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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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Inventory system has already been discussed?

What you guys would like to see? One that works with space\volume (a la ACE backpack stuff), weight (Stalker), slots (default A2) or somekind of combination?

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Inventory system has already been discussed?

What you guys would like to see? One that works with space\volume (a la ACE backpack stuff), weight (Stalker), slots (default A2) or somekind of combination?

I'd be in favour of allowing units to carry what they'd like, but to suffer the penalties for doing so. So no weight restriction, but it should be possible to carry so much stuff that you can barely move. That would cause you to make appropriate choices. I'd go for a space restriction maybe, with the twist that you can arrange your stuff tetris-style, if you can get it in you can take it :D with the aforementioned weight penalty.

Or something.

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Maybe adding special forces for each branch of military?or at least to do with NATO involment forces other than what has been mention already maybe?lol just think thatd be cool to have in game or maybe dlc or update...

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Netcode, smooth animation. OPTMIZED game. stuff like this. make it run GOOD.

then second thing for me more attention and *realism* towards sniper scopes, simulate it.

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Shooting from inside vehicles. I dont care if it is inpractical or innacurate. Tank interiors and that would be it, almost everything has been "said" before in this thread.

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Definitely shooting from inside vehicles outside the windows.

Door open/close animations when entering/exiting a vehicle?

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everything mentioned above, plus articulated vehicles physics simulation (PhysX will help), shovels and other ground digging devices:)

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Inventory system has already been discussed?

What you guys would like to see? One that works with space\volume (a la ACE backpack stuff), weight (Stalker), slots (default A2) or somekind of combination?

Hi, i'll like to see Slots + Weight; the slots allowing you to choose gear (Tetris/RGP style) while the weight imposes movement limitations, unabling you to perform certain animations and slowing others. Let's C ya

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Hi, i'll like to see Slots + Weight; the slots allowing you to choose gear (Tetris/RGP style) while the weight imposes movement limitations, unabling you to perform certain animations and slowing others. Let's C ya

Yeah, was thinking about something like that.

With the option to select your gear we could have a diferent amount of space to put all the stuff, but bigger areas = more weight.

More weight = less sprinting + greater time to recover breath + slower pace + more noisy. STALKER is a great example of this.

Thats something that must be worked on.

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if you could move around and move your gun freely while in a seat that be great

then you could shoot out from any vehicle, helicopters, cars or w/e and if u shoot ur machinegun thru the windshield you'll just have to deal with w/e happens when you do that

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Descrutible Objects such as Doors and Windows. yes you can shoot through them now, but they don't go in.

It would be nice if not every door had the open close option or it popped up this door is LOCKED.

Then you could breach it with a shotgun or something.

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SHADOWS as simple as that;)

Look at this video


The added effects show us that the arma engine can show off sth.

BUT the houses throw no shadows. Also the trees and everything.

SHADOWS would add an immerse amount of athmosphere


Better chance to HIDE IN THE VEGETATION!

The Vegetatin in Arma 2 looks really nice - no question. In particular from near.

But it has a lot of negative aspects.

FIRST of all: We all know the gras problem. If u lie in the gras u cant see anything, but the enemy from far can see u clearly. The procedure of letting u slide into the ground which we all know is just a workaround.

My idea is following:

If we look at the gras which prevents us from seeing our enemy it strikes, that its these

big brown bushes on tschernarus that blockade the view.


How about declaring them as bushes, so that they dont disappear but become sprites with different level of details?

I think this could work out fine.

Second: The bushes in Arma 2 online serve as cover in near environment. The farer u are away the better you can see the soldier behind them. But in return u HAVE NO good view from behind the bush to the other side.

Come on BI! Thats as if u were hiding in a bush and the farer your opponent is away the better he can shoot u and the lesser u can shoot him...thats ridicolous...




This could be resolved EASILY by adjusting the Level of details correctly. So that the tree LOD is a little bit wider than normal and ready we are.

And! You remember the bushes from OFP? They were a good hiding place.

Now try to hide behind an Arma bush:


They definetely look nice no question, but they serve as no cover!

I would like to have bushes in form of this:


Then there is the chance of hiding again.

And one third thing: From near the soldiers fit perfectly into the environment, but from far away they can easily be spotted thanks to the contrast of the ground and soldier.

Cant there be found a solution? MAybe like making the soldiers a bit transparent when standing in front of vegetation? Maybe let them online get transparent on their clothes with camo?

I think this would get the game to a completely different level.


Better effects. It could just be done so much better, if u look at ...mh jeah i hate so say so....Bad Company 2 for example.

But this is relatively unimportant

Best Greetings

Edited by NordKindchen

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Ability to "stick" charge to land vehicles.

I agree with more shadows. In any game, the difference between shadows On or Off makes a massive difference in my mind, especially along the lines of immersion.

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Hi, about shadows and lights... will be great if the casted shadows do something to conceal you from the AI, rightnow this is not the case, lay on a shadow don't makes any difference to lay on the sun.


It will be also very good if the light and light cones don't pass through solid objects. Let's C ya

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It will be also very good if the light and light cones don't pass through solid objects. Let's C ya

According to that pdf about the VBS2 1.5, this may happen. But I fear a HUGE performance impact.

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this is my idea, what about BIS showing more new stuff?

I need more... moreeeee.... more!

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First aid in SLX mod style with loots of blod(orginal first aid modules sucks) and a little bit more destroyable enviroment - something with bullets destruction like smashed houses after long gunfights and again lots of blood XD

Maybe some polish forces this time ? XP

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Simple Request



Actually, if there's an XM312 LMG mounted on the fictional RHIB, then the XM307 might not be a far-fetched idea :yay:

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and dont forget about the XM-25 ;)

I , both the XM 25 and XM 307 grenades function on the same principle , timed air burst . :D Good times ahead .

BTW here is a video of the XM 307 used in CROWS configuration .


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Another important thing!

Better Cockpit views!

First its not realistic at all to just be able to see straight forward in a tank

And Second its really no fun... As a driver u are not taking part in the battle. At least it feels like it.

Some of the lighter vehicles had a good way to show off the cockpitview.

But there are two drawbacks in it.

First - the bloom made it nearly impossible to see trough 90% of the glasses and

second the driver was positioned so low, that one could not really see good enough.

This could be fixed very easily by letting the driver move his sight a little bit up and down as if he was leaning up.

That would give the driver a better integratin into the battlefield.

Best greetings

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If we got XM-25 - the XM-307 (static) is more or less unnecessary

Both are 25 mm nades

More better option should be the Mk 47 Mod 0

That is 40 mm just like Mk19 ,but this one can also fire smart grenades aka air burst

so 40 mm vs 25 mm ;)

plus - the US army is currently using it in combat (Afghanistan)

Edited by RobertHammer

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If we got XM-25 - the XM-307 (static) is more or less unnecessary

Both are 25 mm nades

I'd have to disagree, it's kind of like saying that, due to the fact there's the Barrett M107 in the game, the M2 is unnecessary.

Now, the XM25 can fire 40mm smart nades, but has to be reloaded after each shot (correct me if I'm wrong).

The XM307, on the other hand, fires a whole bunch of them, but isn't quite as portable.

If we get one, we might just as well get the other.

NOTE: Replace the "we" in the last statement with "I" as required :rolleyes:

Edited by OnlyRazor

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