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Everything posted by marceldev89

  1. You should probably also mention that the content from Apex isn't usable outside the game until the pbo files are shipped unencrypted.
  2. marceldev89

    Expect more from this setup

    64-bit probably won't happen and probably won't help that much. Other than that, no clue, I don't host servers. First step would be getting rid of the VM and if that doesn't help the mission you're running is probably quite bad.
  3. marceldev89

    Expect more from this setup

    ehm your server FPS is maxed out and CPS probably as well, not sure about that one.
  4. To download only the changed files you could do this: Get a copy of wget.exe (if you have RHS you can get the exe from their updater) and make sure it's in your %PATH% (c:\windows\system32 should work fine) Open a cmd.exe in the @CUP_Terrains_Core folder Run the following: wget -m -nH --retry-connrefused --timeout=30 http:/[some.mirror.com]/CUP/@CUP_Terrains_Core/ Open a cmd.exe in the @CUP_Terrains_Maps folder Run the following: wget -m -nH --retry-connrefused --timeout=30 http://[some.mirror.com]/CUP/@CUP_Terrains_Maps/ Or, if you use @CUP_Terrains_Complete:Get a copy of wget.exe (if you have RHS you can get the exe from their updater) and make sure it's in your %PATH% (c:\windows\system32 should work fine) Open a cmd.exe in the @CUP_Terrains_Complete Run the following: wget -m -nH --retry-connrefused --timeout=30 http://[some.mirror.com]/CUP/@CUP_Terrains_Complete/ Not sure if it's appreciated that those mirrors are used but I got them from this thread. :) EDIT: Mirror url removed as requested: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186835-community-upgrade-project-cup-terrains/page-47#entry3050398
  5. According to this, there isn't a dev branch for the A3 server (the stripped down Arma 3 server steam product, that is).
  6. If I recall correctly, in the world selection menu you can press Ctrl+O to open de 2d editor.
  7. marceldev89

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Try running the YAAB benchmark mission with Blood Lust on and off. You'll see a difference.. For me it's around 10 - 15 fps difference with the default Blood Lust settings. My specs, FWIW: Intel i5 3570k @ 4.2 GHz AMD Radeon R9 290 @ stock
  8. marceldev89

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Try setting maxScreenShotFolderSizeMB in your Arma3Profile file. Not sure if it works or not but got the only string related to it in arma3.exe.
  9. marceldev89

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    That freeze might be related to RHS (or some other addon), haven't noticed it the last couple of days without using 3rd party unit mods.
  10. Indexing won't work yet because all the files are in EBO format. Tried running DeWrp (the public non paid version that is) directly on the files but it couldn't open it. :( I guess we'll have to wait until BIS releases the unencrypted version.
  11. Are the rocket (FFAR?) explosion sounds really load for anyone else? It's like full volume no matter the distance. I think it was with the "UNS_UH1C_M3_ARA" huey. Haven't seen anyone else reporting this so it might be something on my end.
  12. marceldev89

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Uhm judging by your previous video, you're running the Group Link 5 mod. This mod modifies AI behavior. I seriously doubt you'd see this behavior without any mods and scripts..
  13. marceldev89

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It's weird though, when playing with the C2 commanding mod the disengaging seems to work "good enough".
  14. marceldev89

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    In case they're already in combat mode before the trigger triggered you should probably set the group/unit back to "AWARE" or "SAFE" after disabling "AUTOCOMBAT". Just guessing though. :)
  15. marceldev89

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Vests and stuff should be under the CfgWeapons class. It's not categorized though.
  16. marceldev89

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    _unit disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";will prevent the unit from going into combat mode. This should make the AI follow orders again. :) There's also a "disengage" command in the AI commanding menus and I assume it does something similar to _unit commandWatch objNull;
  17. marceldev89

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    http://test.rhsmods.org/class/ :)
  18. marceldev89

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Actually, I was wrong.. Looking for the wrong thing. Check out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showHUD. :)
  19. marceldev89

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It's not possible to do this by script. You can disable the radars with the configs but that's either on or off.
  20. marceldev89

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Usually, wrapping the conditions with parentheses helps. if ((_var1 >= 5) || (_var2 == _someVariable) || (_var3 != MY_VALUE)) exitWith {};
  21. To quote .kju from this thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191249-statement-on-discontinued-support-for-the-ifa-conversion-ifa3-full/
  22. Is it currently feasible to start making addons with this project and dropping the SQF environment? What are the (known) limitations of this? I understand that there are a couple of unimplemented wrappers and what not but this is pretty damn interesting. ^_^ Also, the last (commit) activity on the GitHub repo has been 2 months ago. Is the project still active or did it die down a little?
  23. Da Krong works fine for me with ALiVE 1.0.6 and Unsung 3.1b (http://i.imgur.com/u8oIh1q.jpg). I do get a script error though, I'll try to re-index it later and see if that fixes it. 21:59:18 Error in expression <select 0; if("active" in (_sectorData select 1)) then { [_sector, "data", ["ac> 21:59:18 Error position: <select 1)) then { [_sector, "data", ["ac> 21:59:18 Error Generic error in expression 21:59:18 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_gridAnalysisActive.sqf, line 48 EDIT: Re-indexed the terrain just to be sure and fixed the error above: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38551057/alive_index_dakrong_unsung_3.1b.7z