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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incontinentia

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Man that looks incredible and I am well behind moving on from CUP stuff. As good as it is, RHS is just ridiculously well put together these days. Great work accuracy!
  2. Incontinentia

    Project OPFOR

    Will do Keeway. Given @ski2060's opinion on GREF / SAF, perhaps there's a way to include some weapons in the randomisation script if they are present? Then it wouldn't have to be a dependency but those who'd like the weapons would automatically see them if they have the mods loaded. Would that work?
  3. Incontinentia

    Project OPFOR

    Also, just a heads up, I'm getting a lot of stutter when units load in now since the latest update (no noticeable stutter before). I suspect it's something to do with the randomization script too. That is with IND African militia. Maybe some of the randomisations are duplicated?
  4. Incontinentia

    Project OPFOR

    Just thought I'd add an extra vote for the additional RHS GREF / SAF dependency - it's all the same exceptional quality and would add some great new options (more bolt action rifles for militia for instance). Great work on the new update guys!
  5. Incontinentia

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Apologies, been out of the loop!
  6. Incontinentia

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Asking if a mod is still updated or maintained is different for asking when the next update is out no?
  7. Yup that makes sense. To be honest, the code I have runs absolutely fine - it's just a little less responsive than it could be and I'd like it to have so little performance impact that mission makers can use it without thinking or worrying about it. I've read a lot about optimising functions and scripts, but I am still a bit at a loss as to the best practice from a performance perfectionist point of view. I guess it doesn't matter as long as the code runs...
  8. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    This means the functions haven't been defined. Check your description.ext has everything in the right place (feel free to paste it here if you want me to take a look).
  9. Here's the script so far: _input params ["_unit",["_switchUniform",true]]; private ["_activeContainer","_newUnif","_origUnif","_newUnifItems","_droppedUniform","_gwhArray"]; _gwhArray = (nearestObjects [_unit, ["GroundWeaponHolder"],5]); if (count _gwhArray == 0) then {_gwhArray = (_unit nearEntities [["Car","Truck"],5])}; if (count _gwhArray == 0) exitWith {_return = false}; _activeContainer = (_gwhArray select 0); _origUnif = uniform _unit; _origUnifItems = uniformItems _unit; _newUnif = (((everyContainer _activeContainer) select { ( (((_x select 0) find "U_") == 0) && { !(((_x select 0) find _origUnif) == 0) || {_origUnif == ""} } && {(_x select 0) in (INC_safeUniforms + INC_incognitoUniforms)} ) }) select 0); if (isNil "_newUnif") exitWith {_return = false}; if (_switchUniform) then { [_unit,_activeContainer,_origUnifItems,_origUnif,_newUnifItems,_newUnif] spawn { params ["_unit","_activeContainer","_origUnifItems","_origUnif","_newUnifItems","_newUnif"]; _newUnifItems = (itemcargo (_newUnif select 1)) + (magazinecargo (_newUnif select 1)) + (weaponcargo (_newUnif select 1)); sleep 0.2; {_activeContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach (_origUnifItems); sleep 0.2; _activeContainer addItemCargoGlobal [(_origUnif), 1]; sleep 0.1; _unit forceAddUniform (_newUnif select 0); {_unit addItemToUniform _x} forEach (_newUnifItems); }; }; Which does everything I need it to, except remove the new uniform. Anyone? Edit: See first post for final function.
  10. Hi guys. Apologies if this has been posted already, tried searching to no avail. Really simple request: How do I remove a specific object and all its contents from a container (groundweaponholder, crate, vehicle etc) without having to remove everything? I'm specifically looking at uniforms / vests / backpacks with items in them. Edit: was being dense. Here's the final function. fnc_findNewUniform = { params ["_unit",["_switchUniform",true],["_attempt",1],["_autoReAttempt",true]]; private ["_activeContainer","_newUnif","_origUnif","_newUnifItems","_droppedUniform","_containerArray"]; _containerArray = []; if (_attempt <= 1) then {_containerArray = (nearestObjects [_unit, ["GroundWeaponHolder"],5])}; if ((count _containerArray == 0) && {_attempt <= 2}) then {_attempt = 2; _containerArray = (_unit nearEntities [["LandVehicle","Ship","Air"],5])}; if ((count _containerArray == 0) && {_attempt <= 3}) then {_attempt = 3; _containerArray = (nearestObjects [_unit, ["ReammoBox_F"],5])}; if (count _containerArray == 0) exitWith {false}; _activeContainer = (_containerArray select 0); _origUnif = uniform _unit; _origUnifItems = uniformItems _unit; _newUnif = (((everyContainer _activeContainer) select { ( ( (((_x select 0) find "U_") >= 0) || {(((_x select 0) find "uniform") >= 0)} || {(((_x select 0) find "Uniform") >= 0)} ) && { !(((_x select 0) find _origUnif) == 0) || {_origUnif == ""} } ) }) select 0); if (isNil "_newUnif") exitWith { _return = false; if (_autoReAttempt && {_attempt <= 2}) then { _return = [[_unit,_switchUniform,(_attempt + 1)],"switchUniforms"] call INCON_fnc_civHandler; }; _return }; if (_switchUniform) then { [_unit,_activeContainer,_origUnifItems,_origUnif,_newUnif] spawn { params ["_unit","_activeContainer","_origUnifItems","_origUnif","_newUnif"]; if (_activeContainer isKindOf "GroundWeaponHolder") then {_oldGwh = _activeContainer; _activeContainer = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _unit, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]}; _activeContainer addItemCargoGlobal [(_origUnif), 1]; _newUnifItems = (itemcargo (_newUnif select 1)) + (magazinecargo (_newUnif select 1)) + (weaponcargo (_newUnif select 1)); [_unit,"AinvPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Putdown_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"] remoteExec ["playMove",0]; sleep 0.2; {_activeContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach (_newUnifItems); sleep 0.1; _unit forceAddUniform (_newUnif select 0); sleep 0.2; {(uniformContainer _unit) addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach (_origUnifItems); sleep 0.1; _crateCargo = itemCargo _activeContainer; _newCrateCargo = (itemCargo _activeContainer); _newCrateCargo set [(_newCrateCargo find (_newUnif select 0)),-1]; _newCrateCargo = _newCrateCargo - [-1]; sleep 0.2; clearItemCargoGlobal _activeContainer; {_activeContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x,1]} forEach (_newCrateCargo); }; }; _return = true}; This function should cycle through all the nearby containers, returning true if a new uniform is found, and (optionally) removing that uniform and placing it on the unit, maintaining the unit's current items and placing the new uniform's original items back into the container. Any suggestions for improvements welcome!
  11. Incontinentia

