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About alkanet

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  1. RTS Engine: Script & Game RTS Engine is a script you can use to create your own RTS for ARMA 3. A game mode is also included you can play alone or with friends. You can even play with AI. STEAM WORKSHOP Gameplay video
  2. I worked on an rts some time ago but never released it, but i been tweaking it a bit this month and got it in a working state. I uploaded a video you can see it in action.
  3. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    Oh, thanks for telling me, was it during singleplayer or multiplayer?
  4. alkanet


    Armaphobia Armaphobia is a Singleplayer \ co-op psychological horror scenario. A special force has been called in to investigate unnatural phenomena at a school. It’s up to you to find out what is going on. STEAM WORKSHOP Information Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-10 Players Mission type: Horror Map: Altis Revive: NO! Inventory: EMF reader, cameras and weapons. Royalty-free music by Kevin MacLeod. Streamer friendly! Guaranteed to make you jump. I started working on this 27 october 2020 and i reach a working state so i released it early because it´s halloween. Please give feedback on ideas and bugs.
  5. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    When a scenario isn´t loading, in my experience most the time it´s a missing addon. Just to make sure, this is the addons you need: Eden 2.0, CBA_A3, Vinjesvingen, Not what they seem, CUP Weapons, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles, MrSanchez Head lamps.
  6. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    I just tried it and it works for me. But let´s see if we can figure out the problem. What addons are you using? Singleplayer, multiplayer?
  7. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    Glad you liked it! Hope you and your friends got scared 🙂
  8. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    Halloween 2020 is upon us and this is my contribution. Play solo or get some friends and explore the perfect map for horror scenario. Vinjesvingen. Happy Halloween 2020! STEAM WORKSHOP Story: You got mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can gladly inform you that we have accepted your application. You are welcome to come and work at our farm up in vinjesvingen. We will provide you with a bed and food during your stay. Looking forward to our meeting. Best, Ryan Patel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-6 Players Stealthy/Action/Horror 50 to 80 minutes Gameplay Story Textures, sound effects and music. Cinematics Revive Sometimes the game tell you what to do. Sometimes you have to investigate. In multiplayer it will not progress until all players are ready (Seen all cutscenes, dialogs) but only one player is needed to interact.
  9. alkanet

    Eden 2.0

    I see what i can do. You can check the ingame tutorial if it helps a little.
  10. alkanet

    Eden 2.0

    Eden 2.0 Introduction Eden just got upgraded. Now with inspector view, easier access to tools. With this flowgraphs are introduced. Visual scripting that you can use to create advanced missions/systems. This project goal is to update eden to become a better editor. More things will be added on request of the community. What is flowgraphs? Flow Graphs, in which you connect individual actions and values in a specific order. That order of execution is what we call the flow. If you have used Unreal Engine before, you might find they are similar to the Blueprints visual scripting language. Download Steam Workshop Dependencies/Client/Server If you want to use flowgraphs, eden 2.0 need to run on both client and server. All tools leave no dependencies and all changes you make is saved to the mission file. Tutorials Flowgraph Tutorial Add a tool to the menu Features FlowGraph system. Inspector view. Tools. Ingame debug console. Alot of functions that i created during my years with arma. CfgFunctions_Extended(Experimental) I have ideas/found a bug/want to contribute Visit the Discord. You are all welcome. More stuff will be added but i have released it early so you can help with testing.
  11. CfgFunctions_Extended In my time of isolation i experimented with the current cfgfunctions and this is what i came up with. Same structure as regular cfgfunctions but now you need to select the functions your addon or mission will use. This is ment to reduce amount of functions being loaded into memory. New naming of functions, "Tag_Category_fnc_function". New options like onlyEden (will only load function when eden starts), debug (will add time it took to execute the function and store it in report file(diag_log) ) and cfgFunction (use the standard naming of functions). Will also detect if two addons are using the same tag and then only give access if the tag and current addon name is the same. Below is an example. The main scenario would be if multipile addons is using only certain functions from another addon. Then these addons can specify what function tag or category they are using in CfgFunctions_Extended_Preload and save some memory. In regular cfgfunctions everything is loaded into memory at startup. Opinion? //Add to your addon or description.ext class CfgFunctions_Extended_Preload { //Load all functions in Eden. class Eden{}; //Only load Debug functions within AI. Animation functions will not be loaded into memory. class AI { class Debug{}; }; }; class CfgFunctions_Extended { class Eden { //Can only be called in eden. class Debug { onlyEden = 1; file="eden\functions\Debug"; class add{}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_add class init{postInit = 1;}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_init class writeTo{}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_writeTo }; }; class AI { class Debug { file="ai\functions\Debug"; class add{}; //AI_Debug_fnc_add }; class Animation { cfgFunction = 1; //Use standard naming. file="ai\functions\Animation"; class set{}; //AI_fnc_set }; }; };
  12. Quick Update: The most important stuff is now done and i will be testing it. If all is ok i will release it. Down below is a list of all features. FlowGraph - a visual display where you can create missions with. Animation flow can also be made, for example start saluting, then stop after certain time. Inspector - When ever you select an object or logic, you can use the inspector to quickly change variable name, position or rotation. More can be added on request. Ingame debug console. Alot of functions that i created during my years with arma. Two new usertextures, 10 and 50m. CfgFunctions_Extended - Same structure as regular cfgfunction but now you need to select the functions your addon, mission will use. This is ment to reduce amount of functions being loaded into memory. New naming of functions, Tag_Category_fnc_function. New options like onlyEden (will only load function when eden starts), debug (will show ingame console when function is called and how long time it took) and cfgFunction (use the standard naming of function). Will also detect if two addons are using the same tag and then only give access if the tag and current addon name is the same. Below is an example. //Add to your addon or description.ext class CfgFunctions_Extended_Preload { //Load all functions in Eden. class Eden{}; //Only load Debug functions within AI. Animation functions will not be loaded into memory. class AI { class Debug{}; }; }; class CfgFunctions_Extended { class Eden { //Can only be called in eden. class Debug { onlyEden = 1; file="eden\functions\Debug"; class add{}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_add class init{postInit = 1;}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_init class writeTo{}; //Eden_Debug_fnc_writeTo }; }; class AI { class Debug { file="ai\functions\Debug"; class add{}; //AI_Debug_fnc_add }; class Animation { cfgFunction = 1; //Use standard naming. file="ai\functions\Animation"; class set{}; //AI_fnc_set }; }; };