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About mankyle

  • Rank
    Master Gunnery Sergeant


  • Interests
    Running, Good Food, Good Wines and Beautiful women (Not in that order, women come first)
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    Sunny Spain

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  1. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Makassar LPD WIP.... I have printed the full plans in an A3 sheet and it's being faster than I thought.... It won't be Expeditionary forces quality but I hope THIS time I will be able to release something....
  2. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    I got full plans of the indonesian Makassar class LPD... I have checked and the internal configuration would make this ship much more easy to model than the Endurance.... I'll keep you posted
  3. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    I've got partial plans of the Singapore endurance class LSTs... Damn.... Now I feel the temptation of modelling that ship too
  4. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Got the Landing Utility in game I still have to mess with the mass distribution and add a shadow LOD and a couple more things.... I'm also still working on the interior. I have done measurements and it can carry 4 civilian vehicles or equivalent cargo
  5. You can set invisible Helipads (you can search in the editor) and using the scripting command on a waypoint _helo land LAND; Substitute _helo for the name of the helicopter Will make the helicopter land on the invisible helipad... If it stays hovering you can set the engine off for finish landing
  6. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Object Builder... I'm starting to learn Blender, though... The basic concepts I understand... But texturing I find very difficult
  7. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Still WIP... Not even near of alpha state
  8. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    I was down under for three weeks in 2016... I ate very good meat pies in Woolloomooloo... I loved the country although I refuse to call "english" what they speak there.. And the kiwi accent was, for me, even more difficult to understand... And there they told me that when the aussies want to tell jokes about dumb people, these are called "Kiwi jokes"... Now... health is steadily going better. I live in a 6th floor and now I can climb (running) the stairs without having to stop and throw my guts... All tests are going well and I have made some contacts with a doctor that works in advanced cellular therapies and he has told me that he could put me in half a dozen trials I he had to... So for the moment that's not a problem. Modding... not so well... due to RL issues I don't have much time for Arma Modding. I have made some advances on the small ferry boat... I'm making the view cargo LOD at the moment, but I don't have much time for modding now... I have improved a little bit the MPSS since I posted screenshots and I have the cargo hold deck enclosures at maybe 80%. Right now I'm making the hydraulics of the door opening system. After that I will model a double boom ceiling davit system. I have decided I'm going to enlarge the doors for allowing the operation of vanilla armed gunboats and I'm thinking about adding a floor sliding system for cargo. Scripting wise it will be a nightmare but it would make possible to load and launch up to 5 gunboats on the ship. I haven't worked on the LSTs for a long time... but the LST 100 has most of the functionalities added...
  9. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    One RL life update.... The Royal Australian Navy has selected DAMEN's LST-100 as their new landing ship... Australia Taps Damen For Landing Craft Heavy Requirement next thing I'll do is to add a red roo on the funnels and jars of vegemite on the mess tables 🤣
  10. Official Annoucement on Twitter. Launch on 26th November
  11. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Thanks @wansec_6 I'm going to rework the stern completely and add some details to the bow ramp. I have also progressed with the bridge. In an Edit LOD I have started also with the propellers and rudders. I think I will put her ingame in one or two weeks.
  12. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Still working on this. I have started the bridge and I hae added a couple glass panels. I have also started modelling doors and some other details. It will come with an interior for cargo proxies (nothing too fancy. Just a couch and some other details.
  13. Official Announcement It comes with new assets - LPD-36 Takmyr: Landing Platform Dock) - Combat Boat: A CB-90 clone -LCC-1: A new landing craft. It looks base md on a french EDA fast catamaran labding craft. -AAV-9 "MACK": A reboot of the failed USMC Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle -AH-99J Python: a Marines version of the AH-99 attack helicopter with new features and increased weapon capabilities. -New Hunter Variants: including Fire Support, AT, SHORAD versions - New Faction -SP Mini campaing Cyclone Resolute -New MP COOP mission:Rope in Hand
  14. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    It is quite small.. maybe 4 civilian cars or two 20 feet containers or equivalent cargo... I haven't got her in game yet... I want to add a couple more details before I start trying her in game...
  15. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    I didn't have much time during the last days.... I have added a bow ramp (still not finished) and I'm adding more details to the boat, like a pair of capstans (they wont function, they are just for shows), drainage holes and a couple more details. I have also started the bridge but there is not much to see yet. I have found a picture of a recently delivered boat in the Scilly Islands (in the UK) and I know now where a reflector and the position lights would go.