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Everything posted by ConservativeJustice

  1. ConservativeJustice

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The sun rises over Hazar-Kot valley... (Author's note: I didn't really know where else to put it, but I really wanted to share this with you guys. I am massively grateful for the efforts of the Red Hammer Studios team.)
  2. A Polish paratrooper strikes a pose during the opening days of Operation Market Garden (circa 1944, colourized). Addons: Rismarck's Animations, Nikoaton's Animations, Faces of War, Chernarus Redux, CUP
  3. Aegis Promo: L85A3 & UK Faction Addons: Arma 3 Aegis (internal build), Enhanced Video Settings, Rismarck's Animations, Nikoaton's Animations
  4. Aegis Promo: F-38 Camo Addons: Arma 3 Aegis, Enhanced Video Settings, Sullen Skies, Ambient Birds
  5. Arma 3 Aegis Addons: Arma 3 Aegis, Eden Objects, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Nikoaton's Animations
  6. 'Callsign Viper' Addons: Aegis, Resist, Nikoaton's Animations, Eden Extended Objects, Enhanced Video Settings
  7. 'CSTO Exercises in Horizon Islands to Continue' Addons: RHS (the red light), Arma 3 Aegis, Arma 3 Aegis Russian Forces, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Nikoaton's Animations AAN News Script:
  8. Ay blyat! Here's a taste of what's to come in the next Aegis update. Addons: Arma 3 Aegis (Dev Branch), POLPOX's Animation Viewer
  9. 'CTRG Infiltration' Addons: Aegis, Aegis Lens Flare, Enhanced Video Settings, Rismarck's Animations, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter
  10. Happy (early) April Fools! Addons: Aegis, Aegis Lens Flare, Enhanced Video Settings, Nikoaton's Animations, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter
  11. ConservativeJustice

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Funnily enough, he actually has something quite similar...