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  AnimalMother92 said:
It seems odd that PMCs would be the focus of the next DLC based on this poll, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I voted Yes on that poll which clearly was enough. :)

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  Celery said:
And let's contrast them with the people who eagerly enlist to heartlessly kill in Iraq or Afghanistan

Why would we contrast them? Both groups are mainly composed of arsehats. I'd almost say they complement each other in their arsehattery...

But no matter how we feel about the subject matter, mercs have and will provide a good backdrop for any armed scenario you can make up.

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  That guy said:
mercs are something that does not belong in a combat zone.

use of lethal force is something that should not be placed in the hands of a bunch of yoohoo cowboys, with no accountability or control in a for profit model. some things should NEVER be in private hands. war fighting is one of them. there was a reason a few security contractors had thier licenses revoked in iraq, and were outright banned in afghanistan (they need to have pulled out by the end of the year or something)

and a more personal reason i hate them: they get paid 3-4 times more money than me in a deployed environment to do LESS work, and less DANGEROUS work. and according to a few who i have had chatted with they get better benefits to!

so they do less, and the US govt pays more, when soldiers could do that "security" job just as well

the only "wise" use of "mercs" in iraq now are the Ugandan gate and DEFAC guards... they get paid shit (though they still might make more per-capita than me :p). and well, those guys arnt really a trained or professional fighting force

I don't want to add fuel to the fire but you're forgetting that a big percentage of the PMC are Ex-military man (USMC, Rangers, SEAL, Army, SF)

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I expected something else after the login but thank you Bohemia! ;)


  TomatoArden said:
These extra logins, anybody worked them out yet?

Yes, and it's very easy!

Edited by T.S.C.Plage

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Haha, got it. I was doing something wrong with the case.

Edit: Damn, on to search some more. Sneaky BI.

Can someone pm me the alternate login names. I can't remember the ***things of the, well you know***.

Edited by Nightrain

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  Konrad1 said:

aa12 stands for Anti Aircraft gun 12


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Black element = Carbon

Ion of carbon.

Mixed in a solution, so LIQUID CARBON, so


copyright horatio cane school of deduction

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This Gun is awesome. I hope they don´t make it too powerfull, or else everyone will want to have it

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DOnt make those grenades too accurate over range :O Surely hitting a choppers a bit tougher than that...

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Aw man, n00bs are going to make this gun hated reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally fast:(.

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  Jelliz said:
Aw man, n00bs are going to make this gun hated reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally fast:(.

I don't understand... care to elaborate, please?

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I'm now talking about competive online gaming, not that i care much about it because i dont play much online, but every gun with huge "splash" damage is loved by people that dont care for aiming very much. That usually results in teamkilling etc.

But of course, allowing these kinds of weapons are at mission designers discretion, so my previous statement was kind of(read: very) over-exaggarated.

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"'Matilda' is still in development, and is part of a larger set of engine improvements, which will be announced in more detail at a future date"


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Looks very nice, only if i could see the pictures, ive tryed the logins think i know what it is but it wont work for me. So could someone please pm the logins? Thankyou, want to see if im close enough to the one im at :)

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