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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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Dwarden, big thanks for your work.

I use Arma 3 Sync and there is a problem with battleye, so many peoples must use the arma3battleye.exe - can you create you arma3.exe with battleye? Or anyone know a solution for that?

Thanks in Advance

Kind regard,



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Dwarden, big thanks for your work.

I use Arma 3 Sync and there is a problem with battleye, so many peoples must use the arma3battleye.exe - can you create you arma3.exe with battleye? Or anyone know a solution for that?

Thanks in Advance

Kind regard,


run arma3battleye.exe with params of "2 1"


arma3launcher.exe with params of "-noLauncher -useBE"

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Great work! Helicopters are logged again with the latest Perf. Thanks, Dwarden.

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Untill try use this:

Quote Originally Posted by DnA

A fix attempt (14 MB) is now available in Steam RC branch, using access code: Arma3Test148RC. It should be MP-compatible with main branch 1.48. Please let us know whether it improves the client-side FPS issues in any way (even a little).

Edited by [HUD]Dorph

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I have a question. I'd like to use that on my client too but since I use Arma3Sync I need to use the arma3battleeye.exe though I can't use that. At least I think. Is there any possibility you can do these for the arma3battleeye.exe too?

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Just replace the arma3.exe, arma3battleeye.exe is just a wrapper which calls the main arma3.exe, at least that's how I understood it.

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Out of curiosity I tried out the latest (arma3server_performance_148_131820_v5_linux) perf build on Debian 7 and it segfaults, same with prior 1.48 PERF builds.

Am I missing some additional files? Already renamed the Physx files to proper / original case.

Arma 3 stable works fine, though.

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1.50.132052 profiling & performance v3 server and client, windows, linux
* crashfixes, tweaks, other stuff


btw. testing specific (PvP only) fps / performance improvement on
if you want to see it on your client,

you need to use 1.50.132052 (v3) performance client binary !

(you can join with normal 1.50.stable binary but there will be no FPS gain with it on your client)

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1.50.132101 profiling & performance v5 server and client, windows, linux


* more crashfixes, tweaks, sorted stacked EH, etc.

note: backup your arma3.exe, replace with the arma3client_performance.* one

note: new TBB allocator available too (backup the one in \DLL\ folder and replace with new one from dropbox)

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I tried the performance binary(97 ppl was online). The first 5-10 min was amazing. I had 30fps instead of 12. But after a certain time my fps dropped back to "normal" 12fps. Also i noticed some peak frame drops, but it happens on the stable branch too. If you could somehow stabilize the first minutes longer that would be amazing. Good job and looking forward to the next versions.

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new variant of TBB 4.4 allocator released on the https://www.dropbox.com/sh/582opsto4mmr8d8/3BSy9PdRGm

it's compiled with SSE2 support (previous non-SSE2 library is there too in cases of trouble)


Thank you so much for these latest updates!

If I want to take advantage of this dll do I need any special launch parameters besides just copying the dll?

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if you just overwrite the existing allocator then you don't need do anything, it should be selected as default (unless you changed it in Arma 3 Launcher)

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important explanation for disableRemoteSensors true;

mission/scripts/addons must have code/actions/triggers etc. written in way,

where is executed/handled/operated with everything in locality where AI is local (runs)

this covers script-commands: knowsAbout, nearTargets, targetKnowledge


1. you setup HC group with AI (guard_grp)

2. guard_grp notice player trying sneak to base

situation on HC (AI is local there) knowsAbout will be tested to raise alarm > Success !

situation on dedicated server (AI not local there) knowsAbout will be tested to raise alarm > Fail !

group explanation:

Squad leader is player #42, all group AI are local to client #42

member of group is player #67 (beacuse he is player, he is remote, non-local)

this case is covered so player #67 share what he sees with player #42,

there is condition on whole group and not just unit

note: High Command (complex groups) is WIP and should be adddressed in future

it's not per AI command, it's for whole "simulation" locality

so you run it once (e.g. mission init) on each client, server, each HC ...

unless you have code which awaits something from remote locality for those 3 commands which could break

e.g. in init event scripts https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts

so just add into mission init.sqf :

if (!getRemoteSensorsDisabled) then {disableRemoteSensors true;};

yet repeated re-enable and disable is possible, as/if needed

additional details: http://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00122

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1.50.132317 profiling & performance v6 server and client, windows (no linux sry)


+ more crash fixes and tweaks and debug

and now, i'm to going to crush Arma 3 maxplayers, to try squeeze as many as possible on

target 150 players ;), plain Arma 3 on KOTH mission

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Any admins try this out yet? No issues?

Yes, I've tried it. Got perhaps an extra FPS or two.


Dwarden, should I be using the tbb4 on both server and client?

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Yes, I've tried it. Got perhaps an extra FPS or two.


Dwarden, should I be using the tbb4 on both server and client?

you will lose nothing, SSE2 one should become the next default one

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