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That guy

Stalker 2, it's not over until the fat weapon seller sings!!!

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The Developers for the beloved STALKER series is closing down. :eek:

that means so stalker 2

RPS announcement

official dev blog detailing what happened (google translate)

released concept art

this is terrible news, stalker 2 and the accompanying TV serise was something that i was very much looking forward too

quick BIS! there are a whole bunch of really talented open world RPG game devs on the market! get them! save stalker!

Edit, it seems that the links to the blog on go to the main page, meaning that the article will eventually get lost, so ill just copy it here

To be honest, I was going to write about it only after a talk with Grigorovich, so keep in mind that all the information below - unofficial, from sources inside and outside the GSC, which I believe, but that may not have all the data.

GSC is closed, a fact confirmed by all. The team is almost completely dissolved, the state has only a few people.

The reason, which I believe - STALKER 2 is obtained only for PC: an agreement with publishers on the console did not work, and self-publishing the game under the console at the GSC does not have resources. Some say that the GSC demanded incredible condition, others that Western publishers do not want to postapokalipsisa from Eastern Europe. It is clear that the story the game on a PC with a target market in Eastern Europe would be sold in small editions.

They also say that Grigorovich was unhappy with how we obtain STALKER 2, although other people, by contrast, claim that turned out very cool and not as a reason. There's also a view that Grigorovich stupidly tired, but I'm in it did not seem to believe.

Assaults security nobody confirmed it. That is, I believe that we could run away, but to select the way the company is not possible, the maximum space - intellectual property GSC registered outside Ukraine. It is unlikely that this would be a reason for the closure, the more that thought close Grigorovich GSC over the past year, there are several people supporting it.

About the official Twitter , which denied everything - it is the boy from South Africa, have forgotten to warn. He already knows, and erased the tweet looking for work .

What will happen next? I do not know my sources, too. I can only assume that the brand does not throw Grigorovich, and give someone the right to create games for it. Done on the same brauzerka Stalker, why not make a full game, just another team? Who will undertake for this - an issue in Ukraine, except that really pulls 4A Games, and they and Metro: Last Light of the missing, plus with Grigorovich little strained. And if you will take the Poles and Bulgarians are any, then nothing good will come of it.

Finally - the arts of the game .

Oh, another Burcovschi asked to write that it does not work in the GSC and has never worked. Dear Eurogamer, I know you read me, straighten news!

again, through google translate

Edited by That guy

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This is indeed terrible shit news. *sadface*

I always applauded GSC for their openminded view on sharing content (e.g. with the arma community).

And of course loved their games! Damnit..

quick BIS! there are a whole bunch of really talented open world RPG game devs on the market! get them! save stalker!

Maybe yes ... at least better than Ubisoft or Codies or the likes getting their filthy hands on it (IP) or them (artists) :angryfire:

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When they say "target market in Eastern Europe" what do this mean exactly, is it a marketing thing or game location?

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I thought they had success with their games,I don't know where I read that they sold the Stalker games in millions.

If its for real I would miss them and Stalker 2,hope EA or Ubisoft won't get their dirty hands on the Ip.Better to remember them for SoC,Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

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Terrible depressing news.

quick BIS! there are a whole bunch of really talented open world RPG game devs on the market! get them! save stalker!

Agreed. BIS, this sounds like quite an opportunity!

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I thought they had success with their games,I don't know where I read that they sold the Stalker games in millions.

If its for real I would miss them and Stalker 2,hope EA or Ubisoft won't get their dirty hands on the Ip.Better to remember them for SoC,Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

Saddly they aren't the only studio that was closed despite making a million sales..I guess that just isn't enough anymore.

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The Wikipedia entry says this:

Following initial reports stating that their upcoming project, STALKER 2, had been cancelled, GSC tweeted a complete denial of the cancellation as well as denying rumors that the studio had closed its doors. However, the tweet has since been deleted and the company has not released any comment since on the matter.

A small glimmer of hope ... :(

Their Cossacks series is also awesome.

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Very sad indeed. :(

I just hope we never have to read something like this about BIS.

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To bad... I really liked the series. They were very atmospheric

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Damn, what a shame. They made some good games and had some talented people... :(

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:butbut: Faar... one of the best most unique series ever! that really sucks...

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I remember playing stalker for the first time and being amazed. The whole atmosphere of the game was amazing, the storyline was unique and the features it had were great.

Going to miss this series alot.