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Man this sounds awesome! Great work LJ!!
  12. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks again Foxhound!
  13. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Incon Scripts V0.13 This release adds a few cool features to the undercover mode: Optional hints reveal when you are acting suspiciously, making it easier to see the magic at play. Vehicles are now handled - get in a civilian vehicle and you will not be spotted instantly even if you aren't wearing incognito equipment. Driving more than 50m offroad can blow your cover (optional). Vehicle checks work on AI teammates too - if they drive off road like lunatics, they will be given the same treatment as the player. Download from GitHub.
  14. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Incon Airpower V0.11 This release marks the first feature complete version of Incon Airpower and includes a number of fixes, enhancements and features including: Configurable number of sorties - call for air cover repeatedly up to the maximum number of available CAS missions. Added a configurable interval between unsuccessful requests for air cover - an unsuccessful request no longer means no chance of air cover for the rest of the mission. Timeout on radio messages - if you don't respond in a reasonable (configurable) time, the script will reset, preventing various issues with the script remaining active forever and not resetting. Script now resets on player death. Enhanced accuracy of tracked strikes. Better handling of completed and aborted missions. Other tweaks and refinements. Download from GitHub.
  15. Incontinentia

    Project OPFOR

    Seconded on the new update being awesome!
  16. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Just a heads up to anyone who wants to use this, the instructions had an error in the last version so the latest version on GitHub has been updated with the correct instructions. Has been tested and works well. Apologies to anyone who had issues before!
  17. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    In the settings file (APW_setup.sqf), you'll see an option to change the item necessary for communicating with air support: _necItem = "B_UavTerminal"; //Required item to call for air support. Either use a NATO UAV terminal or select a different item based on your preferences. You can use "ItemRadio" if you want anyone with a radio to be able to call in air support. Edit: by select a different item, I mean change the word in speech marks to a different classname, so instead you end up with this (using a radio as an example): _necItem = "ItemRadio"; //Required item to call for air support.
  18. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Haha well I'm taking a bit of a step back from Arma these days so I'll probably not do too much time consuming stuff, but I'll keep it in mind the next time I get obsessive!
  19. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    On the screen in the chat area of the player who is the undercover unit about 20 seconds after mission start. If it isn't initialising, you won't see anything. In which case, check you've followed the instructions properly.
  20. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    It does, yes. In technical terms it tells Arma that you are civilian (or a "captive" in Arma's engine, which basically means civilian which can revert to a side), as long as all the disguise conditions are met.
  21. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Mantia, apologies for the delay in my response, yes it works in MP dedicated scenarios. Also, quick update on the plans for the script: in my next pass, I'll likely put in some kind of activation timer to prevent the script from remaining active if a player dies while calling it etc. Some other requested features are Failures (sometimes the missile misses) Mixing bombs and missiles (this may complicate things but is certainly possible) Increase accuracy of missile tracking (should be good - I'll do more testing. The tradeoff here is performance so more calculations per second = more CPU intensive). I'll look into these as and when I get back into Arma depending on their popularity, so if you have an opinion, express it! Happy christmas and new year everybody!
  22. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Mantia, can you turn debug mode on in the setup and let me know what it says? The chances are, you're wearing a prohibited item or it's not initialising properly but I can't figure out what's going wrong without the debug info. It works without any dramas in every scenario I've set up (I've done quite a few to test) so I know it works, it may just be that I've overlooked something silly in the setup instructions.