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Project Reality - WIP Discussion

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It's a measure of anticipation not accomplishment and given how long the category has been presented it seems pretty clear PC gamers like to express their anticipation. For the mod teams it's a boost to pre-release promotion and why wouldn't they take that opportunity? For ArmA it's exposure to a wider body of PC gamers who may not know much about the game already but who might decide to find out more as a result. Everybody's happy but the eternal naysayers here.

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Everybody's happy but the eternal naysayers here.

Thats BS, just because i think it's kinda silly to vote for something thats not released and barely seen anything from i'm an eternal naysayer?

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Yes, now give it a rest. The category is specifically for mods that are under development.

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Guys, it was not the Project Reality team that made that category. Please don't take it the wrong way, but shouldn't it be the organizer you should bring this up with?

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wow, a lot of response here :(

PR have been the only Mod team, from the ArmA side to actually enter, hence its the only one in there.

Any Mod Team can enter the competition, it just so happens we seem to be the only ones that have this year.

If you want to vote, please do, if you do not then dont .

With PR: BF2, we won the Best Released Mod catagory 2 years ago, and the Prize we won, was a Team Licence for the C4 Engine, along with about $10,000 worth of software and ebooks etc etc.

This is what we worked hard for and because of that we have now started work on PR2, which will be our own commercial / independent game:

"Project Reality 2" will be an independent game from the development team of Project Reality. It will build on the success of the Project Reality mod , utilizing the combined resources of it's Developers, Contributors, Testers and Community members. The ultimate goal is to re-create a large scale, combined-arms conflict found in the original Project Reality Mod but with the added flexibility and freedom of not having to work within the confines of the BF2 engine.

Like I said, vote or don't vote guys, its your call - but please do not knock us down for entering :confused:

MOD DB, is an age old site thats been running for years, its very well known by Mod Teams across the globe and it has the upcoming mods section, so if you don't agree with voting for a mod that has not yet been released - then take your points to them, as its MOD DB who run it, and have done for years, very succesfully too.

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BTW why is one apache with the US Army tag? That going to be used by US Army or something else?

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Was I the only one disappointed with the lack of Arma 2 PR content in the updates?

Or are there gonna be more updates soon with focus on Arma?

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The December update is on the way. I hope its just a few days away but i dont know. Im getting annoyed with checking this thread and only seeing updates of people having pointless arguments.

I cant bloody wait for PR:Arma2 and im voting for them!

Question for UK_Force:

1/ I've seen in videos and screenshots that there was only 6 people in a squad. Is that the limit or can i increase that to 8?

2/ Will it be possible to create a platoon of squads within your side? So say there are 50 players on your side. Is it possible to create a platoon of 3 squads, each squad with 8 men, totaling ~25 players which can operate independent but in co-operation with everyone else?

3/ This thread: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f441-pr-arma2-suggestions/79677-medivac-system.html has gotten a lot of attention from fans. I know its not in the works for v0.1 but can you give us an indication of what you have in mind for the future. Replacing wounded people (who need medevac) with AI would leave the medevac team to extract someone while freeing the wounded player to respawn and continue the combat.


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You guys seriously need to start actually doing a little bit of research before you comment. You also need to actually read what UK_Force is writing instead of simply bashing him for simply asking for a vote for the only arma2 mod in the running for an award in the competition. C'mon, you can't tell me it doesn't feel good to see arma2 here. One of the things that had really impressed me about this community when I first joined it was the seemingly willingess to accept new things into it. However, I think you have been unfair to the PR guys, and while I have not read all 95 pages of this thread, It seems like anytime they try to release some information about their mod, you guys hijack the thread and find something to complain about. Maybe people should start doing that to your hard work and see how you feel about it.

it seems i may have kicked off a bit of a flame/backlash - apologies for that. i just don't believe in voting for a mod personally - and there are so many outstanding modders in this community that i am not going to single out one or even a group of modders and say they are the best - that's just ridiculous and the vote for your mod is about getting something for your mod team not about promoting Arma2 - and thats a fact.

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MODDB are doing this every year so if addon/makers like to get some extra attention/public relation - they are announcing their work there too. Only few people would buy a game only because of a mod who "won the competition XY" label/sign. I would not vote for anything "not released"/"to be done" - waiting till its done and voting for released work only. :)

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BTW why is one apache with the US Army tag? That going to be used by US Army or something else?

Because it's NodUnit and Franzes' model, they're donating it to PR. I'm sure it will be skinned to go with the British units. (All the text you see is modeled on for now, used as a placeholder and reference point for the texture)

More info here.


