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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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Nice to know that dialoge still works in this world of wars :)

Keep up the good work both of you and dont let this drain your motivation. There are lots of players, me included that are greatful for the hours you guys put into making Arma life more fun yet simpler :cool:

Edited by Sjaba

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I think then with every Run of SixUpdater the manuall copied mods are deleted or ?

And when i make an @lingor_with_addons folder myself then more disk space is used because i have the sixupdater version and my version with all addons.

Personally i like it also more to have all neccessary addons in the main folder of the island. But i understand the mention to save disk space and bandwith.


You could put it in e.g @lingor_with_addons, and then go to SU Mods tab, and set the @lingor mod as disabled. Or even leave it as @lingor, and disable it in SU in any case.

However I'd argue against it, for diskspace, bandwidth and especially duplication of addons over multiple modfolders can be hell to pay, especially in MP, especially with signature protection :O

And with appropriate tools (launcher/SU/maybe .bat file), it is rather manageable. But to each his own of course :)

In any case if you would like to talk some more about it, perhaps we should do that in SU thread and not bother Ice with it :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Regardless of the problem between Icebreakr and other people, I just want to know when I can expect the new release of Lingor and the units, so that I can continue my campaign. And I think some people are wondering too.

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I hope I can arrange my time to complete it this week. Can't say for certain, but my deadline is Thursday. If I won't be able to pull it off, release during the weekend or shortly next week, along with MP event.

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5. We did, but then didn't know that brg_africa is different. Its strange, because I think the file is used since v1.3 on, released many months ago.

Hi Icebreakr

They are definitely different:

v 1.3: brg_africa.pbo 39,926,617 bytes last modified 23 May 2011; Md5sum: 1cfead36c184bb24e2a81ee55f2615fb

v1.337: brg_africa.pbo 39,925,486 bytes, last modified 11 August 2011; Md5sum: 4fcf29323463802ceb594172cb10a2ed

If I might help with beta-testing units, please let me know.



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Known and still open issues:

- 08160684 - Where the two roads join the AI bunch up or drive off the bridge, doesn't make a difference if in a group or a single.

- 07040672 - Same As Above

- Add Backdoor and Roof Entrance into bank Building to allow Swat Actions with Fast Ropes and Ladders (probably third party addon, just an idea)

- Most Cities have no Church/Graveyard

Other stuff fixed:


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Hi IB!

We had a great coop game on Lingor yesterday! Thank you for your outstanding work!

Just a thing...Few players couldn't see lingor units in map if They launched the mods in two different folder (@Lingor;@Lingor_units), no problem instead if they launched Lingor adding the units pbo inside Lingor main folder...

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There is a strange shadow bug with the small door of those hangars - looks strechted. If you can paint those hangars with no image texture it would look imo much better. Maybe just like washed out green/grey/black color? Take your time to make a trip around and through Lingor with some AI to see where they go/drive weill and where they have some problems. Btw didn't test the rivers and how good the AI can get through via CRRC.... would be nice for some surprising maneuvers. Don't forget to make an tourist advertising video perhaps with El Presidente and his nice wife + daughter? :)

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Some new river plant's and water color with the stream give green or brown look. there is very nice stream to use, very cool feel like ranger training. Need some swamps. I love to try a air boat. The us millitary love to train in the swamp. lol

Thank you and your family, great work.

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@IceBreakr, Sickboy, and all the great mod creators out there

Thanks again for all your hard work and being willing to hash everything out for the sake of compatibility. You guys are the reason the OFP/ArmA series is what it is today in all its variety/flavors. :)

I've recieved complains that too many civilians spawn. What do you suggest MadRussian? Guys?

Here's my take. From a mission creator's perspective:

As far as ALICE2 goes, on a mission-by-mission basis, we can easily adjust global population count via mainscope "civilianCount" variable.

Separately (also on a mission-by-mission basis), we could add additional population centers via mainscope "townlist" variable. For those who are familiar with ALICE2, adding population centers for each mission is slightly more complicated, but doable. However, I suspect that most folks would like to simply place the module on the map, and be done with it.

Therefore IMO, a better solution is to include every town as a population center on the map itself. Then if folks want less ambient civilians, it's easy. They just add a single "civilianCount" line to their ALICE2 module. You could go a bit above and beyond, creating a special official "ALICE2 - Linger" module, with the reduced population "civilianCount" line built in. Then people have a choice, more civilians (vanilla ALICE2), or a bit more sparsely populated (ALICE2 - Linger). Choose one and place one of them on the map... done.

In any event, I really think we're better off with all the population centers on the map.

What do you guys think?

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FYI, citycenters arent the only issue here. Civilians will only spawn from houses that ALICE thinks are 'livable', meaning it either has a named position on its model of "AIDoor..." or "AISpawnPos...".

On Lingor, this is an issue. On my mission "Lost", i dont use ALICE's strict parameters and as such, i do my own civilian spawning and allow much more buildings, including new ones that ICEbreaker uses on the island, such as ones in ibr_plants addon and such to be designated livable.

Icebreaker can add all the citycenters he wants but the civvie population is restricted by this house limitation as well.

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Agreed, but IMO having citycenters (one per town) is at least the foundation for the majority of population solutions people will likely use. Might want to leave them off of the towns on the fringes of society, to act as ghost towns, etc.

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Agreed, but IMO having citycenters (one per town) is at least the foundation for the majority of population solutions people will likely use. Might want to leave them off of the towns on the fringes of society, to act as ghost towns, etc.

Agreed I just want people to understand why, if they do add in citycenters they might still notice no civilians.

Oh and I might add that lingor is a marvelous map and I have had a ball playing my mission all over it. Thanks Ice!

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just found a pice of wall standing around in the jungle near reserch lab 101 at grid 043067 is that supposed to be there ???

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@short_German, Ice know about this, i tell him few days ago :) you can see this in changelog now ;)

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I wonder if any Life mods will adopt the island after I listened to them and removed several buildings in central Maruko for them to put down custom buildings via missions?

v1.338 is coming this week. I'm still not sure about Lingor Units v1.338... aiming for tommorow, but hours just fly :/

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Good, but maby wait a units and realise full and lite versions in one time? :)

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I wonder if any Life mods will adopt the island after I listened to them and removed several buildings in central Maruko for them to put down custom buildings via missions?

v1.338 is coming this week. I'm still not sure about Lingor Units v1.338... aiming for tommorow, but hours just fly :/

Take your time Icebreakr, there is only so much one person i can do. Im sure the community will understand, real life has to come first.

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Could someone post the lingor flag texture in paa format? I want to use it with Pooks Improved BRDM-2 units.

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Could someone post the lingor flag texture in paa format? I want to use it with Pooks Improved BRDM-2 units.

You should be able to get them with the following paths;


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Jocko-Flocko: FYI - hcpookie's BRDM2s are planned to be included for ARL and police FEA.

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IceBreakr, thanks for the amazing work. One question please about the planned opening ceremony - have you got any news for us on that? At least some aprox. timeframe - I assume it will be after 1.338 & 1.338 units get released? Looking forward to it :)

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Yes, shorty after the v1.338 release. I'm still not happy with all the units,... will test them out with my team and FHW tonight again.

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