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Dragon Rising has been released

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Hi all

CM have given them selves the Marketing equivalent of AIDS.

Regards walker

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Poor bloke, a committed member disheartened


Well, he drank the k00l-aid and now is sobbing that the community is no longer what it was. Well, of course, the company screwed everybody over, and he defended that pile and they hung him out to dry. Well boo-f-ing-hoo.

He wants to know where the real milsim players went. Well they are all on here. What a piece of work. He slams Arma2, and is the poster boy for that DR pile of crap, then wonders what happend?

But on a good note, I've counted how many people have PM'd me on my Dragon Rising video's and so far, over 43 people have said, because of those video's, they avoided DR. Many said, they were going to Arma2. Those are only the peoples that said anything. So far, they have been viewed over 8 thousand times. So.... that's a good thing.:bounce3:

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Luhgnut;1489347']Well' date=' he drank the k00l-aid and now is sobbing that the community is no longer what it was. Well, of course, the company screwed everybody over, and he defended that pile and they hung him out to dry. Well boo-f-ing-hoo.

He wants to know where the real milsim players went. Well they are all on here. What a piece of work. He slams Arma2, and is the poster boy for that DR pile of crap, then wonders what happend?

But on a good note, I've counted how many people have PM'd me on my Dragon Rising video's and so far, over 43 people have said, because of those video's, they avoided DR. Many said, they were going to Arma2. Those are only the peoples that said anything. So far, they have been viewed over 8 thousand times. So.... that's a good thing.:bounce3:[/quote']

You can add my and my mate to that list. Well him at least I happen to be getting the game next week as it comes free with a new CPU.

I was thinking that the current trend to mess up the multiplayer part of the game is in fact a prelude to Pay2Play.

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Poor bloke, a committed member disheartened


Well there whole plan( heros guys) was to make money off the game... They dont play OPF1, most of the so called OPF guys there who post/moderate, dont play OPF1, and cant play A2(its to hard for them,and there H/W). And they have some sort of hate for Bis? Mostly because they thought CM where good guys?. How anybody could ever think CM was a goodguy when you see how they have treated a lot of small devs, and the whole crapping of CMR... Well all they have now is Dirt2 on PC with DX11(poor ATI giving money for the dx11..)... but Dirt2 on console is a joke now... They have a DLC biz plan. It can work if you make good games..

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I was thinking that the current trend to mess up the multiplayer part of the game is in fact a prelude to Pay2Play.

Couldn't agree more, anything for CM to squeeze more money. Money is and will always be the driving force behind the gaming industry. When the PC market was thriving, consumers wanted quality and a good bang for their buck, they got it. My library of current PC games is shrinking and the quality of console ports such as DR is absolute garbage. It's a quick fix and no depth. It's like a one nighter with a chicky and you realize when you wake up, you'd rather chew off your own arm and get away than waking her up. Then ask yourself, why did I do it...lol.

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I was thinking that the current trend to mess up the multiplayer part of the game is in fact a prelude to Pay2Play.

One of the main reasons for the success of the Original OFP and then the Arma's is the modding ability. They locked out that ability to force people to purchase their DLC. But if you look at what they put out as DLC in both DR and in Grid, you can just download it for free and not even pirating it. People just post it like any other addon.

It makes you wonder "what are they thinking?" and if they even have a clue how online gaming works at all. In the case of Grid, the DLC unlocked content that was already in the game and people already had it unlocked. So basically they paid for a cheat key.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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No sympathy for that "Hero" guy, the number of times i've seen him rip on "ArmA fanbois" or people who simply didn't buy into the hype, he's got a lot of cheek to turn around and cry about it now....

...strikes me as an egocentric attention seeking c***.

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All of the classic signs of a game past it's expiration date. Lack of community websites, addon downloads that don't work (for games that can actually be modded), empty forums, and of course the developer not working on it anymore, and moving the resources to their Old/Archive section.

Dragon Rising only needs that last step to be made into oblivion.

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As far as i'm concerned DR was never going to make it.

CM should have listened to BIS about the name, not made undelivered promises, made Dedi servers and the game should have been moddable.

I can't remember such hype about a game and watching fall so quick

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12/11 - 2nd Patch/Title Update in Development

Yeah, right. I highly doubt it's going to fix anything worthwhile. I also think that by the time it's released no one will be playing the game. And to be honest, CM have had nothing but broken promises in the course of this game's life, and I'm not taking this to be any different. Especially after this quote:

While the the 1st patch/TU was primarily put out to address priority issues immediately affecting the quality of the game


Why won't this game die already? I think DR is CM's lifeline at the moment if their economic status is as bad as it is. Perhaps the only way they can even hope to keep afloat is by fixing DR. Well, I couldn't care less. I actually hope CM go out of business.

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I's starting to think that the only reason they even patch it is to break compatibilty with user made mods so they can sell their crappy DLC. If you want the DLC, you need the new patch and can't use the mods that may add or even surpass the DLC's offerings. What a sorry state the game industry is turning into.

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I still can't believe the amount of people who should have known better who willingly funded CM's misadventure, who so badly wanted to be mislead. Everything CM released was about as creditable as Colin Powell in front of the UN security council.

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This business practice won't last long, or rather the companies that use them won't. History is full of power/money grabs and using others. Short term gain, long term significant loss.

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lol according to one guy, he played on a 32 player server lastnight. i called him out on server name and or IP.. looks like he can't deliver. must be a CM employee in the making :lol:

i know when i played BF2 i had trouble finding servers with decent pings and the last one i played was a UKA server.

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Probably the same guy that was ranting on about how good MW2 was then mentioned that he had a great 24 player deathmatch.

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I still can't believe the amount of people who should have known better who willingly funded CM's misadventure, who so badly wanted to be mislead. Everything CM released was about as creditable as Colin Powell in front of the UN security council.

Exactlly. Every inch of my body screamed "they are creators of la-la-la games, and now they try to tell you - a grown man - that they will make the best realistic combat simulator ever". :391:

I stopped believe in fairy tales long time ago... :D

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I still keep seeing the occasional post on the CM forums saying something like "Sure it's not the perfect game, but neither was the first one when it came out, but Codemasters fully supported it and released Red Hammer and Resistance"

I stopped trying, now I just pity them.

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Wow, things are really in free-fall over there, it's like CM pushed that TemplarGFX guy out front to hold the fort while they make a clean getaway out the back door...

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lol according to one guy, he played on a 32 player server lastnight. i called him out on server name and or IP.. looks like he can't deliver. must be a CM employee in the making :lol:

i know when i played BF2 i had trouble finding servers with decent pings and the last one i played was a UKA server.

If you look at that poll, I am not the only one to have been able to play on a full server. and considering the fact that you open admit you never even played the game, or opened the box. how can you judge it?

Coming on to another forum to continue to insult me is not very mature.

Wow, things are really in free-fall over there, it's like CM pushed that TemplarGFX guy out front to hold the fort while they make a clean getaway out the back door...

CM didnt ask or hint at me to hold the fort. I am just having fun poking the fundemental flaw in peoples argument regarding dedicated servers for that game. and the fact that they all get so angry just makes it even more entertaining for me.

I have called CM dispicable, down right dirty, and many other things in the past for many of there actions. people just seem to focus on my apparent fan-boyism because it goes against there opinion.

oh and hi :P

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