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  1. For those who run into the Linux issue where the moment you set verify signatures to 2 you cant join? A Possible fix is simple(unfortunately): set -cpucount=2 or higher in your launch command. why? In my case running docker the server never utilizes more then one core regardless of what i assign it. (viva la arma). Im pretty sure this is the case for any instance of the arma server being launched probably a less likely to occur issue with the windows version. Bellow my startup.sh ./arma3server_x64 -name=server -config=server.cfg -cpucount=2 Details: 6 Core reservation on a AMD Epyc system 16 gb Ram Ubuntu 22.04 as HOST os with Portainer for lazy things. Container is a blank Ubuntu 20.04 (testing phase for 22.04 has started). Also works on a Ubuntu 22.04 container
  2. Greetings dear Arma 3 community! I'm looking for a good CPU for Arma 3 and I was thinking about getting the i5 7500... *****! My money won't allow me to buy that expensive CPU. Very very sad... So, maybe I'll just need to buy a cheaper one, maybe a very good i3? :) What do you think? i3 7100, i3 7300 or is it going to be i5 7400 if I can steal some money from the K-Market (just a joke) ? This is also my very first PC that I've build myself. I'm desperate... I will buy the ASUS nVidia GTX 1050 ti 2GB Expedition graphics card. Is i3 7300 better than the i3 7300? Please help me. Thanks in advance! :)
  3. AlbayKilic

