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forgot to say i am on a logitech g-35.

by the way, its so loud and distorted that you have to remove your headphones.

and my audio-game level is at around 30percent.

its horrible!!

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Seems like BIS can repro the sound disortion and it's assigned.

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important!!! release client / and dev-version !!!

for me i have in the all helicopters have in first person a soundbug. sounds are loud / distorted.

this have to be checked on all vehicles in first person!!

I had the same problem a few days ago, I thought it was my headset playing up again. Logitech G35 here.

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I had the problem too with my old G35. Didn't appear on recorded videos, and diseapeared with a new headset.

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I had the problem too with my old G35. Didn't appear on recorded videos, and diseapeared with a new headset.

I had this problem with Corsair Vengeance USB headphones. Ticket here http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24304

And mine did record onto video. For the sake of your eardrums I have reduced the volume.


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The audio issue has been fixed. Nice job. And seems like the Huron was the same issue so I know a friend who can board that heli again with a pleasure :D

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The Shell Casings from the BTR-K fall through the vehicle. It would make sense if they hit the top, and rolled off instead of just magically falling through a completely solid object. Looks bad.

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* Fixed: Iron / back-up / CQB sight FoV was inconsistent across weapons

* Fixed: Naked eye FoV was inconsistent across vehicles

Many thanks Devs for taking on this issue :)

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The Shell Casings from the BTR-K fall through the vehicle. It would make sense if they hit the top, and rolled off instead of just magically falling through a completely solid object. Looks bad.

This was mentioned in the beta A3 and BIS dev said that it's a Physx limit in the A3 - so dunno if it is a physx fault or a3

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To any BIS Devs reading,

A rare Low-hanging fruit for MP performance optimization:


A 5 minute fix.

Thank You for letting us know, but have You even given it a try on a dev branch, when You are writing into a dev branch thread? We have changed the behaviour of the clocks from script into a different solution already :icon_twisted:

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Thank You for letting us know, but have You even given it a try on a dev branch, when You are writing into a dev branch thread? We have changed the behaviour of the clocks from script into a different solution already :icon_twisted:

Hi, while you're looking at randomisation scripts, there is a potential infinite loop you might want to check out:

class Land_Poster_04_F;

class EventHandlers{ init = "(_this select 0) execVM "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\scripts\randomize_Poster_04_F.sqf"";};


// Load a random color version for Poster_04_F

// Generate random number 0-4
if (isServer) then {
_rnd1 = floor random 5;
_this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed1", _rnd1, TRUE];

// Once the variable is available...
waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"})};
_randomSeed1 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1";

// ...load the generated version
_this setObjectTexture [0, ["\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v1_CO.paa", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v2_CO.paa", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v3_CO.paa", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v4_CO.paa", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v5_CO.paa"] select _randomSeed1];
_this setObjectMaterial [0, ["\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v1.rvmat", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v2.rvmat", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v3.rvmat", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v4.rvmat", "\a3\Structures_F_EPB\Items\Documents\Data\Poster_04_v5.rvmat"] select _randomSeed1];



Spawn this object via createVehicleLocal on a client >> BIS_randomSeed1 is never defined so script sits looping in waitUntil {////} forever.

20 objects spawned on client = 20 scripts looping forever on client etc.

Not a common problem, but you could change the isServer cond to if (local _this) then { bla bla }

I didn't add to tracker as having problems logging in.


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changing stance while turning kinda slow I think. You have to wait your character come to a complete stop before you can change stance.

Also after moving/running. You need to stop, wait half a second, then you can change stance. Does anyone else have this?

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Why are the mission Weather settings limited to the Forecasted settings?

What I mean is this:

You can set Rain to 40 and Forecasted Rain to 85 - so as the mission progresses, the rain comes and becomes heavier.

You CAN'T set the rain to 85 and Forecasted Rain to 40 - so as the mission starts with rain and slowly clears out. The Forecasted rained is locked at a minimum of 85 in this case...

Same for other settings like thunder, etc.

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Why are the mission Weather settings limited to the Forecasted settings?

What I mean is this:

You can set Rain to 40 and Forecasted Rain to 85 - so as the mission progresses, the rain comes and becomes heavier.

You CAN'T set the rain to 85 and Forecasted Rain to 40 - so as the mission starts with rain and slowly clears out. The Forecasted rained is locked at a minimum of 85 in this case...

Same for other settings like thunder, etc.

I'd say if BIS are to update their weather module, they should do it when they're able to provide full scale weather changes. For example, the fog slider is still unavailable without scripting. That, and the ability to allow snow during colder dates. Otherwise, the weather module has been, since Arma's beginning, lackluster.

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Would be cool if you could use keyframes like in video editing software... Set whatever amount of weather 'points in time' to which the weather gradually slides into.

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Why are the mission Weather settings limited to the Forecasted settings?

What I mean is this:

You can set Rain to 40 and Forecasted Rain to 85 - so as the mission progresses, the rain comes and becomes heavier.

You CAN'T set the rain to 85 and Forecasted Rain to 40 - so as the mission starts with rain and slowly clears out. The Forecasted rained is locked at a minimum of 85 in this case...

Same for other settings like thunder, etc.

Click the button that says "auto" to the left of the sliders. It will then say "manual" and you can set the forecast to whatever you want. I just tried it and it's working fine here.

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Click the button that says "auto" to the left of the sliders. It will then say "manual" and you can set the forecast to whatever you want. I just tried it and it's working fine here.

Didn't work for me. Whenever I set the Forecasted Rain/Lightning to a lower number than the starting Rain/Lightning, it re-set the Forecasted to 85 whether I liked it or not.

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Hmm strange - I don't think this is something they're working on in the dev branch but not sure why it's not working for you. Are you running any mods at all?

Also, rain is dependent on overcast so you might need to bear that in mind when playing about with the values (prob not the cause of your troubles as you are lowering it) but I thought I'd mention.

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Have you guys noticed that zooming is a little bit higher on the current dev build?


My bad I haven't notice this in changelog

* Fixed: Iron / back-up / CQB sight FoV was inconsistent across weapons

* Fixed: Naked eye FoV was inconsistent across vehicles

Edited by Xarieq

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Have you guys noticed that zooming is a little bit higher on the current dev build?


My bad I haven't notice this in changelog

* Fixed: Iron / back-up / CQB sight FoV was inconsistent across weapons

* Fixed: Naked eye FoV was inconsistent across vehicles

You are right, naked eyes got 50% higher magnification in this update, which brings most of the scope magnifications reported in the UI into line.

It's a big change though, will be interesting to see how well the AI can see vs players now.

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It's a big change though, will be interesting to see how well the AI can see vs players now.

I'm liking it. :)

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