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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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This is a fairly significant re-write, with the objective of maintaining extended engagements at range, improving the players possibility of covert approach...

This was the main reason I quit using this otherwise nice addon. Looking forward to give the next version another try.

Thanks for sharing!


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I actually liked the idea of it being impossible to "sneak" on the AI while what you really are doing is walking in front of his face and expecting him not to shoot you because you know his detection range is limited to X meters. If the new configs result in more realistic ability to sneak then that's cool, but if it's a simple reduction of detection range when you walk then we will again have people standing in front of AI and telling their squad to maintain walking pace so the AI stays blind even though they are right in front of them and stay in front of them in the open walking for a few minutes. Then again I don't even know if doing this properly is even possible.

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Just to clarify my personal testings.

When I do covert approaches I do not walk, I slow crawl (usually in a ghillie suit).


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F&^k! Can someone get a mirror up? I dont use Yoma, only Six Updater. What is it, like 10mb? Someone throw it up on filefront or something like that. Please, thank you.

Thanks for the update Protegimus!

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Can't wait to try this out, but (like Manzilla) I am also waiting for a mirror.


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Thank you to Hatsune Miku and foxhound at ArmAholic.com for the mirrors.

And most of all, thanks again to Protegimus for continuing this masterpiece. All I can speak for is the ACE2 version but that's a fantastic addition to the game. It's hard to play with out it.

Much respek!

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Sweetness with the mirrors! Had a friend assemble his new computer today that he bought to be able to play ArmA2, so I'm sure to take this out for a spin tomorrow!

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Does zeus work in online servers, for example warfare? As in will my ai have reduced accuracy and hearing, increased awareness when i have the addon installed and i join a server? thanks

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Looks like night ops in this version were indeed improved. The only guys without NVG who can detect you at considerable distances are snipers which isn't too realistic but ok (probably has something to do with snipers having higher sensitivity variable).

It is possible to sneak on AI too from behind if moving carefully without producing much noise. Or avoid close night patrols by taking cover if you need to sneak onto objective without being detected.

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nice update :yay:

is the sniper more effective now?

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Hey prot, I'm making a mission and I wanted some long range at/atgm engagements in open areas, but spg-9's, kornets and metis-m's can't really do long range engagements.

Hopefully you can tweak that to a more fun setting :)

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Could a few people name their diff. settings using ZeusAI or you all using whats recommended?

Find it abit hard on a few addon island where AI seem to be shooting me trough the forrest ect

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I don't think AI shooting through bushes on user-made islands has anything to do with Zeus AI. I actually play with maxed skill and while they are hard I don't find them unrealistically hard except for those specific objects that they can see through way too effectively such as certain bushes (see Razani for example - AMAZING island but the AI sees and shoots you through bushes way too often).

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the AI sees and shoots you through bushes way too often).

The principal problem of the AI in this game !! :mad:

it will be nice if this problem will be resolved but it's a dream :rolleyes: .

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Some bushes actually have a reasonable ability to block the AI's view, just not all of them, especially in some user-made islands.

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Hi Protegimus,

I did read your post in the GL 4 thread and will gladly provide my small testing mission, and do so in the Zeus thread here. Please note I had some minor mods installed when creating it; nothing exotic though, so most ArmA 2 players are likely to have these anyway.

Here comes the link


Hope it helps, for now I might give the new version of Zeus a try in this here training mission.

Thanks for your continuous effort to improve the one thing that makes even stock ArmA 2 better than any other military-oriented game: the AI.


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Touristo: many thanks, I'll take a look at it today.

For info, could you let me know what mods, skill settings, etc. you have - I want to try and rule out external factors.

Spork: Yes, Zeus AI will work on Warfare servers.

Jan.K: I understand the view block LOD's for trees aren't the same shape as the visual representation, so although you think you're concealed... As Galzohar says, different trees/bushes give you different levels of concealment and that is going to vary even more with addon islands. The other side of the coin is leaves stopping bullets and deflecting grenades/heat rounds, I suppose you could say that levels the playing field in a perverse way!

Some advice when moving is to do so slowly and ideally off axis to the direction the enemy is facing. The AI can't see through trees/bushes, but they can see you through gaps in them and if you're using Zeus AI they are more likely to spot your movement.

Mike: I'll have an update available later today with engagement ranges for the SPG-9 and Metis.


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So how does enemy accuracy with Zeus stack up to ACE2 accuracy? Is it any less?

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