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Everything posted by Bukain

  1. Thank you very much for make that decision!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmh.., I'm sorry i forget about the players who doesn't want to have RHS for whatever reason ๐Ÿ˜ž I just very excited as soon as i heard the news as a long time RHS user myself, so i can't resist to write down a thank to the author. Yes, some may be feel bad, completely understandable. Sorry Anyway I just happy to see the mod is back on track. I think without the merging, the mod will still be in the state of halt like it has been for years, i guess because of the reasonably understandable importance of real-life stuffs for the author Jester ( family, job, social circle, etc...). Just thanks all the people who contribute in making the mod in the development again. In very near future, we'll have both of the top LAAR finalists, this and AT-6*, and both seem like back in developing status again, and similar in which both have been in halt for years. I'm very happy . Btw which is your personal favorite in LAAR? For me it is indeed Super Tucano. I also love this weaponized air tractor thing, but nothing more than the armour plates of Tucano's side panel put it on top of my list, it really make the plane sex! I love the upgraded legacy nam aircraft too, which i think is from S.Africa(might be wrong though). What do you think which will be the best in COIN? ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Bukain

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    When will we have certain Humvee model with shields around the gunner hole? I don't know the exact model number but you know what i mean right? Those Humvees with all sorto shields and metal attach right around the gunner's gun hole lay. I'm referring to the one we have on RHS's mraps gunner holes. I know we can have those by installing certain mods, but we all love quality RHS and love to have rhs quality Humvee hehe:) i also love to have humvee with CROWS too. Becuz as i have looking at the images of current conflict zones, i rarely see humvee without those shields or CROWS attached. Thank you very much. Oh i would love to have Army Ranger units too, with their squad and team (like motor team). I think rhs already have some of what rangers are using, like scar, this particular m4 and g3 uniform. And yes they also wear mbav (eagle) , but sadly only in the past, right? So we just need certain Cyre products, AVS and lv-mbav, then we get Rangers! Plus marsoc dudes wear those too! Btw this new plate carrier that bundled with contact expansion abit looks like AVS in it's plate carrier form , but not much though:( I want that thing in multicamo ๐Ÿ™‚ but i think retexture artists will do that. And i think i already talked about rpk here, so that's it. Thank you very much rhs team:)
  3. Bukain

    Night Vision Google - LUCIE

    I know I'm abit late here ๐Ÿ™‚ but can someone tell me which country/or special force use this LUCIE thing? France? Germany? Thx
  4. Bukain

    3CB Factions

    Takistan tribal ragtags are more like Russia funded volunteers in terms of hand grenades possession, And each of them has more first aid kits than SOC operator. Why?? XD Also it seem like i can't get rid of their hand grenades even after turning off the randomization and stripe off every one of these, what, small bags? Even then, without any wearable in my inventory/vest slot, i can still throw those grenades that are suppose to be in that bag thing! Mind though that happen while with ace. It also make ace select frag and non frag grenade feature null. What i mean by that is, for example even i change to a smoke grenade (white) with ace non-frag/frag switch and the white grenade image show up at the corner, i end up with explosive or anything that's in that invisible bag upon throwing it. Mind me if these are known issues though, just come across today ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway i great mod, must have with rhs. And i love those technicals!!
  5. The last update fixed the attack helicopter being couldn't select anti tank missile, but it come with a couple of new pop-ups during editor time. I don't know they're game serious one or not๐Ÿ™‚ I play with rhs+cup+vme, and didn't get pop-up in previous version with them . Can i ignore them?
  6. The pop up still exist though ๐Ÿ˜•
  7. Bukain

