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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Isn't there anything you would have to do before testing?
Yes. Pray for an early release of new F-16 ;)

Can we haz texture template so we can paint it bl... I mean, the Polish ones? Or did I miss somethin'?

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Sorry, i don't have texture templates. Besides that, didn't knew that Poland used/uses Su-24.

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isn't there anything you would have to do before testing?

fapfapfapfapfapfap ;)


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Myke;1891119']Sorry' date=' i don't have texture templates. Besides that, didn't knew that Poland used/uses Su-24.[/quote']

We don't. But would look cool. :D

And I think it was about F-16? Am I right?

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Yep, I meant the F-16 ones.

I think You mentioned them sometime ago, but... You know, 74 pages? ;)

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Ah yes, i think i remember. The actual version is WIP, for the available i don't have templates, sorry.

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Nice looking skin, was looking for a russian version of this plane.

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Myke;1891119']Sorry' date=' i don't have texture templates. Besides that, didn't knew that Poland used/uses Su-24.[/quote']

And Libya did too.... until both were downed ;)

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Very nice work Myke, as always :)

I have a question for you : would it be possible to have a CDF version too ? It would be a nice addition. I don't know what you decided with wld427, but he made a very nice CDF skin for it, would be great to see it again !

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iran also uses the su24, In great job as always

which fled from Iraqi during Operation Desert shield on 1991.

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I have a question for you : would it be possible to have a CDF version too ? It would be a nice addition. I don't know what you decided with wld427, but he made a very nice CDF skin for it, would be great to see it again !

+ 1 for that!!!

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Simply config for a retex variant based upon this Su-24:

class YourFancyClassname: OneOfMyClassnames {
	faction = BIS_TK;
	crew = "TK_Soldier_Pilot_EP1";
	typicalCargo[] = {"TK_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {

This is for the takistani paint scheme (dark'ish brown/green), for the lightblue russian scheme, you may use these colors:

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {

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Glad it got released. Nice job.

Its only been 1.5 years since I backed down on my release of it because the RACS mod was going to release ...................

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Congrats to the release Myke.

I had an error message while i was testing.

Warning Message: Cannot open object glt_missilebox\glt_kab500l\glt_kab500le_fly.p3d

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Congrats to the release Myke.

I had an error message while i was testing.

Warning Message: Cannot open object glt_missilebox\glt_kab500l\glt_kab500le_fly.p3d

Aye, this is related to the Missilebox. Expect update during this week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Great job on the release Myke. I've long been awaiting the arrival of a Su-24 to the conflict.

Edited by RedDragon

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Myke;1891263']Simply config for a retex variant based upon this Su-24:


Thanks for the reply and the explanation Myke (but i doubt my skill will permit me to do this' date=' unfortunately...)

In fact i was saying that it would be great that you'd use wld427 an EddyD nice CDF textures to make a CDF variant. Of course it will need their approval (i'm pretty confident in this, unless wld427 wants to release it by his own). Please don't take it as a demand, but as an humble suggestion... If it is too much work or that you don't want to put energy on it, of course it will be completely understandable and not a problem at all ;)

...and sorry for my bad english !

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oh nice released Myke

I think still have su24 template some where in my system ,let me look first .

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Myke, do you mind this getting ticketed for ACE 2?

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Myke, do you mind this getting ticketed for ACE 2?

Care to elaborate? I know ticketing from Bugtrackers so i don't get the point...if there is a problem with it, just write it down here.

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Quite enjoying the su-24... A few things I noticed..The wheel well doors shut before the wheels retract... Ground handling is very stiff (Although that wouldnt suprise me if its like that irl. Would be nice if you could fold the wings up..

Other than that Panthera got a pounding...

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