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MultiDiscussion : TES5: Skyrim, BattleField 3, COD, R6 etc.

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Guess I've expected too much from another console shooter.

What were you expecting...

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Can we please stop the "CoD kiddies" crap.

Lan games are not supported.


Yah, liking the game - HATING Origin.

I really hope Steam and EA sort their differences out because the sooner I can get rid of this Origin crap, the better.

They won't, EA are evil and want ALL of the market.

Naw, man - it's more about tolerance for:

a) arcade shooters

b) corporate greed

c) overhyping

From what I saw from last gameplays it looks like it have it's potential and can be fun, but then again, meh (point b) - Origin spyware, picky Battlelog and finally the "you can't host your own server for free" thing. It's not the way I wan't my game served. And than, finally (point c), there's that ultimate love for BF 3 (that suprisingly mean hate for everything else), like it's the best thing in the world, "(...) and if You think otherwise, You suck cocks".

I think most of the people are hating the last two, like me, not the game itself.

This pretty much.

edit: derp

Edited by Innomadic

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Local Area Network games are not supported, as opposed to Wide Area Network (internet online).

Of course you will, supposedly, be able to join in a server along with other players from a local place. But due to BETA state, there has been reports of problems connecting multiple clients from the same IP.

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They know how to keep their sense of humor along with this Dinosour easter egg.


This is very familiar too ;)

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They won't, EA are evil and wall ALL of the market.

TBH, it was more wishful thinking on my part, I would tend to agree that they are going to try and push that Origin crap on us but given the reaction it is getting thus far, it may not go the distance.

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Really liking those reload animations when you see other player reloads - well this feature was in BC1/BC2 heh ,but it is nice :p

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If anyone is interested in teamplay, add me: ziiipy

RH u wanna paly right now? :D

Edited by ziiip

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Local Area Network games are not supported, as opposed to Wide Area Network (internet online).

I know what it is, i'm just astounded that its not supported.

TBH, it was more wishful thinking on my part, I would tend to agree that they are going to try and push that Origin crap on us but given the reaction it is getting thus far, it may not go the distance.

They've invested too heavily in it. Pull the plug now, major embarrassment on their part.

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Add RangerPL on Origin for a good time :D

And, honestly, I like the IDEA of Battlelog... showing all your achievements and stats in one organized site (kind of like BFHQ from BF2) but I hate how it replaces the game's main menu.

Edited by RangerPL

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I know what it is, i'm just astounded that its not supported.

Not supporting LAN (in its original sense) is very trendy these latter years for these overhyped titles.

I didn't mean to be condescending, only to make clear the distinction between this and the alternative presented which is bs. Sorry for that.

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Beta server files have been leaked and hacked servers are online now.


Same thing happened with BC2 after release of the full game.

Supposably people are also screwing around with their Battlelog profile pages. Should be fun to watch.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Beta server files have been leaked and hacked servers are online now.

Same thing happened with BC2 after release of the full game.

Supposably people are also screwing around with their Battlelog profile pages. Should be fun to watch.

Apparently ---beta testers--- are being threatened having their EA Origin accounts shut for anyone that is detected joining these hacked servers, at the prejudice of remaining games in that account.

This is stunning behaviour, I say! Not that it makes me happy see all these gamers having to put up with this, but I AM VERY GLAD I AM NOT.

The sad thing about all this is the stubborness with which EA+DICE is "trying" to shove down players throats so called Battlelog and BF3 as a different genre of gameplay of that which was advertised. See external game server browser issue + squad system implemented through Battlelog and also not in-game.

BTW: The ilimited RPG spamming on that video is just the counter for the "limited destructability" introduced in the BETA. Players are definitely pissed.

EDIT2: Now that I've seen through the video... I am actually in awe at all this. I think about the developer I learned to like and can't help myself but think how this can be disapointing to them and the players at the same time. So much spite from players, so much spite from the publisher and developer... I coudn't care less for EA, in fact I tend to believe, they were the ones that brought this all about.