    Enhanced Movement

    Is it work well with ace fatigue? If I'm to play this alongside ace(not acex), are there anything i should consider disabling like vehicle interactions or ace fatigue? Or should i disable "stamina" from this mod? (I just only need claiming wall)Thx I see ace has its own jumping now, but it still can't let you claim over wall and stuffs. Oh and what is "forced walkable surface" ? Should i disable it too? Like i said i just need claiming wall, and i have mod conflict anxiety too
  8. I just found one issue. When i play PiR alongside vcomai, sometime soliders tend to gone crazy. I mean they just shoot everywhere like having a psychotic breakdown ๐Ÿ˜‚. Also there's a chance that soldier tend to shot a couple of more rounds/or sometime even wasted a whole magazine straight at a dead body lol I love this mod as i see it is a must have for a military simulation like Arma 3(like making ai drug the wounded, and even heal and help out each other like a real person). it's like observing the advancement of computing in front, very amazed by that (they help each other, even go silently to the wounded to help out, and love the calculation of save place by the AIs too! Mostly they're precise). But all in all, as a vcom user for years, i just want these two great mods working together alongside to make the Arma feel realistic. I mean not even a single conflict hehehe And, will there be any possibility that in the very very near future all the Arma community modders came under one banner and start trying to make arma great again, together? XD
  9. This: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849091860 Just released it not long ago. As for the gameplay perceptive, it's like all Firewill planes, not as serious as last tete's f-18 in turn of the jet's complexity, control, etc. but his/her jets always have authentic externalities in them, and all of them bundled with Fir AWS which feature loads of US air munitions, plus targeting pod and ITGT(use in gps guided munitions) capability. Currently it only has F-18A/A+ and C as of now, no two seaters. But it seem no problem imo as Finns operate very few two seaters(D?) just for training purpose if i remember right(in fact, most nation use B/D as mostly training:)). So i think you guys should go ask him/her to let that jet include in your mod. Would love to see Finnish get it's realife jet, plus the hornets are more beautiful imho
  10. Bukain

    ASR AI 3

    New ASR user here! Can some you explain me abit about this "Use advanced cover behavior" and "Counterattack after being alerted" settings? And why are both disable by default(as the names seem suggesting it could make AI more realistic and humanlike/ or better in overall)? And should i enable it as a singleplayer person who use RHS and CUP. Usually use ace no medical and PiR(that's the reason i disable "soldiers fall when hit") And what is this "incognito" category among the settings? Have been using ASRAI for a week or two, still has some confusions in me:) Btw i also disable "better skills for player group AI" as it sounds like it could make the AI in my squad more deadly than the enemies, which in turn could make the scenario easier/or unrealistic (?). Other than these, i understand quite well of the mod mechanic and settings. If some of you explain me in details of some of the above, i would be really appreciate for the afford:) Oh and I'll be more than happy to have a settings preset of some of you who exclusively play singleplayer with ASR for years๐Ÿ˜€Thanks
  11. I just don't like the new sonic cracks, other than, all good:)
  12. You're the greatest! Will you also consider retexturing any particular vanilla planes in project joint assault? Like you did to BlackWaspii? Becaz imo the vanilla jet camo are.... hmm how can i say, *disgusting?*, yeah disgusting. Maybe they'll use those in 2035, but how about a imaginary war where Russia surprise the battlefield with it's classified attack jet. Of cuz I'm talking about Neophron(i can imagine a story where Russ do extreme upgrade to it's yaks as replacement to su-25, like they initially planned). Fortunately bi gave me an option to get rid of their over-the-top camo in other jets. Though Shikra "blue" camo is still ugly in my eye, that may be complete personal opinion and some may still find it great. But i doubt anyone would happily play their imaginary modern day war(00-20) with these hex and digit camo on jets. Nato jets doesn't have any problem with me whatsoever, they just look great. Anyway up to you dude. You're still the best! The release of f-18 hornet, f-35, and su-25 are among the happiest moments throughout my arma 3 experience. Pure excitements!!:D Thank you for all your work
  13. Bukain

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    How about adding jsrs comparability? I wish the weapons have better sounds than this. Apart from that and the flashbang immortality the mod is great, and the variety is the most attractive aspect of r3f, so many types of France weapons!. I usually use it alongside AMF, where i use AMF weapons, uniform and helmets plus with r3f great special weapons like the mayonnaise. The big motor too! Is there any possibility you guys team up each other to create greater France mod? Just a wish though
  14. Bukain

