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About mikey74

  • Rank
    First Sergeant


  • Interests
    Arma series.Gaming, would like a few friends.lol
  • Occupation
    Lead Printing Press operator

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  • Biography
    Full time father,pressman, and part time programmer.
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  1. mikey74

    Blackfish/AC-130 Script??

    I know this is an older thread. This works fairly good. without to much work arounds. 🙂
  2. Different people different strokes. If there is a lot of mods I must download to play. I wont. BUT that's just me. Anytime I've modded in the past. I use as less mods required as possible if not none at all. The good news is. I am probably a minority on this. 😉
  3. I tested this and was getting slaughtered so I edited you script a bit. Still get nailed on 1st shot most times. Much simpler way than my code above. lol You follow my so called rules much better than me. Which is KISS: Keep it simple stupid. lol Thanks Pierremgi. 🙂
  4. Not sure I get wat you want here. Here is a script of a sniper firing all around player without hitting him. mark being the name given to sniper.
  5. Im not sure what you're looking for but here is What I think you might be: This is tested and works. I set a unit on map named target1 and placed 2 mg's named mg1 and mg2 that had LOS to target1, and put this script in the init.sqf. useractions here is another slightly edited version of this script: Simulate AA fire same type script:
  6. mikey74

    [Release] AI Medic Auto Heal

    Hi, Gunter and thread, I hope its ok but I edited yours' and Rydigers script. I used an Eventhandle rather than a while loop, and I made the script for all units instead of just players group. I also added self healing if firstaid is available and other units with firstaid will also be considered to heal wounded should no medics be found. I put a delay in for how quick medics, self healing, and other units with firstaid to respond to wounded unit. If this is not ok please delete this post. Here is what I did.
  7. Love the CDLC!!! MY biggest nick picky request. Which doesnt matter I made a script to fix it, but The new US army rifles. ALL of them come with a suppressor standard. Was thinking maybe an oversite? maybe not. Anyways great work Guys awesome CDLC. Hope you guys have more to add. 🙂
  8. _isShooting is a local variable. This is why I went with the SetVariable. So when your EH fires that variable stays with the event. So anywhere else you're looking for that variable it just sees that its false because you set it this way. Think of EH as a separate script. You want to go global, or imo use setVariable.
  9. Nice Job!!!! I thought this may be something you may be interested in: I added a dirt patch and grass cutter they will also delete when trench is deleted. Hope you like. 🙂
  10. mikey74

    XM7 rifle

    Works real well. Just like MP. Except how and where they spawn. I'd have to re open dropbox and send ya a sample mission to explain most of it. lol
  11. maybe try something like this Use this to check for shots. It will be false after 5 to 15 seconds. OR Are you trying to find out if it can shoot at all? If so see Canfire
  12. mikey74

    XM7 rifle

    The missions I use respawns are mostly not multiplayer. I play more single player type missions. I wrote respawning scripts for aI and player because in single player you just cant. Thanks though. Doubt that would work on what I have wrote. hmmm or would it!?!? May have to test this. Thanks 🙂 Just tested. Nope not on a single-player mission it doesn't work. Thanks for the idea thought! 🙂
  13. mikey74

    XM7 rifle

    Yeh I've started pulling up my old scripts and updating them. I'm still not great at coding in arma but much better than I was 10 years ago even with me being a bit rusty. lol Speeking of. I need to update this script. Assuming anyone is really interested in it. I'll keep it updated. Maybe even create a pbo for it if I can remember how. lol Oh the EntityCreated Event Handler is because I use a lot of re-spawning in my self made played missions. I figure I may not be the only one doing this.
  14. Not sure if you want to use this, but I use this to find any arty on the map for my arty scripts: params ["_veh"]; if (isNil "_ALL_ARTS") then {_ALL_ARTS = []}; // Check if the vehicle has artillery capabilities (supports artillery, etc.) _array = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _veh) >> "availableForSupportTypes"); _value = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _veh) >> "artilleryScanner"); //hint str [_array,_value]; if ((count _array >= 1) || (_value >= 1)) then {_ALL_ARTS pushBack (typeOf _veh)}; //works on all even most mods thus far as far as finding artillery units in the games. You can push in Vehicle or its class depending on where you are going with your script. Rather than doing the old _thisclassnamesuxbit = ["classA","classB".........