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About Cookieeater

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  1. I think the quotes should be removed from the next episodes. They felt annoying and out of place.
  2. Cookieeater

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    You'd probably become a very good marathon runner if you had this in ArmA III.
  3. You can skip this explanation if you are familiar with Counter-Strike.:) Summary: ArmA-Strike is a tactical TvT objective-oriented mission where each team attempts to complete their mission objective and/or neutralize the opposing team. There are two teams inside ArmA-Strike, the Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. The Terrorist's objective is to plant and defend the bomb until it explodes at either Bombsite A and Bombsite B and/or neutralize all the Counter-Terrorists. The Counter-Terrorists objective is to defend Bombsites A and B until time runs out and/or neutralize all the Terrorists. Terrorists: Plant and protect the bomb from any defuse operation Defend the bomb until it blows up Eliminate all of the Counter-Terrorists Counter-Terrorists: Defend Bombsites A and B until time runs out Eliminate all of the Terrorists before the bomb is planted Defuse the bomb if it is planted. Highlights: 5v5 Asymmetrical gameplay No Respawns Spectator Mode upon death Time Limit(4 minutes for the Terrorists to plant the bomb, 2 minutes for the Counter-Terrorists to defuse the bomb) Music and Sound effects from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Two spectator slots for people who only want to watch the match Instructions: Drop the ArmA-Strike.Stratis.pbo file into your MPMissions folder. I HIGHLY recommended disabling third-person mode if you are hosting this mission. In order to plant the bomb, a Terrorist has to be the explosive specialist. If the Terrorist holding the explosive charge dies, another teammate can pick up the explosive charge from the body and continue on with the mission. Download Links: http://filesmelt.com/dl/ArmA-Strike.zip https://mega.co.nz/#!0M4iRIzL!bqIccGXuuMrRQCkpNhDFZX-FdqMzCAx6lVPgOwjCaS4 https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1wsukh4xpqfeib/ArmA-Strike.zip
  4. I'm trying to get a visible timer working in ArmA III. This script, made by [FRL]Myke, was originally designed for ArmA II yet works exactly the same in ArmA III. The problem is that this script, like in ArmA II, doesn't work on a dedicated server. The script works on single player and hosted multiplayer games, but only displays the 2nd argument("Reinforcments arriving...") when used on a dedicated server. How could I get this working on a dedicated server? //nul = [951, "Reinforcements arrive:", "Reinforcements arriving..."] execVM "timer.sqf" private ["_remaining", "_ref", "_timer", "_msg1", "_msg2"]; _timer = _this select 0; _msg1 = _this select 1; _msg2 = _this select 2; _ref = time; "glt_timerMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] call glt_showCountdown}; if (isnil "glt_timeFormat") then { glt_timeFormat = { private ["_hours", "_minutes", "_seconds"]; _hours = 0; _minutes = 0; _seconds = 0; _seconds = _this; if (_seconds > 59) then { _minutes = floor (_seconds / 60); _seconds = _seconds - (_minutes * 60); }; if (_minutes > 59) then { _hours = floor (_minutes / 60); _minutes = _minutes - (_hours * 60); }; if (_seconds < 10) then { _seconds = format ["0%1", _seconds]; }; if (_minutes < 10) then { _minutes = format ["0%1", _minutes]; }; [_hours, _minutes, _seconds] }; }; if (isnil "glt_showCountdown") then { glt_showCountdown = { hintsilent glt_TimerMsg; }; }; if (isServer) then { while {_timer > 0} do { _remaining = _timer call glt_timeFormat; glt_timerMsg = format ["%1\n\n%2:%3:%4",_msg1, (_remaining select 0), (_remaining select 1), (_remaining select 2)]; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown}; _timer = _timer - 1; sleep 1; }; }; glt_timerMsg = _msg2; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown}; EDIT: I fixed it by myself, but if anyone wants to know how to get it to work on a dedicated server, you need to replace "_timer = _timer - 1;" to "_timer = _initial - time;" so it'll look like this //nul = [951, "Reinforcements arrive:", "Reinforcements arriving..."] execVM "timer.sqf" private ["_remaining", "_ref", "_timer", "_initial", "_msg1", "_msg2"]; _initial = _this select 0; _msg1 = _this select 1; _msg2 = _this select 2; _ref = time; "glt_timerMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] call glt_showCountdown}; if (isnil "glt_timeFormat") then { glt_timeFormat = { private ["_hours", "_minutes", "_seconds"]; _hours = 0; _minutes = 0; _seconds = 0; _seconds = _this; if (_seconds > 59) then { _minutes = floor (_seconds / 60); _seconds = _seconds - (_minutes * 60); }; if (_minutes > 59) then { _hours = floor (_minutes / 60); _minutes = _minutes - (_hours * 60); }; if (_seconds < 10) then { _seconds = format ["0%1", _seconds]; }; if (_minutes < 10) then { _minutes = format ["0%1", _minutes]; }; [_hours, _minutes, _seconds] }; }; if (isnil "glt_showCountdown") then { glt_showCountdown = { hintsilent glt_TimerMsg; }; }; if (isServer) then { while {true} do { _remaining = _timer call glt_timeFormat; glt_timerMsg = format ["%1\n\n%2:%3:%4",_msg1, (_remaining select 0), (_remaining select 1), (_remaining select 2)]; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown}; _timer = _initial - (time); sleep 1; }; }; glt_timerMsg = _msg2; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown};
  5. Thanks a lot, Loyalguard. This script works but turns out my mission is completely broken when running on a dedicated server. Thanks for the help though, I'll remember it when I get to this part again.
  6. I have used publicVariable, maybe I'm doing something wrong... init.sqf: publicVariable "scriptisactive"; scriptisactive = false; waitUntil { scriptisactive}; PlaySound "blah" titleText ["blah"} etc... playeraction.sqf: scriptisactive = true; When the player activates playeraction.sqf, the code underneath "waitUntil {scriptisactive};" only runs for him, and not for the rest of the players in the game.
  7. I have a script that a player can run that changes a public boolean. Let's refer to this as "scriptisrun". If scriptisrun is true, then I want to execute some code. The problem is that inside multiplayer, the code only runs on the client and not the server. How can I get a client running the script to message the server to change a public boolean? For clarification: I have used publicVariable, maybe I'm doing something wrong... init.sqf: publicVariable "scriptisactive"; scriptisactive = false; waitUntil { scriptisactive}; PlaySound "blah" titleText ["blah"} etc... playeraction.sqf: scriptisactive = true; When the player activates playeraction.sqf, the code underneath "waitUntil {scriptisactive};" only runs for him, and not for the rest of the players in the game.
  8. How can I spawn a model or object that serves as a visual aid? I want to create an explosive charge "prop", that does nothing except decorate an area. It cannot be picked up or intractable in any way what so ever.
  9. Adding the turning speed cap will damage the much smoother controls for a tiny bit of realism. Not worth it IMO.
  10. Cookieeater

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    I see. Is there anyway I can globalexecute without CBA?
  11. In your trigger condition, type in CONDITION: triggerActivated nameoftriggerhere For more documentation, go here. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/triggerActivated
  12. Cookieeater

    Kegety's Spectating script 1.05 for Arma 3

    Hello, thank you for your time for porting over the script. Unfortunately, people in spectator mode aren't going to the debriefing screen after the mission is over. They have to press escape in order to see the debriefing. Was this a problem in the ArmA II script?
  13. How can I get titleText and PlaySound to display on the players screen even though he is still on the death screen? I have a mission where sound will play and text will appear when the player dies, yet the death effect(blurred vision and fading to black) overrides it.
  14. Hi, I am working on a scenario very similar to Counter-Strike where one team plants a time bomb and the other team defuses it. Right now in Vanilla ArmA III, explosive charges can be placed down and set for 40 seconds. How could I script an action so that an explosive charge is placed down and set for two minutes, and be defusable by the enemy team within those two minutes?