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Everything posted by SG_Bernd

  1. SG_Bernd

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    I have that problem too. I think BI is working on the website or they have problems with the page.
  2. SG_Bernd

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Okay problem found. There must be no special characters in the unit name and in the clan tag.
  3. SG_Bernd

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    No is a windows server. When I start a multiplayer game on my PC it is the same.
  4. SG_Bernd

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    @Dedmen The name of the unit is shown in the game, just not the picture. I don't play on Linux servers. I have already connected to the official server as suggested here.
  5. SG_Bernd

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    cannot see my unit emblem in game, everything else works fine. Even my old emblem that worked 1 days ago in no longer working. would like some help, thanks https://units.arma3.com/unit/1pzgrenbtl401
  6. SG_Bernd

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    If I mount handles on RHS weapons and respawne if I die, then I get stuck in the startup screen. Then I have to go out first. sorry for my bad English
  7. SG_Bernd


    Hi Gemini, thx for your help. I tried it without loading ace. The problem is still the same. Btw - as i already mentioned - we had this problem on altis light version/vanilla game as well. The rpt file of the latest attempt without ace is attached. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ju3ewkyxiwfx9xq/arma3server_x64_2018-02-16_12-08-42.rpt with mod´s http://www.mediafire.com/file/xo3h2c47qc2o37e/arma3server_x64_2018-02-16_11-36-49.rpt
  8. SG_Bernd


    Amigo-6 Vor 1 Stunde (Steam) Hello, we do have a problem with hosting this mission on our server. There is no problem with hosting missions in general, it is just this mission that is not working. Hosting it on a client-pc works fine. The problem appears with(isla duala) and without mods(altis light). So if you want to join the server with the mission running you can select your slot and when you press continue it will start downloading some files. The problem now is, that it stops downloading after approximately 3Mb and kicks you out of the game. I hope you can help us. Also i do have the logfile here, if you need it let me know. Hello Gemini.69, here is the rpt file from our server. http://www.mediafire.com/file/88nml1ph75l3lh7/arma3server_x64_2018-02-10_16-18-19.rpt