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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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If ACE2 wasn't this good we wouldn't be bothered. Hell, if we could simply use the very first ACE2 public beta release we'd happily all wait for ACE2 Final.

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For those with complaints about turret rotation speeds, we think we have found the culprit :D

Please vote: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7306

@[CAS] Daniel;

Naturally if you do not have a way to all be at the same version, you will have to use other means.

Some communities use the YAS addonsync, others stick with the milestone releases that are available as 7z's (The Beta 1 is already available since weeks, and the Beta 2 soon will be).

Some even adjust their strategy and actually do find ways to fit into the update schedule.

All info you ask for is already out there aswell:




And announced and explained (incl argumentation) well before the release.

Our documentation and software has been evolving extremely fast in only 2 weeks,

and Things are finally working out

Anyway, specific Server update info and tips

Edited by Sickboy

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Hi, just played the ACE 2 mod on warfare server, few things.

a) Things tend to go real bright after a transition from map, and I cannot get rid of it until I respawn.

b) my units are forming on the wrong guy, they will form on 2 or 3 instead of me, I know this was an old bug that's still in the system, but its worse now with 1.05.

I'm not sure these are just related to Ace tho.

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Daniel;1523179']SIX Updater has ruined Christmas. :(

Was there no way of keeping the updates private until a few had been accumulated? Or having set milestone updates people can revert to instead of being strung to the daily latest update?

We haven't had a single squad night with everyone on the same version. When someone updates their ACE' date=' everyone else then has to, which usually puts us past the version on the server, which we don't have direct access to. It's actually becoming a joke.

This close from just scrapping ACE2 in R2.5. :/[/quote']

Forgive me, but am I being thick thick here? A squad is usually organised in the sense that there's communication back & forth between members... So if you have a dedicated server the admin would surely put the current ACE version in the servers description & message all members that their version of ACE might need updating... I sense your fustration, but people usually moan of lack of updates, but when there's regular updates people still moan :j: If people can't be bothered to check if ACE's updated each day then their not real gamers, at least that's my opinion

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So if you have a dedicated server

As I said, we don't have direct access to it. It's complicated, but basically the alternative for a server of this quality would cost us a lot of money. Couldn't agree more on the lack of updates principal, that's why it's so frustrating! ACE is awesome, the dedication the ACE team has is awesome. It's not a case of our members not updating enough, it's a case of them updating past our server with no way of getting back.

I'll see about getting more control over our server and quit moaning here, it's more of a rant and isn't exactly productive.

@Sickboy, Much appreciated mate, will look into some of those. Think it's more do with our server situation though.

Edited by Daniel

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Do you have planned or will it be possible to create a command engine that would give better control over subordinate units? Chain of Command use to have a really neat command engine, that gave someone who liked controlling subordinate units like myself, the ability to do so and at the same time the player could manipulate it to his own needs.

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Thanks Daniel and others!


Do you have planned or will it be possible to create a command engine that would give better control over subordinate units? Chain of Command use to have a really neat command engine, that gave someone who liked controlling subordinate units like myself, the ability to do so and at the same time the player could manipulate it to his own needs.

CoC CEX is indeed a master piece!

We currently have no plans for a similair system, but if i'm not mistaken, ArmA 2 comes with high-command module, and improved commanding.

I have no experience with those though really, are they insufficient or otherwise broken? (Might be something that can be done by either CIT report or modification?).

In any case, I would check in with CoC to see if they are planning a release for ArmA 2.

I'm not sure if it fits in the scope of ACE. Altough having it on the updater system, ready to deploy next to ACE, does sound like a great thing to look forward to! :)

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Thanks Daniel and others!

CoC CEX is indeed a master piece!

We currently have no plans for a similair system, but if i'm not mistaken, ArmA 2 comes with high-command module, and improved commanding.

I have no experience with those though really, are they insufficient or otherwise broken? (Might be something that can be done by either CIT report or modification?).

In any case, I would check in with CoC to see if they are planning a release for ArmA 2.

I'm not sure if it fits in the scope of ACE. Altough having it on the updater system, ready to deploy next to ACE, does sound like a great thing to look forward to! :)

Yes indeed it would be. I have written a few CoC guys, but no response. I cant imagine why they would not release a CEX for ArmA2.

Ok then so how about new formations? ArmA has the leader leading from the front (which is not accurate). How bout some capability to assign formations with the pointman taking point? Or even can make a '360' formation for security halts.

