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About Lucasam

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    Private First Class

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  1. Lucasam

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    This only needs to run on the server correct? Can't wait to try it!
  2. I've been having this issue aswell, though its not 4 second hitch, more like a .5 second delay....buts still effectively eliminates me using them. I assumed it was a mod incompatibility or bad load order.
  3. Lucasam

    [Terrain]: Archipelago

    Looks amazing man, can’t wait!
  4. Thanks for filling us in, good luck with everything! Whatever happens, I’m sure you’ll crush it just like with your sound work!
  5. Haven’t had crash on Khe Sanh since the delta update, using jemalloc 👍
  6. Lucasam

    Faces of War [WW2]

    There’s a mod called iron front, use that. It’s so annoying to see people whine about the time it takes to make quality content....imo take as long as you please.....we have plenty of great ww2 mods to use for the time being.
  7. Can’t wait to play! Have you worked on the huts at all? I noticed a significant performance decrease between the last update, which saw foliage being tamed back and a big improvement on the roads. But any of the civilian areas my fps tanks way worse than the last iteration, an easy 5 fps difference with same mission. Only thing I can think of is the huts. I do play 4K and I thought it was just vram maxing out(gtx 960 4gb sli, not really by choice, the bit mining community stole all the good GPUs this time last year). But I jumped on a 1070ti Black Friday deal, and while performance is much better (up 7.5 gbs vram usage in some instances, stuttering gone!), the frames are still terrible in the civilian sectors.
  8. Lucasam

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Its really cool, but screws those of us who run sli...I def prefer rhs’s 2d options. If bi could fix its sli compatibility issues it would be awesome
  9. Cool shit man! Care to expand a little bit, maybe without revealing anything too sensitive? Like is going to be stand alone still, or integrated in RHS GREF? Etc...
  10. Lucasam

    Enhanced Helicopter Dust Efx Mod

    Thank you so much for your mods, all your work seem like small simple changes but are experience transforming, and very much appreciated!!
  11. I get this too, and I think this is an ifa3 issue...I think I recall a team member fixing this, but then had a falling out with ifa3 and demanded his fix he removed alongside the rest of his content. i could be confusing stories though, my memory is terrible
  12. Amazing work! The fade from high rpm back to idle on the T34 is absolutely incredible!!!
  13. Steam auto update is unwanted by me, so my rig stays offline, I just use my laptop and flashdrives to fine tune my Arma experience
  14. Does anyone know if the tank dlc and/or encore update broke anything with unsung? I haven't read or seen anything about, but i know it's broken quite a few mods like RHS, and im trying to decide to update from 1.78 (I think lol). Its works really well with minimal bugs atm and i want it to stay that way... i only update arma when i know my favorite mods are compatible. Thanks for the update, super badass seeing new developers join unsung! Especially excited with acquisition of Song bin tanh, such a terrific map that could use some fixes and loving, i think its in GREAT hands now!
  15. Fantastic! Lately I've been getting into flying CAS than the normal ground pounding and have developed a real love for this aircraft. With the new 4k setup i put together a few months ago, its MUCH more apparent what is receiving your time and attention...I can't wait to see this in game =D Sorry if this has been addressed, i swear i read something of this nature long ago, but i cant find any info searching back...or its in the main thread. But are you fellas keeping the current system of having different models of the same aircraft for different loadouts, like HBMB, CAS, HCAS, etc...and all using different class names, or moving too a modular system like dynamic loadout for a single model? I would think it would really help cutdown on the mod size(Not that i give a ****, but i would imagine it being a concern in certain regards). As always, awesome work guys, thanks for sharing with the community & world your art.