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Everything posted by thy_

  1. This issue still happening.
  2. Unfortunately that object is not editable through World Editor v1.1.0.42 anymore 😞 And if we drop another TimeAndWeatherManager in some editable layer, the game will be inconsistent, sometimes loading the default weather, sometimes the new weather. I already tested it in a 6 player coop mission and for one of them, the weather was correct. For the others, another weather. Bizarre.
  3. A bit overreacting ("pain") but yes, a queue system would be good. Maybe in the early future.
  4. thy_

    Servers are dead :(

    I came from the future to say that basically, all Reforger servers are freakly full! 😛 Be patient, guys. Arma is like wine. Trust in the process! And BIS devs 😉
  5. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849325560 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. This mission uses dynamic minefields built by Ethics Minefields Script: This mission uses a playable area control script called PAC: Cheers, thy_
  6. YES! You can spawn whatever you want through CSWR (performance friendly because it doesn't change any original AI behavior, and its persistent loops are super limited to provide a balanced performance with a lot of AI living to the mission)
  7. thy_

    DLC content spawning

    Through Eden Editor, you can spawn easily whatever you want (vanilla, dlcs, cdlcs, mods) with CSWR. Documentation and video tutorials show how to use that. 😉
  8. As I told you in your original post, check this out:
  9. Exactly, but check this out to solve what you want:
  10. Disclaimer: probably one of the hardest missions to complete I have made. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034213374 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. Cheers, thy_
  11. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. This mission AI was dynamically built by CSWR: Cheers, thy_
  12. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3367085943 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. This mission AI was dynamically built by CSWR: Cheers, thy_
  13. CSWR script already has an option where you easily define if the AI should use a flashlight or night vision. Also, if they can even have them in their loadout. Check this out:
  14. Hi there. If you want to create missions without ACE dependencies but still want to use ACE Medical and Food stuff when ACE is available on the server, you might use this code in your initServer.sqf, for example. initServer.sqf // If ACE Medical is activated on the server, do it: if ( isClass(configfile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_medical") ) then { supply_crate1 = createVehicle ["CargoNet_01_box_F", [1876.54,9278.19,200], [], 0, "NONE"]; chute1 = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "FLY"]; chute1 setPos (getPos supply_crate1); // getPos was designed to take the altitude pos obj from the surface below it. supply_crate1 attachTo [chute1, [0,0,-0.6]]; // attach the chute to the crate // Supply items > Medical: supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_fieldDressing", 36]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_elasticBandage", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_splint", 9]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_quikclot", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_tourniquet", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_packingBandage", 9]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_bloodIV", 9]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_plasmaIV_500", 5]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_salineIV", 5]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_bodyBag", 5]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_morphine", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_epinephrine", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_adenosine", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_painkillers", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_surgicalKit", 3]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_suture", 3]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_personalAidKit", 3]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["Medikit", 1]; // Supply items > Food: supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_Banana", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_MRE_SteakVegetables", 9]; // Supply items > Water: supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_WaterBottle", 18]; supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_Canteen", 9]; // Supply items > Extra: supply_crate1 addItemCargo ["ACE_EarPlugs", 9]; // Waiting the crate get closer to the ground: waitUntil { sleep 0.1; ((getPosATL supply_crate1) # 2) < 2 || !alive supply_crate1 }; // Adjust to crate velocity after the parachute detachment: _velocity = velocity supply_crate1; // [x,y,z] detach supply_crate1; supply_crate1 setVelocity _velocity; // Detachment of parachute from the crate: playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\weapons\Flare_Gun\flaregun_1_shoot.wss", supply_crate1]; detach chute1; chute1 disableCollisionWith supply_crate1; // Animation breather: sleep 5; // Delete the parachute: if ( !isNull chute1 ) then { deleteVehicle chute1 } }; Pay attention to this line down below. You should set the classname of the asset of your taste. You MUST replace "[XXX, YYY, 200]" for other X and Y positions on the map. supply_crate1 = createVehicle ["CargoNet_01_box_F", [1876.54,9278.19,200], [], 0, "NONE"]; Enjoy.
  15. For you, from the future, "Door_6_source" is the RAMP of the Taru helicopter 😉
  16. The script and its information in the main post have been updated! Apr, 14th 2024 | v6.5.2: Small update, that just makes the installation process easier and is supported by this video tutorial:
  17. Hey, @silvernik22 Did you try the CSWR? You can easily create an entire faction with customized uniforms, gears, and even behaviors.
  18. Hey, @Play3r pretty sure this might helps you to build your mission context: Look at "UXO Doctrine" over there 😉
  19. @Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9 , the error is pointing to this line on fn_ETH_playerLocal.sqf, a file that you shouldn't touch: // Check if the main script file is okay to keep going: if ( ETH_doctrinesLandMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesNavalMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesOXU OR ETH_doctrinesTraps ) then { ... That said, I guess the error's happening because something in fn_ETH_management is not right. Did you check if your file fn_ETH_management.sqf is correctly filled? The error you are facing could be some ";" missing or something like that. Make sure you're following all installation steps and doing exactly what the doc instructs you to do for each type of doctrine you are requesting with true (image above). If you need more support, let me know, bringing screenshots and/or a piece of code.
  20. There is the CSWR script that makes all you need: Spawn CUP TK Militia or any other vanilla or custom faction, including ground vehicles and helicopters; You can custom basically everything for each side; Set 4 times waypoints: move, hold, watch, and occupy; about the language: it's the scope of the new version that is coming out soon.
  21. Hey, folks. I am noticing that my missions sometimes are getting weird dependencies and it's coming not exactly because I am setting assets from DLCs intentionally but because things like these below happen. Am I missing some Arma 3 Cfg understanding or are those examples of true "errors"? Unit: B_soldier_M_F With bipod from Marksmen DLC: With no bipod: With bipod from Apex Expansion: PS: No mods loaded. Only vanilla content here. Another example is this dependency from Argo (Malden): There is even no asset icon to identify the dependency.
  22. Guys, any command recommendation? I will dive into this matter (post title) this weekend to improve my AI sniper team in the CSWR script. How the sniper group works at CSWR (before v6.5): Mission Editor sets a marker in the region that some sniper group should overwatch; AI sniper team spawns and make a search of high spot around the watch-marker (using nearestLocations); With a location found, the sniper group goes straight on there and stays facing forever that watch-marker position. Issue: Sometimes a bush or tree or other map asset stays right in front of the sniper, blocking their vision of the region they should overwatch. Rare, but happens: the terrain blocks the view of the target/region. Any suggestion of logic and commands? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getTerrainHeightASL
  23. // Listing all spots found in reverse sorted: _spots = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; // Take each spot ([x,y,z]) and its Z axis and sort them by highest to lower: _spots = [_spots, [], {_x select 2}, "DESCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; Above, a code where I'm identifying the highest spot in a building, but reading the BIS_fnc_sortBy, I'm pretty sure there are ways to figure out which two of those spots are closer to the object-target outside. My goal here is to let snipers know which position inside the building will provide a better view of the target zone far away, avoiding at least the center building walls itself. Any idea? I think perhaps using apply? My brain... Edited 45min later 😂: // Selecting only those spots that are near the target-zone when compares the the building center position (regularly the middle of the building asset): _spots = _spots select { _x distance2D _objTarget < (_building distance2D _objTarget) }; Running some tests, it's working well with towers (assets that often are narrow buildings) but not with churches where their bell towers are at one end of the building. Used: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_buildingPositions https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_sortBy https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/select