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Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

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Has anyone else noticed that the front gun on the boat appears to be stabilised?

It remains levelish to the shore while the boat moves, the one on the back doesn't. This is new isn't it? Or have I just never noticed it before?

It's more noticable in the first video that was released.

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Bounding, hopper, bouncing betty, jumping jack - who cares? I prefer the softness associated with betty and something bouncing on betty :D

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You forgot to add T-100K

I have a hunch that the T-100 is the railgun tank that's already on the list under "Black Eagle"

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@6:30 while the F-35 is flying lower, paid attention to the rocks in the ground. Looks like they were hovering over a 2D map and then the map "elevates" itself to 3D. Some weird effect like that one in A2 where the ground seems to form a "wave" while you approches. (dunno how to explain better)

@7:30 the pick-up have one missing door (the other appear to be there, since there is a mirror). By design or the vehicles are actualy destroyable in parts? (Like BC2 and Iron Front. BTW I think someone already mentionated that before Gamescon)

Facil animations on Nikos or just somekind of weird warp?

Variable map cells size? (again, think it was mentioned before, but for VBS).

In the top of one of the boxes with guns, there is one with a box magazine but the weapon looks like more with a rifle than a LMG. Proper magazine proxy? Or this was automaticly confirmed when the customization of the weapon was announced?

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List updated:

Added custom reload animations to the list.

sorry, but when in the video he said this?

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sorry, but when in the video he said this?

Think that was from a discussion between a dev and someone that was there, not part of the video.

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And what with that changing uniforms from dead enemy, if i have enemy uniform i can do anything and they will not shoot at me ? or what. Or maybe this gona be scripted for that mission (or few missions) or its gona be active whole time in the game.

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Hmm.. Maybe the "T-100K" is the Railgun variation, and we will also get a conventional one listed as "T-100"

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Traditionally, the K designation denotes a command variant in the realm of Russian armored vehicles. I'm not saying that has to be the answer here. I'm just saying that's traditionally what it means.

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Hmm.. Maybe the "T-100K" is the Railgun variation, and we will also get a conventional one listed as "T-100"

K designation for russian tanks means 'commander tank'

You know what bothers me... We've seen quite enough of videos by now - and none actually shows a sunflare...

Edited by metalcraze

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T-100? It's a tank, according by "T" index. And metalcraze is right, K designation means commander version.

Btw, I know almost every weapon in RF army, but never heard about T-100 or any gauss tanks...

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15:01 - why would those rounds be pink?:o

15:44 - notice that the gun landed on the railing, rather unlikely

I like the detailed terrain in villages, previous armas looked just too much flat. Now it looks almost like a normal game.:rolleyes:

In the F35 scene you can notice some kind of terraing grid streaming.

And I think it is obvious that AI shooting was turned off completely, they are sometimes stupid but not as much.

The lighting system looks great, like crysis, but interiors are still weird.

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T-100? It's a tank, according by "T" index. And metalcraze is right, K designation means commander version.

Btw, I know almost every weapon in RF army, but never heard about T-100 or any gauss tanks...

Its a fictional future weapons kind of thing. I've heard of a T-100 that the Soviets tested out a few years prior to WWII. I believe it had twin cannons and was probably the inspiration for the Soviet tanks in Command & Conquer Red Alert. Endwar, another near-future game, features the T-100 Ogre tank.

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steering wheel....hand....work...i love you BIS :D

Wonder if hands will be attached to mounted guns with the same fidelity as well, aka helicopter doorgunner/crewchief weapons.

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I wonder why, when the TWS is activated on the Lynx the display is totally blinding white for a few seconds, do you guys think it is meant to be like that, because that doesn't seem very realistic and could be quite a hassle when you need to put a quick shot downrange...

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That's just auto aperture of the HDR at work, normally simulating how your eyes work. Maybe it could have been precalculating before use, but doesn't bother me that much. Maybe closing the aperture (to become darker) should be faster than opening it, and maybe more so at wider apertures? Whatever generalized approach you use, there will always be exceptions that doesn't fit in very well, and I don't think there should be rules for all uses.

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Maybe in the future, you don't have to wait 5-15 seconds for the sensor to cool. It just takes a second to adjust to the ambient heat.

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