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Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

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Here are some observations/ideas that I'd like to throw in.

-IR Lasers seem to have a limited range, when in fact they go as far as any normal high power laser does. (Would also be nice for the laser to have 2 modes, 1. always on 2. on for 3-4sec)

- For vehicles like the BTR-40, should be allowed to button/unbutton the drivers shield at will, not only when you turn the vehicle on/off.

- BTR-60, allow the driver/commander to view through the normal drivers hatches as well as the view ports.

- 3D interiors on all vehicles that don't have them....best one I've seen so far is the AAV and the BTR-90. Although only the BTR-90 gunner can get out of the optic view. Make all other vehicles like this.

Just some thoughts/suggestions. :)

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All I'm saying is that the current limitations seems to bring some balance to the game, which is needed especially on the public arena. If you don't want this balance, find a closed community that uses addons that remove these restrictions. They'll most likely have their own guidelines preventing you from being the sniper medic with tons of equipment even if it was possible due to the addons.

In Domi you can carry two guns if you want, easy to script, but also easy to prevent just by turning the feature off. With builtin it would be hard to restrict. I as mission maker should be allowed to set the parameters under which the mission should be played (solve the mission under the given rules). Without any form of penalty to carrying two guns (in ACE at least you have weight and fatigue), well, I'm at least seeing nothing but problems with it.

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I hear you CG, and i agree. But i dont want the restrictions

Like no ace system at all. And as you say

the weight and fatigue is an important system..

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Well, I'm just getting into it, but I've already noticed a few things:

1) The L137 has two seats, but only seats one. Has the option to "get in anywhere" but there is no where else to get in. Silly 3rd party conversions are silly.

2) related to above: Instead of providing useful feedback, like "No can do" or "unable to comply," or even "I'm givin' her all she'll take, captain, but she'll nay go there!" the AI has a tendency to run off when confronted with a situation. My would be co-pilot ran out of the airport and up the road without saying a word.

3) The game continues to provide a dust effect for the ponds. Check out the dam... One side, water particle effect, other side, dust. Change the values in the config file already, it's a simple fix.

4) How about an in cockpit announcement every time you get into an airplane "Your attention please, this is your game engine speaking. Why don't you simply take one of our many well-detailed, 3rd party-designed, wheeled vehicles, because by the time you actually get airborne, you will have used up a third of the map. Seriously, by the time you cruise down the taxiway and roar down the main, Hakim's cab will have beaten you to your destination. Thank you and have a nice day."

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Class BTR60_TK_EP1, line "hiddenSelections[] = {};" should read "hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"};"

£50 says I'm the first person to noticed this, and another £50 says the next 5 posters won't have any idea what this means :p

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Some vehicles in OA have seats that cant be boarded, something that hampers their exspected usability quite a bit.

Takistani Army Landrover M2 HMG...that pretty good modeled seat behind the driver seat cant be boarded.

Takistani Army L-39ZA second seat in Cockpit is modeled but not boardable.

the same issue is with some of the Strykers CV,MEV,MGS,MC all have more crew places as depictet in game.

In case of the MC the mortar is also not functional.

btw...the old OFP model of the M16A2 M203 is so outdatet that it should had ben replaced back in Armed Assault, the ironsights look just horrible. The FN FAL ironsight model could need a bit work too.

Edited by Beagle

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Remove that freaking Securom... dont wanna have a dvd in my pc all the time (deleteing paul.dll dont work). Now Im using the betas

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Class BTR60_TK_EP1, line "hiddenSelections[] = {};" should read "hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2"};"

£50 says I'm the first person to noticed this, and another £50 says the next 5 posters won't have any idea what this means :p

Since I'm #3 and know what it is... where I can collect my money? :p

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Since I'm #3 and know what it is... where I can collect my money? :p

Sure, 50EGP is approximately 8.75USD, I should warn you though, my bank charges foriegn accounts $10 for transactions :p

(What, you didn't think I meant pounds sterling, did you?)

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A suggestion.Make the W/S keys to act just like the A/D keys when you press down one of the lean keys Q/E.Its very clumsy to move when leaning.I know people wanna lean and walk straight but that rarely happens in real life.Just lean your head and tell me what your body wants to do...it wants to sidestep in that direction.

BI is this possible?Would make it much easier to get to corner and peek around without the crazy finger wrestling we do now.Press lean and W now sidesteps in direction you are leaning and S moves opposite

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For patch 1.53:

1 Make slider for vehicle/unit view distance

2. Make proper thermal signature to arma2 units.

I be happy with these alone....

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A suggestion.Make the W/S keys to act just like the A/D keys when you press down one of the lean keys Q/E.Its very clumsy to move when leaning.I know people wanna lean and walk straight but that rarely happens in real life.Just lean your head and tell me what your body wants to do...it wants to sidestep in that direction.

BI is this possible?Would make it much easier to get to corner and peek around without the crazy finger wrestling we do now.Press lean and W now sidesteps in direction you are leaning and S moves opposite

Um, why? Just double tap Q or E to lock in your lean and then you can adjust all day long with A and D without worry.

These are ALL MISSION ISSUES. NOT something that is Bohemia's problem. If you want those features, then either edit warfare, or request those features from somebody who makes warfare missions. DON'T request that Bohemia fix something they didn't make.

BIS did make the module genius. This is not a mission issue but a module issue and that's at the config level.

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Because I forget to unlock it and run away with head tilted sideways.

remap your controls then...

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* Fix the lighting at night (too bright/too colourful).

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* Fix the lighting at night (too bright/too colourful).

download the beta patch, apparently fixed it.

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Almost everything I'd like has already been mentioned, so I'll just ask for some more SecOP's mission types.

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Fix mostly all land vehicle physics....sucks when you move a MHQ and it flips on a bush....and Make bushes easier to run over...cars get stuck on small little bushes and drop from 90 to like 20 mph....

And just make the game run smoother..... :)

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I agree with:

Please BIS add a proper working bomb fall line to the HUD.

It is hard to do manual bomb drop without the proper hud. If you want to support units by bombing a buildings with enemys or something else you cant target, it's almost always a miss without a fall line.

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Please in the nearest major patch, please add the Operation Arrowhead features to the vanilla ArmA II stuff. I mean, for example you can't use a backpack with a USMC soldier. The M16s are missing lasers, even though they have an AN/PEQ-2. Or the Viper (SuperCobra) hasn't got TI.

The patch would be for users who have Combined Operations, I mean A2 and OA.

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Option in the server controls to change the viewdistance on mutiplayer, its really idiotic how its set to like 1km when playing with one friend in Cooperative mission i made in the editor.

Please add this option where the admin/host can change the maximum VD allowed and not the game dictating to us.

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Option in the server controls to change the viewdistance on mutiplayer, its really idiotic how its set to like 1km when playing with one friend in Cooperative mission i made in the editor.

Please add this option where the admin/host can change the maximum VD allowed and not the game dictating to us.

This is done by the mission maker.


You can even make it changeable ingame:


And you can make it as a parameter in the mission server lobby. :)

So there is really no need for this.

Edited by Kanelbolle

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In 1.53 they should fix the Czech and KSK voices plus add heat/thermal/IR signatures for A2 content.

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