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Everything posted by soolie

  1. soolie

    creating a zeus v zeus [help]

    I'm working a a pvp "rts" mission myself. Started to write out some pointers but post quickly became very long, and I barely scratched the surface. Hmu on steam if you'd like. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Soolie/
  2. soolie

    Arma 3 Third-Party DLC Pitch Discussion

    ^ this. I would bet that with the proper attention from BIS. Dev teams could push out some really amazing stuff. Official servers to show it off on, help with promotion and technical help with the code/ assets themselves, and just the extra motivation from knowing you have the support of BIS behind you. Gets me excited just thinking about the possibilities. Sooo many amazing products are never finished or are finished but never given the attention they deserve. Tons of large scale mp game modes alone are never finished simply because people can't get their test servers full. I think the money will just complicate things. Especially being that most of us don't do this for a living the enticement of money will cause more problems than motivation. I believe it should be setup as any 3rd party project BIS takes on should be the property of BIS with the understanding it will be released for free no matter what. This way if mid project someone or everyone has to bail, BIS can find someone to replace them and see the project through. Also, I selfishly don't want to see our best modders absent for 6 months because they are focusing on something I'll have to pay for. I will still pay for it, as I have bought everything BIS has put up for sale since I started playing. I just don't want to :p PS - does this have anything to do with that community management position you guys have up? Damn I want that job. Hire me to run this aspect of it and let me work from home(NYC)!
  3. Terrible. Countless hours she spent making content and on top of that, creating tutorials to help others create content. What a shame and loss for the community. Good luck with your next endeavour Katie!
  4. soolie

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Trying to make my mission compatible with RHS. Problem is I use the configged units' roles to organize them. Just noticed that all of RHS units are set to "rifleman". Any chance of this being remedied? Can't imagine that I'm the only one that has wished for this.
  5. soolie

    Wiki Maintenance?

    On the "under maintenance" page is a link to their twitter. Says it will take ~24 hours and that was 20 hrs ago :/
  6. soolie

    Using BIS' Sector UI

    Ahh, well you can change the color using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlSetTextColor just need to check the progress postion when changing it and set color depending on position.
  7. soolie

    Using BIS' Sector UI

    It has been awhile since I messed with it but for some reason I did it like this. One progress bar with the texture = this gradient pic. Then another progress on top with the texture set to 0.5 transparency (texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.5)";)
  8. To be honest, I am torn on this. I'm not one for censorship of any kind, but am still offended by this. That being said I don't think my offense taken, or anyone else's warrants it being taken down. It is, without a doubt, morally reprehensible to make and release this especially as it is shown in somewhat of a humorous light(referring to the anime chick in the kill counter). I do however worry about BIS and the backlash them and this community will receive when this gets to the media. BI and Armaholic are not countries beholden to their people. If they want to take it down they can. In doing so they will surely be setting a precedent. Now if a mission maker responsibly shows civs dying(as they do in conflicts), and someone finds it offensive, what then? It's now Armaholics or BI's responsibility to set a standard? What's ok and what's not? Not to mention how horrible war(the basis for this game) is in the first place. I'm very glad to see the outrage from the community about this. It makes me proud to be a part of it(especially as an American in a community of many from all over the world). But, like I said before, I am torn.
  9. soolie

    How to make music loop

    I know you already figured it out with the music eh but just wanted to throw this out there. iirc sleep is unreliable when using large numbers. I believe this is the best way to call a long sleep. for "_i" from 1 to 180 do { sleep 1; };
  10. soolie

    Trouble Making Dialogs

    Here's my own tutorial. Hope it helps!
  11. soolie

    Laws of War DLC Leaflets

    I made a bunch for fun last night.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/c7PMH The album is only for viewing you need the .paa format found here - http://bit.ly/ArmaLeaflets The wiki will show you how to get it in game - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Leaflets If you want to make your own - The size is 722 x 1024 over a transparent 1024 x 1024 The video below shows how to convert to the proper format Please send me any that you make and I will add them to the dl
  13. soolie

    Laws of War DLC Leaflets

    My tutorial for making custom buttons shows how to do it, just skip past the first minute or so.
  14. Except that the caps lock button is the default for VOIP and also (possibly) necessary for dialog controls like RscEdit
  15. iirc some vars might not work like that. Say something's default is 0.5 if the range is only 0-1 and you put 50.5 it might just revert back to default.
  16. Great job! Such a welcome addition to the available tools. I've never even bothered with the ingame ui editor and have always done mine with just a calculator and maybe a rough draft in ms paint. Would love to see more controls added. Specifically rscTree, and active text. Also, I may have missed it(only messed around with it for a few mins) but I noticed when exporting that the loc and size vars (x,y,h,w) are only integers and don't include safezone, pixelGrid, or gui_grid (they take into account resolution and interface size). The ability to pick whichever you want when creating would be amazing. Thanks!
  17. soolie

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    When BB offers you code, you accept it.
  18. soolie

    Key Handler (Hold)

    Im guessing that the the keydown creates a dialog bc the keyup is supposed to close it. I think the problem is that you are adding the key up to dialog 46(main dialog), but your keydown is creating a dialog so the key up eh should be added to that display and not the main.
  19. soolie

    Key Handler (Hold)

    Are you creating a dialog or display with onkeydown?
  20. soolie

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    <3 Current Status - The code used just separates all the units in game into their configed roles and uses the "cost" var to set price(not ideal for this mission). I'll be sending it over soon and he will make his changes.
  21. Not sure if activepicture requires an eventhandler but activeText doesn't. You can set it as a picture and it has an action variable like a button. It's how I make custom buttons for UIs. Quick example. class RscAppBtnOne: RscActiveText { idc = 850100; x = 0.11* safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.8 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0375 * safezoneW; h = 0.05 * safezoneH; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorActive[] = {1,1,1,0.2}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,1}; soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 }; // no sound soundPush[] = { "", 0, 1 }; soundClick[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscButton\soundClick",0.09,1}; soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 }; action = "hint ""Good choice!"""; text= "images\playerTestLive2.paa"; tooltip = "Player"; default = true; }; I also made a tutorial for custom images and buttons
  22. Great to see this released! For tracking downloads I use a combo of dropbox and bitly. Upload to dropbox and use bitly to shorten/customize the url. On the bitly dash is a ticker for each of your created links. Shows country of origin and some other cool stuff, check it out.
  23. A while back I released a very simple version of this (Old Version). It was well received and downloaded many times. Now that I have gotten better at general scripting and have learned UI's, I have decided to redo it from scratch. Video below shows what I have so far. Looking for any suggestions/thoughts on what should be included. So far - Lists all weapons on vehicle and selecting weapon will focus camera on mem point of weapon(if it can find one). Lists all magazines for selected weapon and allows said ammo to be added to the vehicle Planned(nothing definite) - List of damaged parts (hopefully can match up with other mem points like the weapons) Ability to fix individual parts or repair full. Ability to set if items are needed to repair/fuel(jerry can, repair kit, etc) or distance to object (fuel tank, helipad etc) Change repair/refuel costs based on vehicle type (air,land,sea) Gas gauge image (like gauge inside a car)