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ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

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[77704] Improved: Stronger signatures checking.

[77678] Fixed: AI subordinates moving in convoy now leaving roads less frequently.

[77644] Changed: Bounding overwatch movement now respects formation order.

[77582] Fixed: Formations broken when in danger (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16862)

[77562] Fixed: Game is no longer checking files on W: drive during startup.

[77538] Improved: AI using cover at house corners more often.

[77399] Fixed: Prevent server crash on many malformed incomming network messages.

[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)

[77282] New: Player can command AI to move into a specific cover.

[77277] Improved: AI helicopter no longer attempting to land into a wind under 1.5 m/s.

[77259] Fixed: Non-existing files attempted to be open for procedural textures (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13864)

[77169] Improved: AI now always moves without covering when given move command by a player (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16504). Improved: AI now always moves without covering when boarding a vehicle.

Download @ http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

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Wow, that's a lot of great changes there, BIS. Good work as always! :D

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Holy crap, that's a lot of stuff... there goes anything I had planned today. :)

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Thanks for the new beta.

[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)

What does this one fix/do, what is AToC?

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Seems like there are some of the most wanted fixes included in here. Trying now!

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What is AToC?

Google gave me that

NVIDIA exposes two controls: transparency multisampling (ATOC) and transparency supersampling (SSAA) [5]. ATI says that all Radeons since 9500 support "alpha to coverage" [1]. Intel supports ATOC with SandyBridge (GMA HD 2000/3000) GPUs.

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Thanks for the new beta.

[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)

What does this one fix/do, what is AToC?

AToC means "alpha to coverage"

which is "multisampled AA" for transparency/alpha objects (so grass, bushes, trees etc.)

it should be supported on all

AMD.ATI GPUs since 95xx serie and newer

NVIDIA GPUs since Geforce 7 and newer

Intel shall support ATOC in SandyBridge GPU (GMA 2000 and up) since this month drivers ...

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I'm really really impressed by this changelog! Thx Suma and Devs.

Looking forward to check it out.

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Holy crap, that's a lot of stuff... there goes anything I had planned today. :)

oh boy +1

this is one of the sweetest changelogs i've seen yet...i see the word AI so often, thats like music in my ear..shit on everything today, i have to test right away

Edited by Fruity_Rudy

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Got some texture Errors with this beta

3rd person view


1st Person view same Location



AMD X4 955BE

ATI 5850

Win7 64Bit

4GIG Ram


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There is also nice new feature enabled : you can order your AI subordinates to move to specific cover, just select them and point by your commanding cursor somewhere to corner or other suitable a sign looking like L will be shown and AI will really try to find cover in the specific location shown.

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Amazing AI improvement list -you do care!!!

Can't wait to try and a very big thank you :)

Edit: Although I already own Arma2 + OA thru Steam, I'm going out to buy the Combined Ops retail in honor of this patch and due to my aging stupidity of combining things proper.

Edited by froggyluv

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Holy Handgrenade! Excellent changelog. Testing now.


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AToC means "alpha to coverage"

which is "multisampled AA" for transparency/alpha objects (so grass, bushes, trees etc.)

it should be supported on all

AMD.ATI GPUs since 95xx serie and newer

NVIDIA GPUs since Geforce 7 and newer

Intel shall support ATOC in SandyBridge GPU (GMA 2000 and up) since this month drivers ...

Thanks, I still have some confusion though.

1. Is this related to http://dev-heaven.net/issues/15668 ? Because in the test I just did, the little white pixels are there just as bad. I say this because one way for me to fix this problem was to force Supersampling from the Nvidia driver (albeit at way too much of a performance hit to be usable). Or is this just Multisampling? (which when forced from the driver does not fix this problem).

2. The new entry in ArmA2OA.cfg is set as AToC=7; initially, what are the possible values, how do they affect performance/visuals?

3. If this was not intended to fix the White sparkling Pixels, what does it improve / fix?

Thanks again

Edited by -=seany=-

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There seems to be a problem with this patch:

All units have built-in TI devices.

When I place any unit on a map at night and click on preview I start in some sort of TI mode immediately.

When I press the N key, I get the normal NV screen with a "Thermal off" message (if the unit has NVGoggles), or I go back to the "normal night view" when the unit has no NVGoggles.

When I press N again to switch NV off, I go back to that TI screen with message: "Thermal on".

At day I start in the "normal view", but when I press N I go into thermal view.

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Been away from ARMA for a while and never used a beta patch, but this make me want to play the game again!

Kudos for that.

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2. The new entry in ArmA2OA.cfg is set as AToC=7; initially, what are the possible values, how do they affect performance/visuals?

The difference in visuals is mind-blowing.



Unfortunately it also comes with quite a hefty performance penalty, at least for me.

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There seems to be a problem with this patch:

All units have built-in TI devices.

Can confirm this.

Unfortunately it also comes with quite a hefty performance penalty, at least for me.

Not only for you. Hopefully it is possible to set the AToC variable in ArmA2OA.cfg to another value than 7.


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There seems to be a problem with this patch:

All units have built-in TI devices.

Can confirm this.



Hope there's a quick fix for this; the other changes sound very appetizing.

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