Oh and by the way I hate the ArmA2 High Command, but am forced to use it because there is nothing out there.

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Lol you need a bot that posts installation & usage vids and all other info on every new page :)[/quote

I initially installed the first release of ACE2 from armaholic.

After playing with that, I decided I needed to get the updated versions.

I found a post here that had like 4 or 5 simple steps to installing the six updater, and after doing that, and renaming my original ACE mod folders, everything has been smooth since.

I am thinking of updating my (test) linux server using rsync (as rsync is native unix stuff), and sharing out my arma2 directory from XP so I can update both at the same time.

The idea is good, but the details may be ugly. If I get a chance to put that together Ill squawk here.

Heck Im having too much fun /playing/ the game with ACE 2 to be actually working on a sync'd server/client scheme.

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Really glad to read about people coming up with creative ways to use the available systems!

Here's some accumulated information and Dr Pulp's linux script, maybe it is of use to you.

Looking forward to your progress!

I hope everyone's settled for x-mas, and ready for the next Milestone Release, this Friday, usual ACE Patch Time!

Looking at the tracker and the posts in here, I think we can safely say that the ctd's and issues with 1.05 have been resolved.


Please setup a feature suggestion ticket with your ideas, some details and motivation, and we'll see what we can do, thanks!

Edited by Sickboy

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Hey guys, just updated ace with the updater... got my uh1y back in the air list but now the Apache is missing from the list... has this been reported?

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Hey guys, just updated ace with the updater... got my uh1y back in the air list but now the Apache is missing from the list... has this been reported?

Apache is a US Army helicopter... look in ACE US ARMY AIR

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

oops... man this thread has a lot of traffic!:)

---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

talking about Apache... I noticed that there were some changes in ACE_helicopter_sounds today in the update, did that include RH helicopter sounds? I heard that ACE would use his helicopter sounds? is it true?

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A.C.E. Mod Beta, Update #9 Released!

Click here for details and release notes

Sorry for the 30 mins delay; we had to hotfix.

Thanks Jman for the mirror as always, and the spot on note :D

Welcome back in town Manzilla (banana) :D


Sorry but screens in that manual are not working, and adding -u in shortcuts prevents my six updater from runing. I am not able to fix it like that. Can you please tell me more?

And please note that I had not this problems 3 days before.

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Guys just to clarify, I have just completely removed all my old ACE files from my install, and am now installing again using the Six Updater Method.

Will I automatically have the latest update, or will I need to install that myself?


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Anyone here noticed that you can't lock onto anything with the hellfire missiles? I even tried the gunner seat, the hellfire just goes straight.

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Just wanted to say that amongst the issues that crop up with any mod release, some of us are having alot of fun with this.

Bloody good job to everyone on the ACE2 team, this is an excellent project!

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I've searched through the ACE threads a fair few times and although finding similar posts, haven't found one with an issue like mine.

Basically I'm having extreme trouble trying to get the interaction menu to work. I've tried rebinding it in the userconfig file many times, reinstalled ace, changed my keyboard layout to US. I have no idea why it isn't working

Anyone able to help at all?

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Noticed a draw back with removing ranging of space button. The problem of not getting range when sitting in a combat heli or tank etc. Im sure this is hard to solve, but it makes you feel even more techincally challenged since ARMA2 fighting vehicles already are very simple.

Could a laser be put in and range show up somewhere on the screen while lasing? Same way as the laser designators and vector range binos maybe?


Are the hellfires laser guided only in the ACE update? I cant seem to lock them from any helicopter. I can lock when my AI is gunner but the hellfires miss - they fly forward. When i go manual fire i cant lock anything with them.


Edited by Alex72

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I'm missing the range info too. I have range info enabled to counter the fact that I'm playing on a 2D limited resolution monitor, and rely on having that spacebar range info to give me an idea of what I'm looking at. And in particular to help me with firing grenades.

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Noticed a draw back with removing ranging of space button. The problem of not getting range when sitting in a combat heli or tank etc. Im sure this is hard to solve, but it makes you feel even more techincally challenged since ARMA2 fighting vehicles already are very simple.

Why would you need to have range set on lock on target? For now i guess this will have to do until a proper FCS is implemented.

Are the hellfires laser guided only in the ACE update? I cant seem to lock them from any helicopter. I can lock when my AI is gunner but the hellfires miss - they fly forward. When i go manual fire i cant lock anything with them.


this has been fixed, yes, it was set to laser lock only by mistake

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