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Operation E3

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BI is taking it to serious with the battle bunker booth, next time no EMC shields pls. Or just lower them.

The first video did work perfect.

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Well, if they allowed us to play the E3 demo back in Prague, I think it would be worth visiting them. ;)

And they wont, for that very reason.

Who wants the unwashed masses descending on them while they're trying to make a game...

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I believe it was Maruk who said something like, "Bohemia Interactive is not a zoo."

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Sort of E3-related?


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That's funny considering they have ponies there and all.
Its not a zoo, its a freakin ranch! Evil chickens are let loose as they please!

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I feel a bit dissapointed after 12h workday coming here and finding no new stuff to look at...pity :(

I am hoping for some proper video like last year, but maybe not in september...

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I feel a bit dissapointed after 12h workday coming here and finding no new stuff to look at...pity :(

I am hoping for some proper video like last year, but maybe not in september...

You should check the new images a bunch of pages back. Those are rather epic.

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You should check the new images a bunch of pages back. Those are rather epic.

Saw those earlier today on mugbook.

I am not sure this was already discussed in the open somewhere but there is one massive change being done under the hood of Arma 3: migration from PhysX 2.x to PhysX 3..X . This may sound trivial but in reality it is basically switching to completely new physical simulation system with all consequences (a lot of work lost, delay of the entire development schedule). But we decided to make this transition, otherwise Arma 3 would be locked to PhysX 2.x for long time. It was basically now or never for the game...

The transition phase is on-going and neither PhysX 2 nor PX 3 branch are really tuned or polished at the moment.

Also, physical libraries only do part of what is needed and in no way guarantee that everything is going to react as it should: a lot of work on simulation, tweaking, testing, tweaking, AI routines, tweaking, fixing, testing is required with any type of physical simulation and in case of game this complex it really takes a lot of time and effort.

Hats of to you kind sir.

I do appreciate the decision regarding PhysX3 versus PhysX2 quite a lot. As you said, it was now or never, and you lads had the balls to say: screw the schedule, we gonna push this back some more, but making sure we are making it right, using the latest technology available to date.

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I feel a bit dissapointed after 12h workday coming here and finding no new stuff to look at...pity :(

I am hoping for some proper video like last year, but maybe not in september...

Check this ;)

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#Arma3 Just absolutely #dominated the gamespot static cam. Should be released tonight, LA time! Two-headed-creative-directorate-hydra! -- Jay Crowe (@leplaisirquitue)

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#Arma3 Just absolutely #dominated the gamespot static cam. Should be released tonight, LA time! Two-headed-creative-directorate-hydra! -- Jay Crowe (@leplaisirquitue)

its gonna be a looooong night..

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Although I'm afraid its getting late on this side of the planet, so I will check back in here tomorrow.

Night fawlks.

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Hey,that's brilliant! Had no clue what the narrative was, but great contents. New gear screen at 3:59 :cool:

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can someone please post the E3 videos I missed? (I only saw the first day1 Cam1 Videos) I lost track somehow.


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thx I already watched :)) but cant get enough... need moar

I must say I really love the setting, the sun, thw wind breezing through the bushes and the awesome awesome sea!!! oh my god I love the sea.. and the underwater scnes. At first I thought about the underwater stuff that its nice, but only a gimmick.. but now I am just thinking about a whole underwater night alien deep sea mod ^^ just kidding, but it totally gets me in the mood!!! Jules verne anyone?

Captain unidentified Object of Alien origin! http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/arma3_e3_20122.jpg

;))) or maybe sth. else.. such a great engine! I am really looking forward to hop into the little submarine..

how does it work anyway? does it have a watergate? is it dry or wet inside? warm or cold?

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looked through some of these new videos and the game looks great - but doesn't feel the same way. first person is too smooth and responsive. there was also a fair ammount of head-bob that can, hopefully, be fully removed unlike in arma 2.

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