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Everything posted by ceolnariazz

  1. Hey There , This is a Simple Restexture of the Stealth Uniform in all NATO Patterns ! The Stealth Balaclava's are WIP ! Classnames : KMZ_u_B_MTP_stealth - MTP Pattern Stealth Uniform KMZ_u_B_TNA_stealth - MTP Tropic Pattern Stealth Uniform KMZ_u_B_CTRG_A_stealth - CTRG Altis Pattern Stealth Uniform KMZ_u_B_CTRG_U_stealth - CTRG Urban Pattern Stealth Uniform KMZ_Stealth_Balaclava_MTP : MTP Stealth Balaclava KMZ_Stealth_Balaclava_TNA MTP Tropic Stealth Balaclava To Do List : Create Urban and Altis CRTG Pattern for the Stealth Balaclava's Optimize MTP Textures Survival Uniform Reskins !! Download : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=734567269 Alt. DL Link : http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00430228625885725726 Screenshots :
  2. could you also use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_Loadouts on Hunters , striders , Ifrits AAAAAND the LSVs (GMG and minigun for all XD) ? :)
  3. ceolnariazz

    Wetsuit Texturing Issue

    well you'd have to model a new one then ;) thats the closest thing to in in vanilla afaik
  4. ceolnariazz

    Wetsuit Texturing Issue

    yes ;) here's the config for it (replacement though, u'd have to change it and the uniform class in cfd weapons ofc
  5. ceolnariazz

    Wetsuit Texturing Issue

    well there is the survival uniform which has boots from the wetsuit and fins ( you use it in the death valley mission in the campaign ( eastern wind ) i think )
  6. ceolnariazz

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    i just wanted to ask the same thing - cant find the function either ingame or in the com wiki :o
  7. ceolnariazz

    Community Texture Templates.

    do you have an avenue for camo faces ? the normal brushes dont work at all somehow :-/
  8. objectevely good work but wont download it though
  9. ceolnariazz

    Community Texture Templates.

    its in the samples
  10. ceolnariazz

    Community Texture Templates.

    already fixed it but thanks;)
  11. ceolnariazz

    Community Texture Templates.

    its meant as a replacement - but doesntworksomehow :-/
  12. ceolnariazz

    Community Texture Templates.

    anyone know the hidden selection for the aaf vests ? class V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl: Vest_NoCamo_Base { author = "Bohemia Interactive"; _generalMacro = "V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl"; scope = 2; displayName = "GA Carrier Lite (Digi)"; picture = "\A3\characters_f_Beta\Data\UI\icon_V_I_Vest_01_ca.paa"; model = "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ia_vest01"; descriptionShort = "Armor Level III"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\AAF+\Data\equip_ia_vest01_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\equip_ia_vest01"; containerClass = "Supply120"; mass = 60; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { hitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Diaphragm { hitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 16; passThrough = 0.3; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; passThrough = 0.3; }; }; }; }; doesnt seem to work somehow :-/
  13. ceolnariazz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    well a hangar bay and some more stuff " down below " would be nice - like a launch bay for amphibous vehivcles and speed boats etc - same goes for the sub which is just a prop unfortunately
  14. ceolnariazz

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    i wonder if this could be implemented for other vehicles as well ... like the hunters prowlers etc
  15. you f*****ed up Hick you cant even eat ravioli ! it ain't Ravioli !
  16. ceolnariazz

    Advanced Rappelling

    its what it says it is , Rappelling . Fast Roping is something completely different
  17. ceolnariazz

    Advanced Rappelling

    any chance to add fast roping to the addon ? Like if the altitude above the landting point ( if stated by object for example ) is below 15 m ?
  18. ceolnariazz

    Weapon Texture help

    ty m8 :) will give it a try l8er :)
  19. ceolnariazz

    Weapon Texture help

    hi there, i have downloaded slatts unfinished M32 launcher and i wanted to retexture it and add a Bipod Function. anyhow i can't get the textures in Buldozer NOR ingame my textures paths(same for the material files ): before : M32\data\ now : Weapons_F_CTRG\M32\data\ here's my model.cfg And here is my Config: Any help would be appreciated - like how could i add a hidden selection ? like Camo1 ( for the launcher itself) and camo2 (for the sight)
  20. ceolnariazz

    Weapon Texture help

    where do they need to appear in the model.cfg ? and please feel free to use the one i posted ( copy and paste is such a beautiful thing :D )
  21. ceolnariazz

    Weapon Texture help

    yep if you mean by face properties
  22. ceolnariazz

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    thats what we need not more big tanks ! :P
  23. ceolnariazz

    Military cap without headset

    try to mettle with the hidden selections - if you find the headset just leave the texture empty , should be camo1 camo2 or camo3 i think
  24. ceolnariazz

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    you have to go on the arma 3 units site of the unit and apply there as well
  25. ceolnariazz

    Apex Samples

    any ETA to when they are coning out ? :)