal - Sometimes crashes with a black screen by exiting the Arsenal (1.38 and 1.40 RC)

BIS_fnc_arsenal - If you cancel the Arsenal, the action will removed from the ammobox.

Edited by R34P3R

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units - returns units, allUnits - returns units, playableUnits - returns units, switchableUnits - returns units, allUnitsUAV .... returns vehicles?

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Script Commands are broken:


PlaySound3D only works in SP ! Its a global function, but complete broken on dedicated servers


it works for me on my dedi ... (1.40)

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Doing a bit of testing and it appears the allGroups command is local; that is to say, it can only detect groups if the group is local to the machine running the command.

So if you spawn some groups on a HC and check on the server, it won't return those groups.

It just seems odd that you would have a command to return all the groups created, but it won't detect non-local groups.

Can anyone else confirm? If so, I'll make a ticket and see if BIS can/want to change it.

Kinda the same deal here.

Spawning units on the HC, calling these units from a player. Works on MP when server is player, does not work on dedi with AIs on HC.

_veh = createVehicle [_typeOfVeh, (getMarkerPos _Spawn1), [], 0, "NONE"];
createVehicleCrew _veh;
	diag_log [_x, faction _x, side _x, side group _x];
} forEach crew _veh;

c1 = _veh;

Calling AI named c1 (by trigger, for example) works in editor preview, MP when player is host, but not on dedi with AI on HC.

If you see any obvious mistake, or have any tips on a workaround, that would be much appreciated.

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Changed: Function 'diag_log' added to the whitelist for the MP remote execution

Since "disableAI" is already in the whitelist, can we also have "enableAI" whitelisted?

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Added: New scripting command 'sort' for sorting arrays (ascending or descending)
Optimized: Scripting command sort is a little more faster now

Well, it was about damn time!


While it's too bad we can't pass a custom selector (in the form of code), in order to sort array's by some special item (or expression of several items or what not; well we can't use "mixed" arrays at all...), at least we're finally up to speed (in arguably one of the most important/mundane programming tasks ever):

2:30:37 n=10, step=1000, max=10000, a=3, g=1
2:30:37 N, NATIVE_BIS_sort-random, RUBE3_shellSort-random, RUBE3_heapSort-random, 
2:30:37 1000, 0.976563, 172.119, 226.074, 
2:30:37 2000, 1.95313, 513.916, 444.092, 
2:30:37 3000, 3.17383, 876.953, 733.887, 
2:30:37 4000, 5.12695, 1013.92, 1019.04, 
2:30:37 5000, 7.08008, 1380.86, 1322.02, 
2:30:37 6000, 7.08008, 1679.2, 1616.21, 
2:30:37 7000, 9.0332, 1942.14, 1910.16, 
2:30:37 8000, 10.0098, 2348.88, 2256.1, 
2:30:37 9000, 23.9258, 2908.94, 10223.9,   // !! mission prematurely started around here...
2:30:37 10000, 31.9824, 25234.9, 23732.9,  // see: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23562
2:30:37 SORT BENCHMARK: end.

There you have it guys (times are given in ms, btw.): stop using your own, and super slow sorting algorithms implemented in sqf, and start using the native sort function - the sooner the better. And I'm sure we'll find ways to leverage the new sorting power even for more complicated sorting tasks, e.g. by indirect sorting (or simply by rewriting/adapting our datastructures/mixed arrays...).

Anyways, thanks and good job BIS!

Next task: a native hashmap/dictionary/associative array.

kthxbai. :p

EDIT: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23848 (Feature request: new command: sortBy, indirect sorting of mixed arrays with selection and evaluation) :cool:

Edited by ruebe

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Added: Script commandsremoteExec and remoteExecCall

Looking very interesting, could we get some details?

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I just tried them out and it crashed Arma!

remoteExec spawns a function remotely

remoteExecCall calls the function remotely

I tried:

fnc_globalChat = {
	player globalChat _this;

"fnc_globalChat" remoteExecCall ["message"];

So I've obv got the params wrong.

In the example, it's:

"setDammage" remoteExecCall [[1,player],[2,3,player]]

Maybe element 1 is the script args and element 2 is the targets???

I'm not sure though as I would have thought it would been [[player,1],[2,3,player]]

Also not sure if this just accepts scripting commands or functions defined in CfgFunctions/ in init etc

This works:

"sideChat" remoteExec [[player,"hello world"],[player]];

Edited by Das Attorney

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Oh that's really cool if that's what does. hope to see more information from bis.

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Is there any good reason why moveInDriver (and other related commands) have local arguments required instead of global?

I believe this is causing an occasional bug for me where my server-side created vehicle and crew sometimes don't properly get put inside their vehicle before being sent over to the client.

The reason I'm doing this on the server side is that I don't want clients ever executing the createVehicle command.

There might be another issue I'm missing and this is unrelated, but it's hard to tell.

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Working substitute for addBackpackCargoGlobal? You cannot pick backpacks up from chests on MP with this command...

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Try using actions as they can be used on Rem Units


_unit action ["getindriver", _myVeh]; // should work globally

Or for instant,issue locally with bis_fnc_mp

Maybe something like:

[[_unit,_myVeh],"moveInDriver",_unit] call bis_fnc_mp;

Edited by Das Attorney
wrong command name

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Wow the idea of using action just didn't even come to mind. I'll try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Is there any good reason why moveInDriver (and other related commands) have local arguments required instead of global?

I believe this is causing an occasional bug for me where my server-side created vehicle and crew sometimes don't properly get put inside their vehicle before being sent over to the client.

The reason I'm doing this on the server side is that I don't want clients ever executing the createVehicle command.

There might be another issue I'm missing and this is unrelated, but it's hard to tell.

You might be having the same issue as I once did.

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Thanks for the link. I took a gander and it seems like yours is strictly related to moveInCargo. My issue is seemingly with moveInGunner/moveInCommander. People will report "My vehicle has a driver and a gunner, but not a commander" or something like "I have no gunner in my tank".

Seeing as how it happens maybe one out of every 200 vehicles built or so (from what I've seen - maybe even less than that), I'm basically in the dark as to why this would happen.

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Is there any good reason why moveInDriver (and other related commands) have local arguments required instead of global?

I believe this is causing an occasional bug for me where my server-side created vehicle and crew sometimes don't properly get put inside their vehicle before being sent over to the client.

The reason I'm doing this on the server side is that I don't want clients ever executing the createVehicle command.

There might be another issue I'm missing and this is unrelated, but it's hard to tell.

I think only unit which you try to move in should be local to where you execute command, vehicle could be remote. So if you pubvar vehicle reference after creation you can move every client in locally to client.

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Is there any good reason why moveInDriver (and other related commands) have local arguments required instead of global?

I believe this is causing an occasional bug for me where my server-side created vehicle and crew sometimes don't properly get put inside their vehicle before being sent over to the client.

The reason I'm doing this on the server side is that I don't want clients ever executing the createVehicle command.

There might be another issue I'm missing and this is unrelated, but it's hard to tell.

There are many many instances of the client calling 'createVehicle' in BIS code which you and I have no ability to disable.

It's a worthy ideal to have all create functions called only on server, but it just isn't reality.

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There are many many instances of the client calling 'createVehicle' in BIS code which you and I have no ability to disable.

It's a worthy ideal to have all create functions called only on server, but it just isn't reality.

Dropping inventory items on the ground and shooting bullets are somewhat equivalent to createVehicle calls (as both are filtered by BE's createvehicle.txt), but otherwise a blank mission never uses createVehicle to spawn driveable vehicles client-side.

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