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About axonmagnus

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    Private First Class

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  1. a script that will grab compositions we made in eden editor automatically or we could choose to add them to the mission ? this seems like a function that should have been there in the beginning , is there an eta of this implementation ?
  2. is there a function for calling and setting players loudout ? for example something like this player setArsenal ["axonArsenal"];
  3. axonmagnus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    u so ignorant , u have all this people stating the facts of the shitty , almost none existance system resource utilisation ,a game that doesnt run on amd when a millions other run on it and it happens to be the only one that doesnt run , and you defend it ? man you are hopeless ,
  4. axonmagnus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    its bloody amazing how people like you just defend them like this , i have 93 games on my steam library and arma 3 is the only one that runs like shit, smite a fuckin moba uses more system resources than arma ever does , how can you even justifiy the tragedy when it stats on their recommended specs that even that hardware would not even be able to run it , i cant help but feel like you are a shill ,just shillin , ffs just look at just how many people in this tread i affected by this , both intel and amd
  5. axonmagnus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    what were your previous system specs ?
  6. man this so sad :( , a pc exclusive which doesnt even fully utilise the system hardware , wow , what kind of monster let this happen :( , been trying to get my group of friends to join me in arma 3 , they cannot and will not stand for the shitty fps :( , they think am retarded for even defending arma 3 , they were even more bummed out when ashley a buddy of mine linked us this thread :( sucks it be my first and last Bohimia title :(
  7. axonmagnus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    man this so sad :( , a pc exclusive which doesnt even fully utilise the system hardware , wow , what kind of monster let this happen :( , been trying to get my group of friends to join me in arma 3 , they cannot and will not stand for the shitty fps :( , they think am retarded for even defending arma 3 , they were even more bummed out when ashley a buddy of mine linked us this thread :( sucks it be my first and last Bohimia title :(
  8. hey buddy it seems to not be working any more I have no idea why :( ​I get invalid number in expression ​line 14
  9. indeed sir , have a good day gentlemen
  10. brilliant thanks you very much sir , you indeed deserve 10 internet points :D ​"doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will" unkown
  11. thanks buddy it works :D , also can you explain to me every line , I truly appreciate it :D
  12. thanks buddy I will try it out :D , just to clarify do I add this to the ini also how would I go about implementing it as a mod so that it works with wat ever scenario I play ? am guessing using ares ?
  13. using the exos mod disabling fall damage would be a boon
  14. how do i do that , thats exactly what am trying to do :)
  15. i have tried { _x enableSimulationGlobal false ; } foreach [ s1,s10 ]; s1 is a task module and s10 is the bluefor side game logic linked to the sector control the idea is that i walk into the hq . the moment i get in proximity with the map i discover a csat coms relay task and that its a capturable sector.