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I'd just like to know if every single building will be enterable.

Thats what I loved about OA and I'd love to see it brought into A3.

By enterable, I mean that all buildings can be entered and that if there are areas for rooms that all the rooms will be enterable.

Just don't want to see any of the:

Here is a building with doors and windows.

You can not enter this building.

The doors do not open and there is no interior.

This building is just a block.

There for looks and nothing else.

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Could be a placeholder, but this definately doesn't seem enterable.

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Even if they are enterable, it wouldn't do much good if the CQB AI is shite. ;)

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How so? Doors do open.

Eh? How do you know that? It looks just like any non-enterable building in A2.

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Eh? How do you know that? It looks just like any non-enterable building in A2.

Or any enterable building in A2. The doors are maybe set at there most realistic default setting (shut).

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Excellent point Liquidpinky.

That's what kinda annoys me about CO.

All the doors are default to be open.

I think the default should be closed and that the AI actually have to open the doors to be able to walk through them.

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Well, I dont need so many enterable building, only give me skilled AI for CQB..........

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Just remember, unless somehow managed in with a view blockers, more enterable buildings=less performance.

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I think in Arma III, buildings should either be enterable or they shouldn't exist at all. It's impossible to do house to house warfare in Arma II Cheranus. I'd rather have a bunch of repetitive enterable houses, than houses that aren't enterable.

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Destructible buildings and environments! If I hit a house with an HE round I want there to be splinters, smoke, a big hole, and fire.

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I'd just like to know if every single building will be enterable.

Thats what I loved about OA and I'd love to see it brought into A3.

By enterable, I mean that all buildings can be entered and that if there are areas for rooms that all the rooms will be enterable.

Just don't want to see any of the:

Here is a building with doors and windows.

You can not enter this building.

The doors do not open and there is no interior.

This building is just a block.

There for looks and nothing else.

Please do consider that an Enterable building has about 3 to 5xtimes more polygons

(not to mention the textures performance hit)

*i must state here that my personal taste -in a perfect world- would be

HUGE maps/Fully sized realistic and populated interactive environment

So..what that means?

You have to choose what 'compromise' fits you best. **with the RV engine as we know**

1a) All enterable buildings ->with your current PC specs-> BFBC2 sized maps

b)All enterable buildings ->with NASA supercomputer specs->Large/Huge sized maps -maybe- :D

2)"medium quantity" enterable buildings->with your current PC specs->Medium sized maps (Chernarus)

*..and why i choose "Chernarus" and not "Takistan"?

Because Takistan was an 'easy solution' for MORE enterable buildings because of the

terrain setting (no need for forests etc)->lesser 'thingies'->lesser polygons->normal -whatever- performance

3)"small/Zero quantity" enterable buildings->with your current PC specs->Large/Huge sized maps

From a point of 3d modeling.. i can't see other options than those

*although..i m religious too :D *

Edited by GiorgyGR

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it would be cool to have double set of all buildings, one block not entarable, one enterable with AI pathways.

Then we could place modules and markers down on map and say this area is enterable buildings, this is not.

massively boost performance for specific missions.

Even cooler would be to change this while running a mission, opening and closing off areas as needed.

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I'd love to see some more enter able buildings, but IF and only IF the AI is smart enough to use them, if not, the only point in having enter able buildings is for actual players. not worth it, although if they are destructible or not is another matter entirely... :D *hint hint*

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I hate the blocks buildings. But is the same buildings as in arma 2

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I'm going with a 50:50 approach here.

I love buildings i can go into, but seeing the lags in Zargabah i think one must be reasonable and admit that in a warzone not all buildings will be open. Ppl could have fled the area before the conflict and you find their places locked up. Other ppl were forced to leave their home because of damages, etc etc.

Ppl said in a poll they wanted bigger urban scenarios, but you cant have it all. Guess why the very big Fallujah runs so great? Most buildings are blocks and it still looks good.

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The more enterable the better, can understand the occasional non enterable. But thinking back on the last week of playing on OA maps. Enterable is WAY Cool!

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Buildings definitely need to be enter-able. Also I would like to see a REAL destructible building instead of a pre-calculated fixed animation. Think Bad Company were you can blow out a door or wall, keep blowing out walls and the building collapses.

Also be nice to see a Apache blow a building all over the battlefield if hit by a rocket, unlike arma2 where it just makes dust and crumbles in a fixed predictable manner.

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Maybe the most important about entering buildings is the question if we will actually be able to enter buildings and move inside them PROPERLY, and not get stuck all the time (without mods).

CQB has been a joke in arma so far. It would be nice if they could actually make this work.

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it would be cool to have double set of all buildings, one block not entarable, one enterable with AI pathways.

Then we could place modules and markers down on map and say this area is enterable buildings, this is not.

massively boost performance for specific missions.

Even cooler would be to change this while running a mission, opening and closing off areas as needed.

Would be good if they could swap them on the fly to reduce the lag.

If the building interior is not in use by an AI or player then swap it out with the solid version, if they all had shut doors as default no one would spot the difference.

If a unit approaches the door then load up the full building ready for use.

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Would be good if they could swap them on the fly to reduce the lag.

If the building interior is not in use by an AI or player then swap it out with the solid version, if they all had shut doors as default no one would spot the difference.

If a unit approaches the door then load up the full building ready for use.

'Theoretically' the View Geometry_LOD of a building (that -should-

exist in every BI building model) works in similar way.

In summary..things you shouldn't see are not rendered by your GPU

(*unless i m mistaken here)

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With out a question; the CQB must be improved and buildings must work better for all sorts of missions; recon, hostages, hvt, hideouts etc.. People tend to leave the whole; enter building -sorts of missions as the buildings are very hard to get good in ARMA so far. Something I would see is more "setpos" in buildings, in small houses we have about 1-2 positions that a person can stand. Making it really easy to check just those positions. Make a zone inside the building instead, giving it a random position or guard or walk in the zone so to say rather then just one point in the middle of the room.

A system I would really love to see is if they went with a sort of "CQB mode" where you have lowered weaponsystem if holding keybinded key, and upon releasing it your system goes fast up in a half second or so and you can shoot.. giving a good "stackup" seem more safe and more realistic and maybe even hindering the "doorway vs drawn system" -problematic.

Edited by trick99

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I'm loving the discussion.

Also I love the ability for a player to make it so his map can either have block or enterable.

CQB really must be made better. AI leaning out from behind light poles is stupid.

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Perhaps another addition could be something like Smookies Animation pack which gives the ability to "back to wall" and "blindfire from cover". I really love using it and it would definately be nice to have in structures. That way we could do tac entries.

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Even if they are enterable, it wouldn't do much good if the CQB AI is shite. ;)

Multiplayer PvP, the way real players do it ;)

It looks exactly like a takistan house oddly... hope its just a placeholder, I don't really like seeing re-use of old models just retextured :P

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