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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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not at my gaming PC atm, but you could try "unit" action ["ACE_GlassesBalaklava", "unit"];

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Wish ACE2 integrates RH's weapons like they did in ACE1. :) Currently unable to use CQB sights on RH weapons with ACE2.

the HK family in ACE was done in the house by Panda, and not by RH

RH HK416 are a CS:S port (and i got no prb with that). That said, the same Panda is reworking the HK family for ACE2. ETA: when it is done.

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I'm not exactly sure how this menu works. I stared straight at a wounded man and press the right and left windows key several times to no avail (nothing popped up). When I used the scroll menu, all I saw was "Heal X" which did nothing. Help?

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not at my gaming PC atm, but you could try "unit" action ["ACE_GlassesBalaklava", "unit"];

I used: this setidentity "ACE_GlassesBalaklava" and it did the trick. I must have made a mistake earlier since I already tried the setidentity command last night :D

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Wish people would at least use the search thread feature, it would be better for everyone but that's too hard I guess because they can't even be arsed to visit the documentation links in the OP.

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I like the new option to get rid of the horrible soldier voices but it is a bit too quiet now. There should be atleast some radio traffic going on. I understand that there is a Dynamic Sound AI mod which adds random shouts and stuff like that but it doesnt work with CBA. Are you guys planning to add any new sounds in the future or is there some sort of mod already out I could try?

ACE1 had several modes of this. Quiet, stealth and full. We used stealth a lot since it narrowed it down to the essentials. But the only thing i miss now is the voice from HQ (SOM) etc. The chatter i can live without, and in fact we used a total voice quietter addon when we played ArmA1 before ACE1. Reason was because we played MP where all were human players (COOP).

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Are you sure? I've been using the betty's and flashtraps often. They worked fine for me.

Some won't react to the sighting, only the tripwire. Can't remember which atm. Too tired. Been goign at it for 32 hours now... Need sleep... zzzzzzzz...

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Some won't react to the sighting, only the tripwire. Can't remember which atm. Too tired. Been goign at it for 32 hours now... Need sleep... zzzzzzzz...

Ahhhh, I guess I have noticed that. I just thought the tripwire was the only method in that case. My apologies.

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Great job with the mod. It really makes Arma 2 a better game. I just have three questions.

1. I like the new option to get rid of the horrible soldier voices but it is a bit too quiet now. There should be atleast some radio traffic going on. I understand that there is a Dynamic Sound AI mod which adds random shouts and stuff like that but it doesnt work with CBA. Are you guys planning to add any new sounds in the future or is there some sort of mod already out I could try?"

Dynamic SoundAI work, if you do as described here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76203&highlight=dsai&page=6

and if you want to activate AI radio voices use the information from: /userconfig/ace_clientside_config.

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Does ACE work with STEAM using the install instructions in the OP or am I required to take some extra steps... If so what steps are they?

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Does ACE work with STEAM using the install instructions in the OP or am I required to take some extra steps... If so what steps are they?
Sure it does. Nothing special to do: http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

Why, what's so special about STEAM? :)

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somehow ACE does cause the game CTD when starting the CAA1 mission "commander". (its a official mission from Arma1) Other missions work so far.

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ok, after a restless night itching to get back on to arma to play ace 2 mod, have to say after careful reading and updating works perfect love the gagets, download and install was outstanding, thanks again and i'm looking forward to the med kit was my fav last time round!

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Sure it does. Nothing special to do: http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

Why, what's so special about STEAM? :)

Thanks but I managed to do it the hard way ;). It's just finishing installing now... I was just wondering if I needed a special launch property like or whether I just booted ARMA up like normal through STEAM...

Any way I can tell if the mods working?

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Thanks. Just a little unhappy that the Armaholic mirror wasn't proper now have to wait till tomorrow to re-download the whole thing.:k::k::k:

The Armaholic mirror is proper, only people who do not read get in troubles.

As posted in our news the armaholic downloadpages main download link contain the mod folders (ACE, ACEX, CBA). This way all people having troubles getting ACE installed at first could simply download the files old school way and start playing with ACE without having to bother installing and seting up the SIx Updater.

As mentioned in the news as well if you want to be able to update your ACE mod you needed to download the rsync folders seperatly (saves bandwidth to not pack them both).

Now, every download page contains 2 mirrors to the rsync folders. Download those, put them in your ACE mod folders, use the updater and you are set. Easiest method posted around I think (for those experience SIX Updater installing probs). But still, if you do not read than yes......troubles, troubles and troubles.

Owww, and the Armaholic mirrors have the smallest sized archives also from every mirror hosting the original release files, again something good which only people who read notice. All others spam this topic with all the same questions and blame the mod autors for a poor job (or anyone else).

Edited by Guest

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Oh and when you do the PRESET thing, you just add the CBA, ACE and ACEX...

I saw a bunch of other things I could add but I left them...

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ok, after a restless night itching to get back on to arma to play ace 2 mod, have to say after careful reading and updating works perfect love the gagets, download and install was outstanding, thanks again and i'm looking forward to the med kit was my fav last time round!
Nice! There have been issues and many resolved now, still a few tough ones left but making progress :)

Next week I hope to move on to taking the web-client to the next level.

Thanks but I managed to do it the hard way ;). It's just finishing installing now... I was just wondering if I needed a special launch property like or whether I just booted ARMA up like normal through STEAM...

Any way I can tell if the mods working?

Just launch the game with update options 21 - 24.

You'll get ACE right in your face during loading screens, that should be the easiest way to see :D

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may i ask why the names of the guns are not fixed yet in 184?
Because the names of the guns are fixed in 185, planned around 18:00 GMT today.

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any release date for that?
Because the names of the guns are fixed in 185, planned around 18:00 GMT today.
update options 21 - 24?? What do you mean??

Options 21 or 23.

Launcher v0.2.1 by Sickboy

WARNING: If you use Windows Vista/7 with UAC,

please make sure you run this program 'As Administrator'

----- Basic

1 - Start web-client

2 - Start updater

----- Shortcuts

21 - Start updater, --install --startgame

22 - Start updater, --install --join

23 - Start updater, --startgame

24 - Start updater, --join

----- Special

51 - Start web-client on public interface

----- Troubleshooting

100 - Install/Update Ruby

101 - Install/Update Ruby Gems

Edited by Sickboy

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He means using the updater, if you don't want to do that there should be a shortcut in your arma 2 folder if you used the updater to install with or you can make a special shortcut like for all other mods, if you need help with that, send me a pm and I'll shoot you back a detailed description.

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Crap... I clicked 1... Can I fix it somehow :|...
There is nothing to "fix". Simply run launcher action 21 or 23, to start the game.

Any other means of starting the game is up to you.

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