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Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

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On release all weapon sounds were instant. Then they fixed it completely and then broke it partially. So they have to know it's a bug.

Ticket needs more votes and obnoxious email and PM reminders.

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@BIS : it would be incredibly helpful to have some kind of status update on the issue with AI being stuck in "combat"/"danger" mode whenever they know of enemies, a behaviour introduced in the pre-1.05 betas and someone baked into the official 1.05 patch despite being thoroughly discussed in this thread. I think this is the most relevant ticket at dev-heaven. It's currently all but impossible to break contact with the enemy, and it's also very annoying when the enemy decides to retreat and your guys stay in danger mode until they forget about the enemy (which takes a long, long time).

+1 on this! This bug is still very much alive and really takes the steam out of SP enjoyment when it happens. As it is, I've waited up to 15 minutes for my guys to "clear" their heads.

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+100 Its frustrating that the bug has been there already over 4-5 months and no fixes has been made to fix it after it first time arrived in early 1.05 beta. Its really ruining the fun especially in SP missions.

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

I reproduced the slow AI problem in test mission. Player group is immortal to demonstrate the problem in easiest way. Just run away from the enemy as fast you can for at least 300-500m and you can see that your whole group is left much behind.


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What the hell happened to the good feedback we got before 1.05 was released??

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probably gearing up for OA...my guess is they're working on that and trying to incorporate fixes from this version.

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probably gearing up for OA...my guess is they're working on that and trying to incorporate fixes from this version.

That could very well be the case, but if they just left a post here explaining that it would save a lot of frustration and bitching :)

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there was another issue on devheaven wich was set to be fixed that date wich is "soon"...

and OA is also coming "soon" so i tought 1+1 is 2,

could be the release date for OA...

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They are still waiting for your feedback regarding this patch, since you fail to give any we all suffer from the "no patch syndrom".........its all your fault!!!!!!

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+100 Its frustrating that the bug has been there already over 4-5 months and no fixes has been made to fix it after it first time arrived in early 1.05 beta. Its really ruining the fun especially in SP missions.

damn this is very very bad news for me and my friend, we are mainly fans of coop/sp missions in ARMA2 and loved the campaign.

However the numerous bugs made it a bit hard to play and we decided to wait for some patches, we finished Manhattan mission which was a lot of fun.

Now I hear of this AI / Team breaking bug in SP missions, looks like we wont be able to go back to ARMA2 campaign for a while yet :(

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Bounding Overwatch feature is overriding too many other features and its implementation was completely wrong. Sorry to those who like it and to those who made it but it just simply is not good enough. The way it takes over everything in the existing system is just so wrong headed its scary. What other things will be removed or overridden next? What will OA AI be like then?

I can now see it as a problem inside the group data object in this game. As long as the group has more than one member and there is enemy detected the group will use this feature and will refuse to accept any orders either from scripting commands or squad orders by the human player. Think about it, an AI squad can go from 12 units to 4 units, losing two thirds of its strength and still press the attack. If I want them to retreat I have to destroy the group and take up resources just to work around this great "feature". This is completely unacceptable implementation in my view. It seems nice within its own goals and I like what it is trying to bring to the game, but it has been forced upon the users and essentially nullifies far too many features and methods allready in the game. It becomes a serious hindrance and a problem for anyone trying to enjoy the game with AI scripting commands or simply being an effective squad leader and wanting your team to move/board/heal when you tell them to.

The only way for units to break out of bounding overwatch is for them to leave the group and become an individual unit again with no buddy to cover. Perhaps the high command module over rides the feature and we can use HC with a bunch of single player groups as a workaround? Ridiculous. Perhaps this AI mod feature will fix the issue yet again? No, BIS needs to fix this. Its enough allready, BIS needs to fix this......

No more AI mod "fixes" from the community. BIS fix it at the core of the program so those AI modders can focus on actually making cool things and not fixing everything under the sun.

The community of scripters and players wants their Arma2 AI squad back and we hope that a change like this to the AI never happens again. If a new AI feature is presented there should be a way to turn it off if the scripter so wishes. A squad leader in game should be able to lead his squad, not a new AI feature leading the squad for us! There may be some that enjoy the new feature, but there are many others who would like to disable it so that the AI can act in a more reliable and predictable manner. Of all the fixes and improvements to the game this AI change was not needed in my view. The sad truth is that we would be better off without it, but if it must stay it should be re set to be a low level priority function that the AI uses only if there is no other commands given to it either from the squad leader in game or from code that is using AI scripting commands.

Edited by TJ72

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Can you explain what the Bounding overwatch feature is? How it works, or how its supposed to work? What does it make the AI squad do? etc? I havent played the Campaign or much since 1.04

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Perhaps the high command module over rides the feature.

If only.

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Can you explain what the Bounding overwatch feature is? How it works, or how its supposed to work? What does it make the AI squad do? etc? I havent played the Campaign or much since 1.04

google is your m8

it is mine....

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ----------

all we need is normal/high speed bounding overwatch with responsive team members...

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What the hell happened to the good feedback we got before 1.05 was released??

What do you mean? People posting here being negative, or BIS not posting responses?

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The auto-combat behavior is discouraging, especially because beta patch testers were insisting that it was killing squad control and SP before 1.05 was ever released. On all other points, BIS has been incredibly responsive.

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What do you mean? People posting here being negative, or BIS not posting responses?

BIS gave us much respons before x-mas, then they suddenly stopped without warning.

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BIS gave us much respons before x-mas, then they suddenly stopped without warning.

Probably because they fixed most of the gameplay-breaking bugs already and are busy working on OA atm. Or they're slowly recovering from their new-year parties :D

But yea, a little news would be re-assuring

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High command in Arma 2 has never been capable of getting infantry squads to manoeuvre once they are engaged in combat. Move orders by a high commander are ineffective for the same reason that squad commander move orders are. When a squad commander tells all the squad to disengage the squad will move slowly to the next waypoint, but there is no way to make them move rapidly. Injured soldiers are a problem because the squad will only move as fast as the slowest member. It would be good to have an order that gives the command of a squad to the highest rank unit in the best condition with respect to mobility. Another order could be “Don’t wait for Injured/damagedâ€, which would apply to all move commands, which would require a “Do wait for Injured/damaged†command to switch it off. This command would need to available at squad and high command level.

Currently a squad can be ordered to move slow, normal and fast in high command. These orders have no effect once the squad is engaged (all movement is very slow). The disengage command probably also needs to be available at high command level.

All this makes high command much less fun, because troops cannot be manoeuvred once near the enemy. Any battle requires manoeuvre, because otherwise it is not possible to use effective tactics.

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I think the last time we had a long silence from BI patch dep. was right before the huge 1.05 patch. So perhaps we got something good coming up now.

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As someone who came to Arma2 around the time of the release of the 1.05 patch, would it be worth re-installing and going back to 1.04 if you exclusively play single-player? I really, really hate how my soldiers won't follow any of my orders once enemy are sighted (unless I repeatedly order them to disengage, which works inconsistently at best) and feel it's almost a SP game-breaker at this stage. I'm amazed it's been months and hasn't been fixed now in a beta, so I'm trying to find some way to reduce the frustration factor.

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BIS should have fixed this issue with a new beta patch long ago. Its not possible for players to enjoy the 1.05 because your soldiers wont follow what you are saying. I think they are waiting for 1.06 to do so, but please, do it now.

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