    FPS Problem

    System I7 6700k 4.00 ghz NVIDIA 960 4GB 24 GB 3000 MHZ RAM Z170A GAMING PRO MOTHERBOARD and in game fps 24-30 ( no mod, normal Servers ''Invade Annex....etc'' servers ) what is that problem other games not doing like that. anyone help?
  4. Hi, as i know Arma 3 uses only Cpu Physix from Nvidia. Until now, Physix Cpu AND Gpu is completely Open Source. Source (German): http://www.pcgameshardware.de/PhysX-Software-229957/News/Nvidia-GPU-Open-Source-Quellcode-1270556/ Does this have any impact to Arma 3 in the Future? Hope we can get an update on this for Arma 3, with maybe some performance increase, because Arma 4 (if it will come) is not around the corner. Maybe some Developer can answer this. Greetings Toby
  5. Maybe there is some way to get arma's practical CPU use limit increased, if is: anyone know it ? (point of theme is: execute anything with it mainly leading to increase of CPU load instead of slowing: _ the rendering (client) (FPS), _ or commands execution speed (server), _ or the arma's scheduler ) Alot of thanks to lex__1 for great issue showing videos (not sure if the problems appeared because of _ programming junk accumulation (during work on server accumulating: not needeable processes, junk in memory..) or _ slow execution (amount of instances of systems running on server increasing with amount of content on the map) Multithreading: Anyone know way to create asynchronous task ? (execute anything out of main "executing instance") Explanation: Description: Suggestion for Arma 3 (i'm starting versioning from 0, so it is ready :) ): Ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126559 Suggestion: https://yadi.sk/i/WP3VM07b3MS886 v0.4 (i welcome issues,inconsistency finding) (can be viewed in most browsers without downloading (click on the showed file page)) (this addition is mainly directed on opening opportunities to create much more complex scripts of certain types for Arma 3, and from other side increasing the overall performance of commands execution) Workarounds: While Arma 3 do not natively support multithreading it does support usage of .dll extensions, dedmen stated that the Intercept library have modules for usage of multithreading and their workability been proven in parts of ACE3, like advanced ballistic system. Still hope for any ideas, workarounds Will highly appreciate any responses, suggestions, tests, notes, thinks,.., especially from dev. team.Thanks for attention.
  6. This is not an FPS issue. When not using any input keys (I.e movement keys)I have in the upper 80fps on very high. Watching task manager while trying to move I noticed CPU dropping from 30% to .2% while holding any key for longer than a second. Tapping keys for movement allow me to move... slightly, but leaves the game unplayable. gtx980ti 4790k @4.3 ram 16gb @2400
  7. Playing Arma 3 with a Pentium ... , not a Pentium 4 but a Pentium G-4560! The context : In my own quest to find a good CPU to really play Arma3, on a budget I had failed with the Pentium G4500 (1st episode on CanardPC Forums ... in French). I thought I had found a good candidate to be what I am calling the "Minimum Recommendable" to play Arma3. Ultimately, it has gone wrong due to the processor two cores limitations. In game, the Pentium G4500 2 cores were constantly loaded up to 100% and the phenomenon of "bottleneck" deprives us of any hope of being able to play up to the minimum level -in my approach 20FPS- on Tanoa. Here is an extract from the official “Minimum” specifications for Arma3: - PROCESSOR Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz / AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz - GRAPHICS NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT/ AMD Radeon HD 5670 / Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM - DirectX® 10 - RAM 4 GB You're going to point out to me, rightly, that no one is playing with such a weak set-up, but I've noticed several times in forums that players on a tight budget or absent-minded try to do it ... and they had problems. From my point of view, it’s clear, it’s no longer possible to play Arma3 with a Core 2Duo E6600 and a GeForce 9800 GT. This "Minimum" config for Arma3 will allow you to display the game and to work on the editor and even to have a glimpse of what playing means on Stratis but it doesn't allow you to get a fair gaming experience on all Arma3 official terrains. The upcoming release of Ryzen led Intel to consider a far-reaching counter-attack against its finally threatened Empire, the release at the beginning of this year of 3 Pentiums with HT: Pentium G4560, Pentium G4600, Pentium G4620. We will see in a near future what AMD will release in the upcoming R3 Ryzen lineup for players with a limited budget, but here and now, let see if we get an option to play at a lower cost with the cheapest of these Pentiums. The test : A- the hardware 1 ° Pentium G4560 With 2 cores and 4 threads, it looks like an i3-killer in terms of price / performance ratio and, considering reviews, benchs and other tests, it seems to be an interesting candidate. 2 ° Test set-up. The CPU is set on a MSI 250I-Pro with 8GB DDR4 Crucial [DDR4 2 x 4 GB 2400 MHz CAS 17], the GPU is a GTX 750 Ti OC 2Go. Windows10 64-bit and Steam are installed on an Intel M.2 256 GB 600p SSD. This is set-up on a Dimastech bench table on a 19 "rack drawer. B- the testing protocol On the program as intended today*: - Settings, - Bench tests with Arma3Mark-Stratis and YAAB - Tests on SP missions "4 contre1" on Altis and "Anti-Syndicat" on Tanoa * Settings: The settings are those given by the game auto-detection: In General, the Quality settings are on "High", Note that the "water reflection" option provided by the Visual Update is activated and set to "-High-" The 100% CPU and mixed CPU / GPU options are set: - Overall visibility at 2200m. - Terrain in "High" and Shadows in "Very High". In Display, the VSYNC is deactivated. All settings in the AA & PP section are active. * Bench tests with Arma3Mark-Stratis and YAAB: Arma3Mark-Stratis: the average score of 10 tests on the Arma3Mark - Stratis bench is 60 FPS YAAB or Yet Another Arma Benchmark: the result is 29/30 FPS. * SP missions tests: 4 vs 1 - Altis: In this mission of the FIA groups are fighting motorized units from the AAF in Pyrgos. In this mission, the game runs fairly regularly in the zone of 25/30 FPS which is quite playable. In a more qualitative and subjective way, playing in "High" makes it possible to appreciate the environment and to better distinguish the threats, besides the feeling in play is good, fluid, without loss of FPS in movement or during shots. Anti-Syndikat - Tanoa: the second mission played is a transposition on Tanoa of the previous mission. In this mission, Gendarmerie, helped by groups from the FAT32 (Front d’ Auto-défense de Tanoa) is fighting the Syndikat gangs in Gorgetown. In this mission, the game runs regularly around the 20 FPS level and remains fluid and constantly playable in the engagement and /or during player fast moves. I must admit nevertheless that Tanoa seems difficult grounds for this entry level configuration. Partial conclusion The platform used Pentium G4560 / MSI 250I-Pro / 8GB DDR4 Crucial 2400MHz / SSD 256GB Intel 600p is solid and stable. By combining it with a basic graphics card like the GTX 750Ti, performance with Arma3 is rather good in SP. In the mission on Tanoa, my hypothesis is that we are near the limits of what the processor can do but from a subjective point of view, the game with this configuration always remains fluid, playable. You can get the whole story with screens and in French in Jouer à Arma3 avec un Pentium [2] - L'Empire contre-attaque on CanardPC forums.
  8. Each time start Arma 3. I get PHYSX By CPU but it is not how I configure my PhysX, It is configure PhysX by Graphic Card. is there any way to configure it in Arma3 to the way i set it in graphic card setting.
  9. technoxwalrus

    AMD CPU Bottleneck?

    I dont know the reason for this but in all Arma games + DayZ Standalone i get bottlenecked on 20-30 fps no matter what settings on full multiplayer servers????? Pls help!!! GPU: GeForce GTX 760 CPU: AMD FX - 8120 Eight-Core Processor Memory: 8 GB RAM OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
  10. Greetings gentlemen , i have a rather pressing issue which truelly is a thorn on my ballz , here it goes this is my system http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/dx9qTW, and the problem is the fact that my fps is terrible for a system of this kind first . it doesnt matter if i use crossfire on or off arma 3 till not fps improvement it doesnt even use the second gpu and second . if am running with one card the gpu usage flauates all the time its not stable at all mostly hovering aroung 45% usage and to top that off the cpu is barely getting used at all at most 45% this is terrible its the only game am having problems with this is in multiplayer http://imgur.com/a/Hc4sh this single player using the mission benchmark from steam workshop http://i.imgur.com/DItTjZL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Qy445yt.jpg and now this is single player mission http://i.imgur.com/aYx9RiE.jpg