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Everything posted by markocro

  1. nice looking m60, textures are good looking as they are now, gj. im constantly visiting this place to see for more updates, you were quite for some time and im glad i see something new. More excited about this than any arma3 campaigns :)
  2. This is most exciting thing for me on whole forums. Thanks!
  3. markocro

    1.72.142223 Small Marker Text Fix

  4. Cant wait to get some update on sub dive, fingers crossed :)
  5. expect BIS job invite some day :) you really know stuff
  6. markocro

    Nassau 1715

    epic work, keep up
  7. markocro

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    This update is awesome, thanks BIS. 64-bit : 4-10 fps increase, no more hiccups, everything is so smooth Most of players received this updated with no big problems.
  8. eutw.net visit on page or search on filter EUTW, ton of fun! see u there
  9. markocro

    CSLA Studio - A3 WIP

    hope train tracks got proper geometry lod for Duda Tanoa trains :)
  10. markocro

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    My story: I never had this bug until last patch, playing on EUTW servers MP. When i having 3fps i once managed to evade it, by coming close to some flag and teleport on main base HQ which is on other side of map (over 10 km), when teleported in base fps is normal, and when i return to same place again where i had that bug i have 3 fps bug again. Also, will try to gather data dxdiag
  11. markocro

    Tanoa Trains

    looks awesome :)
  12. markocro

    [WIP] Terrain "Benzopila"

    just wow, gj and keep up!
  13. markocro

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Voted on moddb, rest of you guys, if didn't please vote, help them reach No.1 :)
  14. I can also confirm +/- keys dont work that good, i just played MP session and with Marshal i had to spam +/- key to zoom actually work. So even vehicles are affected
  15. After new patch i played game for 1 h and all is fine (MP-EUTW servers), and after second match started my FOV changed by itself. I was lucky to backup my profile so i pulled out my FOV values : fovTop=0.75; fovLeft=1.3333334; its for 1920 * 1080 16:9 Now, since patch, everytime i just look into video options my FOV changes and my screen becomes stretched/shrinked. Any way to fix this? FEEDBACK TICKET: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121809
  16. markocro

    Sound problem

    Realted: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/199866-166-audio-issue-with-footsteps/
  17. This happens only where water and land mass meet! You need to zoom in to see that https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121844