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i would like to point out that GCS Game World did not just made STALKER but also Cossacks games (great RTS serie)

it's sad indeed to see end of another great indie studio

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Terrible news arrived at yesterday's night and after all, it seems to be true - the always-ambitious devs of STALKER franchise GSC Game World closed and their last installment in the series, STALKER 2, is in big trouble, probably completely canned.

Here's a detailed report at VG247.com.

One thing I want to present you seperately is leaked STALKER 2 material - "photo-shoped screenshots", artworks, concepts & other fantasy-evocative stuff. LINK

It might look a bit suspicious as there is a lot of apparent reasons of GSC closure but, as it is stated in the article and S.Galenkin's personal blog, devs couldn't find an agreemnt with any publishers around to help them in releasing console versions of STALKER 2. The studio itself, according so Galenkin, isn't capable of such financial investments into marketing and other aspects.

Quite shocking, I must admit. What do you think about this?

(No doubt STALKER 2 was the game I was looking forward to. :( )

Thanks, Max Power!

Edited by Inlesco

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Look at it from the bright side. Stalker wasn't tainted by a multiplatform release and all bad things that come with it (very small maps, horrible controls, slow gameplay, some more dumbing down).

The only thing that's bad is that with CoP they were finally getting to how Stalker was promised to be originally and then this.

devs couldn't find an agreemnt with any publishers around to help them in releasing console versions of STALKER 2.

They shouldn't have tried to go to consoles in the first place.

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sad news indeed. I have enjoyed both cossacks and stalker series a lot more than other AAA big budget titles. I really hope the guys will get the strength to move on and create a new company not that far in the future.


oh, it is you again...

Look at it from the bright side. Stalker wasn't tainted by a multiplatform release and all bad things that come with it (very small maps, horrible controls, slow gameplay, some more dumbing down).


you lad, are a special kind of breed...and NOT in the good sense

The only thing that's bad is that with CoP they were finally getting to how Stalker was promised to be originally and then this.

A company filled with talented artists got sacked (self sacked if that please you better) for reasons related to publishers considering consoles the primary gaming platform, and all you can think of it is this???

You could at least have the decency to keep it to yourself...

They shouldn't have tried to go to consoles in the first place.

living in a black/white universe of your own then...

Edited by PuFu
removed tiny brain from the = equation

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SoC and CS were like crappy unfinished beta versions of a promised Stalker Oblivion Lost. I won't hold my breath about GSC lying to gamers (incl. me) for years and releasing an unfinished broken game after 6 years of development and milking it further with Clear Sky which featured content that was already there in one of earlier Stalker builds. So GSC were not white and fluffy either.

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I think the point that Pufu was trying to make is that there is no upside to a number of people losing their jobs because the demands of the gaming business have squeezed them out. There is no bright side here. We have a publisher of a creative PC game franchise, beleaguered by production costs and business practices, unable to find a suitable publisher for its A title production. I'm not sure why you're trying to make it out like Oleg lied to you. Obviously a lot of what they were talking about in their original release was not attainable. You're saying that it's good that these men lost their jobs because their game didn't live up to what they promised like 5 years before they even found a publisher, I think you're quite out to lunch.

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That's terrible! I love their games... very very bad news these days... :butbut:

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I never said it's good that they've lost their jobs. All I'm saying is that many of their business decisions (like wasting money on a multiplatform release and then being unable to interest any publisher) were wrong and they led to this downfall.

I quite enjoyed Cossacks and CoP myself.

Obviously a lot of what they were talking about in their original release was not attainable.

That's to put it lightly. SoC had a massive PR campaign promising a lot of things and when the game came out it was just a bunch of disconnected maps quickly thrown together and filled with respawns (after 6 years no less). Wasting a lot of money on PR but not on making a good game instead is another bad business decision which put off many people at least in the home region.

Edited by metalcraze

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I never said it's good that they've lost their jobs. All I'm saying is that many of their business decisions (like wasting money on a multiplatform release and then being unable to interest any publisher) were wrong and they led to this downfall.

I quite enjoyed Cossacks and CoP myself.

Mate, you said 'look on the bright side'. This quoted paraphrase does not accurately characterize what you said previously. Are you revising your previous statement?

That's to put it lightly. SoC had a massive PR campaign promising a lot of things and when the game came out it was just a bunch of disconnected maps quickly thrown together and filled with respawns (after 6 years no less). Wasting a lot of money on PR but not on making a good game instead is another bad business decision which put off many people at least in the home region.

I don't know any of that. I thought you were talking about what you said you thought Oblivion Lost was going to be, and basing the comparison on that. A lot of the things they wanted to do in oblivion lost were amazing albeit I guess much too ambitious. Hind sight is 20/20.

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