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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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Yeah, I agree ACE weapons definitely have more dispersion than they should have, at least for M4A1s based on my RL experience shooting out to 300m and hitting 100% (at least when you focus properly and rest the weapon on a bipod but that only helps to put the sights on target and doesn't reduce weapon dispersion when the sights are already on target.

Is there any way to make detection simply take longer at longer ranges rather than not happen at all? That way situations such as KrAziKilla describes won't happen, as the only way to stay hidden is to be very far so that the average detection time is extremely long, or simply avoiding to stay visible for too long (and staying visible for any period will have at least *some* chance to get you detected). If possible, that would make a lot more close-to-life detection abilities for the AI.

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Somehow, tha AI still Ain't very smart. I stand right infront of a sniper on a hill 1 km away from me, and all he does is nothing but picking his nose.

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Yeah, Zeus AI increases detection range, but at very long ranges they still won't see you if you don't open fire (and at even longer ranges they'll even ignore that). Not sure if that can be fixed, though, without making the AI super-human... Protegimus, can you enlighten us whether or not a solution is even possible?

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New to ARMA - I plan to use this mod/addon - looks great - Question? If I wanted to tweak/adjust some of the ratings after DL Zeus AI....Is that okay to do so? And if so, how do I go about it?


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Somehow, tha AI still Ain't very smart. I stand right infront of a sniper on a hill 1 km away from me, and all he does is nothing but picking his nose.

Please tell me you are being facetious!



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"Right in front" means direction-wise, not distance-wise. If you can see him from 1km away, there is no reason for the addon to make him unable to see you.

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"Right in front" means direction-wise, not distance-wise. If you can see him from 1km away, there is no reason for the addon to make him unable to see you.

Argh shit. I meant to say he is facing me 1km away. My bad :P

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Question - If I DL this addon/mod and install. Do I have still have the ability to tweak the skill ratings of units / soldiers in SP? (when creating missions using this mod). I'm new to ARMA (FTR). So might be a dumb question.

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meade95: yes, Zeus AI doesn't change the editor behaviour

ray243: give us more information about your test and your expectations

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Hi Protegimus

Using the first Aid modules. I'm not anymore able to take out injured units from vehicles. Is that something that you could fix?. This happens only when using Zeus, when running vanilla I got no problems with that. Great mod, but the fact that I can't take out injured units from vehicles is a real pitty.

kind regards

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Hi Protegimus

Using the first Aid modules. I'm not anymore able to take out injured units from vehicles. Is that something that you could fix?. This happens only when using Zeus, when running vanilla I got no problems with that. Great mod, but the fact that I can't take out injured units from vehicles is a real pitty.

kind regards

I would check again nettrucker with only ACE 2 & Zeus AI loaded as I seriously doubt that Zeus is the cause of this.

Details of how you're testing this would be useful.


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Hi Protegimus

I'm not using ACE 2 for the time being and I'm using only a few 3rd party addons. CBA, Islands, VFA. I decided to check out Zeus just a couple of days ago. Very good job you did. I will test it once again because it happened the first time after I used your mod so I guess it is related to that, not sure though since noone else seems to have this problem. I gonna come back with some feedback.


edit 24/05/10:

Hi Protegimus

I did some extensive testing during the whole weekend. There’s nothing wrong with your mod (scripts). My bad and my sincere apologize. I really don’t know what happened. On Saturday I loaded one of my missions and I was play testing the same. It happened 5 times that I was unable to take out injured units out of vehicles when playing with Zeus mod. So I tried a couple of times running vanilla and everything was OK. But everytime I played with Zeus I couldn’t get them out. Yesterday I replayed the same mission a dozen times and everything was fine no problems at all.

This is really weird.:confused:

Once again my apologize your mod works well.

Keep up the good work:D

Kind regards

Edited by nettrucker
added comment

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This mod is the ONE... It's small, effective, doesn't use cba, and is easy to update trough addonsync. Ideal for servers, and clients. Great work!

However, one question Protegimus, you lose the radar in i.e. m1a1, if you have this mod active. Is this intentional?

(1.05 and no other mods, tested in the editor)

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nettrucker: thanks for testing further and thanks for posting back.

Don't know if this might help, but if you are using the BIS medic module the problem may lie with how it is being initialised. I understand you only need to link the leader of your force once to the module for it to be active for everyone on your side and the same for OpFor if you want them to be able to use it. You could also try posting in the mission section too for help in resolving it.

Birdseye: correction, zeu_cfg_core_ai_sensors module removes the radar from vehicles that don't have them available.

Move the zeu_cfg_core_ai_sensors.pbo from @zcommon\Addons to @zcommon directory to disable it.


Edited by Protegimus
Added instructions on disabling sensors module

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Hello protegimus,

can you look at the yoma server computerrepair.co.uk ? It seems to be offline. I can not check for updates since a few days.


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Hi ProtG

Over the last years i was playing only on PvP but recently i 'v decided to

have a look in SP missions.

(I m currently using ZeusAI(for ACE edition)+ACE+VFTCAS+beta)

SO...while in mission i 've noticed mainly enemy AI was having Significantly

increased capability to see my team -even covered by grass-(and almost every shot was kill) especially

in terrain height differences (lower or higher than me).

Is it something wrong?

I m sorry if that matter has already discussed before,but i didnt have the time to read all posts.

Sorry for that..and for poor use of *English :)

Edited by GiorgyGR

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AI doesn´t see gras, standart Arma issue

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AI doesn´t see gras, standart Arma issue

Or rocks, or trees, or buildings... heheheheheheheh :)

And they can't drive of fly for poop!! :rolleyes:

I wonder if this is addressed in Arrowhead ? :confused::681:

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I'd settle for AI not shooting me in the back as mine just did. :)

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Or rocks, or trees, or buildings... heheheheheheheh :)

And they can't drive of fly for poop!! :rolleyes:

I wonder if this is addressed in Arrowhead ? :confused::681:

lolz (for your comment)

and Cries for your question..

Unfortunately ..neither BIS want to believe (in official way) that A.I always had

those bad bad issues.

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I just downloaded this for ACE and have been playing with the AI on Expert....Makes it so much more realistic and provides a much greater challenge without retard AI running about the place. Good job.

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Unfortunately ..neither BIS want to believe (in official way) that A.I always had

those bad bad issues.

And what makes you think this? Just because it isn't solved doesn't mean it isn't a known issue. AI is anything but easy to make you know. One *can* make super-advanced awesome AI, but then you might only be able to have 5 AI on the entire map or your CPU will self-terminate from the overload. ;)

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And what makes you think this? Just because it isn't solved doesn't mean it isn't a known issue. AI is anything but easy to make you know. One *can* make super-advanced awesome AI, but then you might only be able to have 5 AI on the entire map or your CPU will self-terminate from the overload. ;)

Well..that's why:

(Follows small part from interview about O.A)


Question: Can the AI still aim/Target through trees ,bushes,houses,mountains...

(xxNAMExx): Nonsense


..of course the matter about i.e 5 superadvanced A.I etc.

maybe u r right :/

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