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    I can't wait to play with these things ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Thanks *Arma Mod France*(love the name ๐Ÿ˜) team! Will there be Tank dlc compatible leclerc?
  15. There is error at the Eden editor start. I think it is something to do with the BW update
  16. If you don't mind me, can you tell me if you play with the default settings, or is there better/or sorto more realistic tweaks i can make to your mod's settings? I mean, for example, with these two settings- "IFAK fully restores player health" and "IFAK fully restores AI health" , would it be better to disable them? Cuz i think it will be better in making my scenario more challenging and the medics(dudes with medkit) will also become somewhat priority that way too. Apart from that I'm also considering disabling the "AI kills the wounded" one too. Is better be that way right? more realistic? (at least for nationvsnation scenario? I think ISIS don't take prisoner of war:/) Oh I've to say another thing too. What is all about with this suicide thing lol!? I can't believe you add that xD where in the world soldiers gone suicide when injured!!? Anyway a great mod indeed ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Yes, i disable it, the "AI Ragdoll when hit?" as i had aware that it could end up conflict with pir(which already has many great hit reactions in itself:)) I also disable "Player AI receive unique skill settings", which is locate at the under most of the list in vcom cba settings. Also this "Special marksman/sniper AI" , disable not becaz the conflict between mods but the current pop-up it has causing on itself. Thanks for the great mod bud:)
  18. Running without any error so far. Have to do any ai acting strange:) they still have drag people, help out fellow soldiers, etc... Haven't tested with ace though. But my tests aren't that much throughly, with only a week of playtime. That's the reason i asked in the first place
  19. Bukain

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You seem like a good teacher ๐Ÿ˜„. But i think the Soviet Union was at least better than Russian Federation. Can't deny that nato capitalists have very good at innovations, and much efficient at R&D ๐Ÿ™‚ part of that being they usually have more productive human resources.
  20. Bukain

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thx you. This get rid some of my confusions. Anyway, the frustration is not because of many variants Russia use to have in it's arsenal, it's becuz of the fact i mentioned earlier, they most of the time use to do changing of every tiny teny small pieces and bits of a machine on trail/, in survive, getting stuffs out, switching stuffs up all the time(like into a year or two). But i aware that the bad habit(imo) started to happen only after the Soviet Union collapse. Soviet industry as we all know very efficient at what that did/also very clear with what they want. For example the R&D of mig25-31, very inspiration indeed. But now with the Russian federation, not much ๐Ÿ˜• P.s it'll be a good idea to end my subject here. This is definitely not the place ๐Ÿ˜„
  21. Bukain

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It is time to include t-80bvm! ๐Ÿ™‚ By the way, this question nagging me for couple days now> Does any of you guys know what are the differences between T-90AM, T-90SM/MS, and T-90M(the one Russ start receiving in 2017)? Or is "M" just the "AM"? Russian miliary thinges always nag my head off! Also what is T-80UE-1 exactly? I mean: you spends hours and hours of lifetime, reading some specifications about particular Russ mil stuff out of your hobby, but then BOOM, there come the spec change, within a week of getting into survive, without any explanation! That makes me go nuts everytime! Changing small pieces and bits of a stuff, then slap up some new designation on the it(usually "M", sometime "N"(night capability?) for heli). And sometime they didn't changed the name! Nothing certain for research and development, even into the surviving phase of Russian miliary equipment. Usually they just switch some stuff with another one(like they did to this poor ka52. Grabbed off the sensor suit out of poor heli's head, stuck up right under the chin(not sure the avionic thinge is the same)). And keep in mind most used to happen in trail phase or surviving phase, within a month from the beginning of that respective phase! It had happened to tanks, helicopter(i.e ka50/2,mi28), fight jets(i.e su-25,migs), etc... Obvious signs of unstable developmental/production's efficiency, and also the bad confidence in available technologies. I feel these things only as a person who love reading mil stuffs. I can't imagine how frustrating for modders like you guys who had spent so much time on certain design/texture/details of a mil machine just to end up with invalid one after getting finish all up
  22. Wow great update! Thanks dude. Btw can i play vme pla with ace without any bad effects?
  23. Kk, I'll run it plus with ace no medical ๐Ÿ™‚ Will report it back to you guys
  24. Firewill just released a f-18 hornet mod, and there is a C variant in it. Wish it's time for Finnish Air Force get it's reallife jet in the game :) Will you guys consider adding it, in place of Super Hornet which isn't operate by the Finns in real life?
  25. Are there any mating mod? Like you can have a mating secession with ai around you in the game (no censor thing), and get birth? Or just some sorto like an ai mod which turn all ai into musthing elephant kinda.