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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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OMG, 172 pages in two days!

Anyway, nice to have the mod in ArmA2 now!

I also had problems to install it but with the help of AddonSync 2009 and the "lazy"-fix

it now works like a charme.

Thank you guys for all your work on this!

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Its very hard to keep up with these forums so sorry if it has been asked previously. Has the nuke that infantry can carry been implemented yet? not the nuke you script to put on a plane but the one infantry can set up. If so how do i use that and where do i find it? just wanted to check it out!



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Hmm, when I got it all I did was update. For you guys new to the forum, I am not affiliated with ACE, just trying to help somewhat. Did you install . 1.9 updater?

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

Its very hard to keep up with these forums so sorry if it has been asked previously. Has the nuke that infantry can carry been implemented yet? not the nuke you script to put on a plane but the one infantry can set up. If so how do i use that and where do i find it? just wanted to check it out!



Not yet, it will be in a future release.

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I have found a serious issue, not to complain or whine. But I have discovered that CAA1 Project does not work with A.C.E. I have tried reinstalling CAA1, and I have also tried only running ACE and CAA1 mods. And they apparently do not like each other. I do come up with an error that the CAA1_p_roads are not compatible or something. Anyways hope things come out correctly, Btw... I LOVE THE MOD!!! It makes ArmA2 so intense!!! thank you!!

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Nope, no problem like that at all, it's an installation problem, I'm getting it too, and I'm not sure how it can be fixed.

Btw, I can't use the SIX updater, I'm getting a SIX updater error, "/six-Updater/six-updater.yml config missing!".

Feed it a config file :) http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

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Getting this too.

Like said above the server and client dont match. It might be you that is ahead on the server. Talk to the server admin.

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thanks for the great mod ACE team :bounce3:

1 question, is it possible to disable or lower the fiiiiiep sounds when explosion r to close etc... ? that sound kills my real ears and i dont wanna get deaf from a game.

@DeclaredEvol caa1 works fine for me, just missions from arma1 campaign seem not to work

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Getting this too.

can try our FAKK server. it is up to date (updated 20:30 CET)

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Think i found a bug with the Su-34 Fullback... when you fire the GSh-30 cannon it sounds like a missile has just been fired... kind of hard to explain just put down 1 Su-34 and fire its cannon as pilot....

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thanks for the great mod ACE team :bounce3:

1 question, is it possible to disable or lower the fiiiiiep sounds when explosion r to close etc... ? that sound kills my real ears and i dont wanna get deaf from a game.

@DeclaredEvol caa1 works fine for me, just missions from arma1 campaign seem not to work

Strange, hmm... It tells me that EnablePorto needs the file CAA1_p_Roads. And both files are perfectly intact. I suppose they guy below is right, this isn't meant to work with older files. Then how is it working for you? Did you install the A.C.E extras and core as well?

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I have two folders in my user config folder related to ACE. One has the name 'ACE' the other'ACE_1260280801' I take it the latter is the later version; and they both contain the same files. I edited the clientside_config in the 'ACE_1260280801' one, but I'm confused as to wether I'll have to do this everytime I update the game. Had no problems with the updater, nifty bit of kit in fact, saves loads of pissing about, and have played ACE without issue in the (albeit small amount) of time I've played. Great it is too:)

I've searched the Wiki and this thread so apologies if I've missed the answer.

The folder with no number string behind it is the one that's used, the others are backups because they were replaced for some reason.

I'm not sure exactly why this happens, but you should be able to just replace the new current folder with the old one if it happens again.

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I´ve had some problems with ACE CTD´ing, but I found that it wouldn´t happen anymore when removing all other mods. I´ve not been able to discern which one it is, yet. I´ve got a hunch that it is CAA1, which I´ve not updated in a while either.

On another note, I wondered if Rucksack funtionalities are only fully enabled for players? I found that when opening the gear inventory of AI soldiers, you can drop Items into the ruck, but not get them out again anymore.

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How do you install this? I downloaded a .zip and tossed it in Arma2. Nothing, it crashes and won't load. I tried following some directions but I basicly downloaded garbage that did nothing but show funny screens while I followed a list of what buttons and keys to press. Anyways you guys can get this down to the same installation as any other Arma2 mod or am I just sol? Cool idea though, I liked the first ACE.

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How do you install this? I downloaded a .zip and tossed it in Arma2. Nothing, it crashes and won't load. I tried following some directions but I basicly downloaded garbage that did nothing but show funny screens while I followed a list of what buttons and keys to press. Anyways you guys can get this down to the same installation as any other Arma2 mod or am I just sol? Cool idea though, I liked the first ACE.

The so called "Lazy Method" gets you started in no time: http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

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Thanks for the quick responce. Can't wait, you guys did great with the first one.


Out of curiosity why the complex installation? Why couldn't folders just be tossed in like most mods?

Edited by My Fing ID

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Strange, hmm... It tells me that EnablePorto needs the file CAA1_p_Roads. And both files are perfectly intact. I suppose they guy below is right, this isn't meant to work with older files. Then how is it working for you? Did you install the A.C.E extras and core as well?

May be file corruption. I loaded ACE core and it worked. one thing I did find was that the CSW have collision issues with the terrain, when you mount the gun, the whole thing sinks into the ground. All ACE features seemed to be working fine though.

You may want to ask if they can eventually incorporate CAA1 into ACE or that CAA1 be altered but like I said, they made ACE to be a stand alone mod set and other mods may or may not work with it.

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you can download patches from this link

Patch download

Just goto patches Folder!

If it does not have the patch just Keep checking it may still be uploading :yay:

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Thanks for the quick responce. Can't wait, you guys did great with the first one.


Out of curiosity why the complex installation? Why couldn't folders just be tossed in like most mods?

Due to constant updates it is easier for the installer to update the relevant files rather than you having to download the entire mod file every time.

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it was a target problem!

now i can launch arma with ace but I still have problem, there are missing titles at the menu screen

Not sure what you mean by this - noone will be able to help unless you describe the problem in a bit more detail.

The simple suggestions:

A) An example command-line (in case you're not pointing towards Ace properly)

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=beta -mod=@ace -mod=@cba -mod=@acex

Remove -mod=beta and beta\ if you're not using Arma2 beta patch.

B) Go to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACE\userconfig and copy the four files in there to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig.

Apart from this, with no other problem description, the only other suggestion would be to redownload ACE using 'the lazy method' (see post 1722). Double-check that your Arma2 install hasn't become corrupted somehow by running without any mods.

Good luck,

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Thanks for the quick responce. Can't wait, you guys did great with the first one.


Out of curiosity why the complex installation? Why couldn't folders just be tossed in like most mods?

NP. Please check Updater Suite Presentation.

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ok where the hell and how do i get the Kestrel 4500 wind meter i tried shift_K and i get the wind marker top left with the compass but no wind meter!?!?! what im doing worng

Edited by [=SFLR=]DK

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Updated to 184 without problems with six-updater. But still i can't see the textnames of some ammo. Is something wrong with my mod installation? :?

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I'm very pleased to announce the 8th rsync mirror is up and awaiting your requests! Thanks to bssnet.dk

Updated to 184 without problems with six-updater. But still i can't see the textnames of some ammo. Is something wrong with my mod installation? :?

Nice! No nothing wrong with the mod install, known bug, being worked on.

How was the update experience? Fast and without any setbacks?

Edited by Sickboy

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