Edited by gammadust

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EA is only after the money. They will do literally everything to maximise their profit

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i do have to laugh at some people on the EA or BF forums, saying how cause they have played the beta they will not buy the game cause it is so buggy

its a beta for god sake...why are people surprised there are bugs in it? ofc DICE arent gonna show bugs in the trailers or fix them all before release(although the falling through floor on ps3 at least is very annoying and shouldnt be there since it is so obvious)

i am still going to buy the game when i get the money...college has me broke lol... i like what i am playing so far

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We are aware that a number of servers have appeared and are running game modes and player counts that have not currently been seen. Please try to remain on official servers.

Official servers run the following configuration

Max Players: 32

Map: Operation Metro

Mode: RUSH

Please avoid temptation and remain on these official servers while we work to have these servers dealt with.

Playing on those servers can cause your account to become compromised, stats to be altered or other issues to arise which may lead to having your account banned by EA.

If your account gets banned it does mean any EA game you have on your account would also be unavailable.
If you continue going on the servers over and over then it is a choice you are making on your own accord. Especially now you have been informed of the situation.


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So Consoles have a server browser and in-game squad creation.... PC does not

Server files are leaked again

Hackers and script kiddies are probing for holes in Battlelog to steal accounts and god knows whatever else....

Guess we can bury Battlefield in a plot next to Operation flashpoint.

Personally I think this whole server business is just a war against companies like EA for shitting on PC gamers for so long.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Probably, what companies need to realise is that regardless of what security you put..if you piss off the right people they WILL get in and more often than not the best way to do that is by upsetting your userbase.

Aside from the supposed "theft" and what have you, what do they have to lose from this incident? If the servers are official could they not use them to collect a different kind of data?

Even worse is the attitude of banning users for joining these servers when they cannot select them from a list in a browser when they are part of the OFFICIAL SERVERS. It's like the G20 police boxing people in and telling them to leave or they would be arrested but there is no way out.

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i do have to laugh at some people on the EA or BF forums, saying how cause they have played the beta they will not buy the game cause it is so buggy

its a beta for god sake...why are people surprised there are bugs in it? ofc DICE arent gonna show bugs in the trailers or fix them all before release(although the falling through floor on ps3 at least is very annoying and shouldnt be there since it is so obvious)

i am still going to buy the game when i get the money...college has me broke lol... i like what i am playing so far

same could be said for a certain bohemia game brought out filled with game crippling bugs about 2 years ago for the community to be used as free unpaid beta testers. Then as most of the issues are all ironed out completely and we have a decent bug free game to finally play they bring out their latest game of the series that will no doubt have a manhatten bug munch of a cluster f*** for the community to complain about and after 6 or more update patches we start to settle down.

sorry bis, it had to be said.

Edited by Archamedes

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same could be said for a certain bohemia game brought out filled with game crippling bugs about 2 years ago for the community to be used as free unpaid beta testers. Then as most of the issues are all ironed out completely and we have a decent bug free game to finally play they bring out their latest game of the series that will no doubt have a manhatten bug munch of a cluster f*** for the community to complain about and after 6 or more update patches we start to settle down.

sorry bis, it had to be said.

You can't compare BIS with DICE - DICE are the laziest team ever , never listen to the community , barely fixes the big bugs etc

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same could be said for a certain bohemia game brought out filled with game crippling bugs about 2 years ago for the community to be used as free unpaid beta testers. Then as most of the issues are all ironed out completely and we have a decent bug free game to finally play they bring out their latest game of the series that will no doubt have a manhatten bug munch of a cluster f*** for the community to complain about and after 6 or more update patches we start to settle down.

sorry bis, it had to be said.

Two big differences between DICE and BIS.

1. Scope. Arma is bigger in practically every dimension than BF.

2. Studio size and cash.

And while i agree with the sentiment, i just don't think the comparison is valid in this case.

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What Bf3 lacks in term of character motion: lack of lean, lack of roll when prone, lack of going quickly when crouching.

Also ArmA2 looks better imo.

Aside from these its entertaining.

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