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Everything posted by kremator

  1. Hey zooloo75! This is wonderful, however being a lazy barst that I am, is it possible (and I'm sure this has been asked) to AUTO deploy the access points in front of every locked door (that has a roof of course!)? Bascially I'm seeing if an addon would be possible :)
  2. OOoh I like the idea of the CCIP for the gunner !
  3. kremator

    Oculus support

    The Rift, for instance, has Asynchronous Time Warp that means that even below 90FPS it is buttery smooth! I'd like to be able to play Arma3 natively with the Rift (and I'm sure Vive owners would too!) Need to get a dev in here to make a comment if possible. Playing in full 3D is just an amazing experience.... the game comes alive.
  4. I was just about to join, but I'm testing out DEV version to get access to Tanoa :)
  5. Sounds really good ... will drop by !
  6. Hey tpw, Just trying out the latest version (on DEV - for Tanoa!) and it seems that puddles are appearing and disappearing at random - and it isnt even raining.
  7. Its like he's trying to tell me something ....
  8. Calling Klamacz ..... do your magic on this as well please !
  9. kremator

    [SP]SAINT 4-1: Helicopter Pilot Altis

    Could we get this ported to Tanoa by any chance ... would be brilliant there !
  10. kremator

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Klamacz, this is such an improvement. Keep working hard on it please as rubbish driving can be the death of so many missions.
  11. kremator

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Are people able to shoot through chain link fences, as I was unable to today.
  12. kremator

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    LOD swapping on vertical tyres by a path is horrible. If you move about 6 feet away from them they go polygonal!
  13. kremator

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    AI is much better, however I found that when my driver knocked down a picket fence, he was unable to drive over it ! He just kept turning the wheel but not moving.
  14. Hey Johnny, Automated Doors addon does not work well with new Tanoa island ... could you have a look please?
  15. Thanks for the invite to the server today mate. Really enjoyed exploring Tanoa (while getting shot at!)
  16. kremator

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    You do know that it is also MP? I use it all the time.... perfect for killing any zombies :)
  17. kremator

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    ^^ you don't know what TPW mod is ? You need to be stuck to the forums more !
  18. kremator

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Stop yer whining and get on that flight!
  19. kremator

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Have downloaded dev version, waiting on Steam backend realising I'm a supporter ... oh well back into ED (and the Rift :) )
  20. kremator

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    You do know that you can use a program called SteamMover that will migrate all your Steam stuff to another drive effortlessly and it works perfectly ?
  21. kremator

    VNPA Missions Factory

    Good news maquez!