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Because it's NodUnit and Franzes' model, they're donating it to PR. I'm sure it will be skinned to go with the British units. (All the text you see is modeled on for now, used as a placeholder and reference point for the texture)

More info here.


I don't know about that. The British Apache is different on the outside due to the HIDAS (a defensive aids kit). Laser Warning Receivers, Missile Approach Warner, Radar Warning Receivers, Chaff and Flare dispensers will all give it a different appearance on the outside so it may well be a different model.

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I don't know about that. The British Apache is different on the outside due to the HIDAS (a defensive aids kit). Laser Warning Receivers, Missile Approach Warner, Radar Warning Receivers, Chaff and Flare dispensers will all give it a different appearance on the outside so it may well be a different model.

Yes, but one would imagine it would be easier to add parts to an existing model than to make an entirely new one

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it seems i may have kicked off a bit of a flame/backlash - apologies for that. i just don't believe in voting for a mod personally - and there are so many outstanding modders in this community that i am not going to single out one or even a group of modders and say they are the best - that's just ridiculous and the vote for your mod is about getting something for your mod team not about promoting Arma2 - and thats a fact.

Your statement was very well put. I, to be honest, don't think that PR: ArmA should be in the Upcoming mods vote because we've seen barely any content compared to the other mods on ModDB that are in the Upcoming category. Upcoming should mean that it's coming out soon, as in we should see more content than existing ArmA 2 content (plus a small amount of new content) with a BF2 styled HUD plastered over it.

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Your statement was very well put. I, to be honest, don't think that PR: ArmA should be in the Upcoming mods vote because we've seen barely any content compared to the other mods on ModDB that are in the Upcoming category. Upcoming should mean that it's coming out soon, as in we should see more content than existing ArmA 2 content (plus a small amount of new content) with a BF2 styled HUD plastered over it.

I understand what you mean, but the unreleased cateogory at moddb doesn't mean "coming soon". There are mods that never get released.

I personally see the category more like a "look forward to" category.

Don't know why no other ArmA mods are in there, guess they aren't registered at moddb, or don't have many updates, or they didn't make it through voting fase 1 or something.

Either way, it's entirely up to the individual to vote or not. I can understand why one doesn't vote. But, I'd say, if you look forward to it, simply put your vote down. And if you think you haven't seen enough updates to "justify" your vote, don't vote :).

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I hope that when the december media update is released, some people will stop talking about this "iwontvoteforupcomingmod" useless polemic.

I 'd rather talk about the mod itslef..

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Don't know why no other ArmA mods are in there, guess they aren't registered at moddb, or don't have many updates, or they didn't make it through voting fase 1 or something.

The only reason that an ArmA2 mod made it into the top 100 is because Project Reality previously made a name for itself in the much larger BF community. I very much doubt that the ArmA2 community alone is enough to get a mod into the top 100 unless every single person were to vote for the same mod. So the nomination is based more on the existing BF modification than the new ArmA2 one (and not all of the mods in that category have the advantage of a firmly established dedicated fanbase to vote for them). "The award-winning Project Reality Studios" as the first line in the first official post PR made in this community read (said rather pompously imo, this community has never really cared for awards or honorary titles).

That's the reason I didn't vote.

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That's a pretty piss poor reason to be honest. You're getting all in a huff about what one line of text (truthfully) said?

I'm sensing a lot of resentment towards PR:ArmA2 and Project Reality in general. It's quite pathetic really.

I'll leave it at that.

Edited by Silly_Savage

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Although I do not think Project Reality is "pompous" for stating we have won an award I'll get this Back on topic,

I am working on an Update as we speak, so it should be ready in no more than a week.

For those that think we do not produce enough updates, I have to say ..... your a hard crowd to please ... lol - I think we have provided a lot of information already :eek:

If you look at post one, I would say that was a decent update, for our last one ?

Also on another note of you have any specific Questions, and really want an answer please post them in our PR Forums, its a little easier to read there as we have a dedicated ArmA2 Sub Forum, you can probably get / find the answer there, and the Full DEV Team read them too.


Its just too hard to sift through one thread with the amount of posts to find these questions, when a lot of them have to be asked to the actual developer anyway.

Or simply pose your Question to our future PodCast:



Edited by Craig.Turner

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UK_Force;1811951']I have to say ..... your a hard crowd to please

It's actually not a crowd but some random guys bored and biased who spam your topic. At least it's not my view. Keep up the good work PR team.

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yea, just focus on your update. That will shut some people down.

A2:PR is my last hope to get a decent pvp experience on public servers. Yes, i have no time to get in a clan, and i'm desperate when i see only coop missions on 98% of public servers....

As we usually say in France: "Putain mais fermons nos gueules et laissons les bosser en paix."

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