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Everything posted by TheBigOne_014

  1. Hi Thope! I use this program for a long time. But now with the Workshop i have a little problem! When i need to add a mod, it's ok but when they are several it's painfull, because we have to make the same clicks on the file explorer to go to the workshop folder and select the mod! My request it's if you could add an adress bar when adding a mod, so we can paste the path on it and go directly to the workshop folder!? Thank you!
  2. TheBigOne_014

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Here it is,...
  3. TheBigOne_014

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hi. I'm using the DCG in Takistan, and when i request a transport, i go to the map select the extraction point and when i'm goig to select the insertion point (anywhere in the map and off the map) it gives allways the message that the insertion is too close to the extraction. And the transport gets canceled! Can you help me with this please!?
  4. TheBigOne_014

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    Any idea to put this mod on the steam workshop!? The best AI mod i found in a long time! Thanks!
  5. TheBigOne_014

    Arma3 Videos

  6. @diwako are you going to put this on Steam workshop!?
  7. TheBigOne_014

    Arma3 Videos

    My first mission with Armalusa
  8. TheBigOne_014

    Project Reality: ArmA 3 [WIP]

    I could, but I can't find reliable info of what I have to do to launch the server. Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  9. Yeap it's this,... and what it's strange is that the headless client conecting from the same server has no problem entering the server!
  10. After the update, the server with V2 signature check the key from the server dosen't match players key and get a 'session lost'. Can you correct the key!? I deleted the previous key and puted the new after the update, i updated the mission and still get the same problem! BUT the Headless Client connects with no problem!
  11. TheBigOne_014

    Headless Client Error

    Ok! Problem Solved! Thankx!
  12. TheBigOne_014

    Headless Client Error

    Same problem here. Any solution? Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  13. TheBigOne_014

    Limit the number of revives

    Same doubt here! Anyone!?
  14. Nice. Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  15. TheBigOne_014

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    11:36:03 Player headlessclient: Wrong signature for file C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server GN\@vcom_driving\addons\vcom_driving.pbo 11:36:03 Player headlessclient disconnected. I Have this problem! The HC runs from the same directory than the server and still the bikey signature don't match! Any solution!?
  16. TheBigOne_014

    ASR AI 3

    Robalo, can u add a feature to the AI, that males the explosive specialist to use the explosives to atack and defend himself? Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  17. Just like that. It will work.Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  18. TheBigOne_014

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    Hi, i'm having problems with the bikey. My server has a V2 signatura check and my headless client can enter the server due to a error with the bikey. Anyone with this problem!?
  19. TheBigOne_014

    Arma3 Videos

    The Perfect Sand Storm - ArmA 3
  20. TheBigOne_014

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Ok. :( I understand!
  21. TheBigOne_014

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    First, Excelent job! It's a fantastic addition to ArmA 3! Keep up the very good work! But i have a question why won't you relese this mod on Steam Workshop!? The download would be mutch faster and the updates so mutch easier! Thanks. ;)
  22. This would be a good addition to ace3 or enhanced movement mod! 😋 Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  23. Fantastic peace of code! Can you turn this into a MOD? It would be great! Great Job! Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk
  24. TheBigOne_014

    No New Font ( Please go back to the old one! )

    I Love the new font! Now I dont mistake the 5 for a 6 and the other way around! Enviado do meu X5 através de Tapatalk