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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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Well you can use RH'ers 416 addon which works great, except for the fact that you cant use CQB... so hopefully the wizards at ACE will implement this sooner rather than later. And yes that updater is a da shitz

Is there anyway we can get the beta patch to be updated as well?

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@Pauld, that's right. :) Its frustrating and hard to understand for a start. I believe sickboy will streamline the program a lot more in future.

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can someone explain what the different letters in magazines mean? for example




The T is tracer, but what are S and B?

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all three mods are selected for the beta preset, and it still only does the @CBA

is it giving you any messages? are there folders already with those names?

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i get this message when connecting to a server

no entry bin\config.bin/rscmpsetup message/controls/progress.texture

eny1 know wat the hell this is:mad::confused:??

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Had a great time 2x today on TG's beta server with this. Thanks Ace Team

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Letting the updater go overnight to get all the acex stuff downloaded I got no web UI but I was ready for that (xp 64 bit users only???) dl'ed the 7z packs ran the updater once and then unpacked them into directory. Ran option 2 and have been watching it download stuff for about 4 hours since then. I am going to bed now I hope I didn't screw something up. Here's hoping I am playing by morning.

Thanks ACE, Mirrors, troubleshooters.

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Description of freeze:

I have Visa, I have followed every step, but when it goes to download it says...

Processing: c:/program files/steam/steamapps/common/arma 2/@CBA/.rsync

Calculating checksums

Trying to rsync://zeus2.zeus-community.net/rel/cba/.

And then I leave it for hours and nothing happens... ?


A few people were having this issue, the fix for this is the following:

Original thread:


File link:


What to do:

Try extracting the following file, then put the 2 files that have been unzipped into program files\Six-updater\tools\bin

And give it another spin

Right click on the Six updater shortcut, run as admin...

press 2 then enter


Before this, make sure you delete any .pid file in the six updater folder...

ake sure that the CBA folder, Ace folder and ACEX folders are ((NOT)) in your Arma 2 directory.

Put the Ace Core zipped in the six updater folder in program files

And also put the AceX zipped file in the same folder.

Delete CBA all together and let the Six updater down load it for you...

Please refer to the original install instructions for the inital stages of the set up.


Kind regards,


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i uninstalled everything and started from scratch. the updater installed the beta and cba and closed out

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Thanks again jason, I tried that suggestion 3 times in a row (doing that always makes me think of that saying, "The definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting different results" lol) to no results. Now I put the rsync folder contained in the ACE.rsync.7z folder in the modfolders and I've got the updater doing something... will report back if it's installed X.184. :D

I had the same (does not seem to be a repository) issue BigMorgan. Thanks for the idea of copying the rsync folder into ACE and ACEx folders. As deleting them did jack for me too. Now it's downloading a whole lot of stuff. Fingers crossed!

edit: hmm it seems to be re-downloading everything I already had (the .pbo's) except in .gz format. Whats with that?

And a Big Thanks to all the crew who worked on ACE2, from what I played with so far it's fricken brilliant! Great job!

Edited by 11_HARLEY_11

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A proxy to access your own computer? :o

Try, the little command prompt window that says Rails 2.3.5 needs to stay open in order for it to work.

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i uninstalled everything and started from scratch. the updater installed the beta and cba and closed out

try deleting the pid file in the updater

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Dear ACE people!

First of all let me express my deep gratitude for your amazing work,

I've been playing around with your mod non-stop for a few days now and it's absolutely stunning!

I wanna make a suggestion regarding an issue that bothers me with the game, which ACE mod hasn't unfortunately fixed (yet?)

and which still hasn't been addressed by nobody (at least that I know of ;)) -

The fact that explosive ordnance in game, e.g. mines etc. are not affected by nearby explosions,

nor are they likely to detonate when being shot upon.

Examples from real life:

.50 vs IED

Mark 19 vs IED

Now I had tried to solve this issue myself, but being a complete scripting newbie - it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere ;)

So, if any of you guys feel like this is something that can be solved easily, please go for it!

Keep up the amazing work!!!

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Any way to amke it so chutes that are left on the ground despawn after a few min? I have seen a hole mountain covered in them and it laged the hell out server.

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Hi guys. Thanks again for your work.

But ... can you turn off the markers of players by default? And to make a module that would include these markers at the request of the creator of the map?

Because now, when you play a sniper DM for example, you can look at the map and see where all the other players. This is bad.

I really hope that you do it, thanks in advance.

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Request to Xeno for the Training Grounds mission:

1) Someone mentioned HK416s, would be nice to have if they exist (have had too much fun lately to do any de-pbo'ing :D).

2) Kestrel Wind meter is missing from the crates. Or add a defatul USMC spotter class (he has one).

3) For the logged in admin, the possibility to change wind, via i.e. setWind [random 20, random 20, true]; 20,20 is a bit much for what Arma2 particle system can handle, but it gives a good indication on sniper windage, that the effect is there. Remember also severe clear days can also be quite windy ;)

4) Keep the bee sixtione ;), as a fun factor. Why delete it?

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